The Boy in the Box
04.02.2009 um 18:25der junge war beschnitten, aber ich denke mal, das war und ist in den usa nichts ungewöhnliches...
The coroner determined that the child, about 4 years old, had been beaten to death and died from massive head wounds
Röntgenaufnahmen zeigten keine aktuellen oder vergangenen Knochenbrüche
In a scientific journal article entitled "Who Is This Boy?" a noted anthropologist wrote that the child appeared undernourished and may have been sickly for a year prior to death. Though his exact age couldn't be determined, the article stated, he was about 4 or 5 and his ancestors likely came from northwestern or west central Europe, possibly Scandinavia, West Germany, England or Scotland.auch wurde die suche nach zeugen o.ä. quasi weltweit ausgebreitet..
The case has always been investigated as a homicide. Dr. Joseph Spelman, the city medical examiner at the time, ruled that the cause of death was multiple head injuries. But the manner of death was never determined.eher totschlag, kein mord.die todesursache ist nie so richtig geklärt worden.