@Interested Sehe es wie du, seltsam wie diese kurze Aufnahme von einigen als Plus für Pistorius angesehen werden möchte, nicht aber Pistorius dokumentierte Ausraster, Drohungen und Zwischenfällen mit Schusswaffen. ;-))
Hier ein paar Ausschnitte eines Artikels bezüglich des Vids "what has love got to do with it.
"A big part of Pistorius’s defense is to portray his relationship with Steenkamp as a loving one and to portray himself as a grieving boyfriend who should be sympathized with instead of excoriated. On the anniversary of her death at his hands, Pistoriuswrote on his website, “No words can adequately capture my feelings about the devastating accident that has caused such heartache for everyone who truly loved—and continues to love Reeva.” A friend of Pistorius’s provided CNN with some photos of the pair in the weeks and months before the shooting. The photos show a canoodling couple. It’s clear that the Pistorius camp hopes the public will look at these photos and conclude that they were happy and in love and believe it’s not possible that he might have been abusing her.
Regardless of what actually happened that night, however, the pictures should be understood as irrelevant. They could show a happy couple in love, or they could be pictures of a woman in denial who is trying to convince herself that everything is okay. You can’t actually tell by looking, as a woman in love and a woman trying to convince everyone (and herself) that everything is okay look exactly the same. More darkly, that a woman loves a man isn’t really evidence against the contention that he is abusing her. After all, the reason that women stay with abusive men is that they love them. The reason women stay is they believe the abuser’s lies that he didn’t mean it when he abused, and that he won’t do it in the future."
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/03/02/the-oscar-pistorius-trial-what-s-love-got-to-do-with-it.html (Archiv-Version vom 03.03.2014)Wie du bereits erwähnt hast, es ist eine kurze Momentaufnahme und daher irrelevant. Da könnte man auch anmerken, ob die Verteidigung keine besseren Argumente hat.....