Das Anfassen der Waffe war nicht geschickt, kam aber aus dem Grunde zustande, weil die Fakten eigentlich klar schienen, ein prima facies case eben. Und seien wir ehrlich, die allermeisten Menschen, sässen bei dieser Ausgangslage, mit diesen Beweisen bereits im Gefängnis, Pistorius kann sich durch seinen Status Anwälte leisten, die ohne Skrupel lügen, Zeugen verunsichern und auf der Suche nach irgendwelchen Spitzfindigkeiten sind. Wer von den diesen Prozess verfolgenden Lesern/Zuhörern glaubt eigentlich allen Ernstes, dass die von den Zeugen beschriebenen Schreie ausschliesslich von Pistorius stammen?
Hier einige lesenswerte Auszüge zum Thema "Kontamination":
Judge Thokozile Masipa is no stranger to the theatrics of a court room, and the rules that govern the law. And he knows that even if Oscar Pistorius' defense team show the police to be imperfect in their processing of that crime scene, that it is still up to him to weigh all the evidence (including witness statements), and to determine after a preponderance of it all if Oscar murdered his girlfriend in cold blood or not, based upon his interpretation (not that of the defense). And his interpretation will include a complete assessment of all the information, not limited to one or two forensic processing slip ups.
Defense efforts to throw trial discussion onto whether a gun is handled with gloves or not amounts to nothing more than smoke screen in this particular case on Friday. And it shows a desperate bid to put the trial focus on anything that takes away from the fact that the defendant shot four hollow-tip bullets into a locked bathroom door without knowing if his girlfriend was on the other side of it or not.
And that's why the prosecution should focus more on the cold hard facts and what everyone knows happened (especially the defendant), if they want to send this deadly boyfriend away for life. They have numerous witnesses already testifying that Oscar was trigger happy and a "lover of guns." So this isn't a suspect who doesn't already have a reputation for being a little too hot under the collar in circumstances that don't warrant it, willing to shoot off any gun on a whim.
http://www.examiner.com/article/oscar-pistorius-defense-using-oldest-trick-the-book-but-with-wrong-audienceDie Staatsanwaltschaft hat m.E. noch alle Mittel, um diesen Fall zu Ihren Gunsten zu entscheiden. Die Verteidigung um Roux muss sich schon anderes überlegen, als nur anzugreifen, ihre Argumente waren bisher nicht besonders überzeugend.