Chris jr. hat man in 799 Left Fork gefunden oder?
Von da kam auch ein Anruf:
The call to where the eighth victim was discovered at the fourth scene came later Friday afternoon.
“I need a deputy to come out to 799 Left Fork. All this stuff that’s on the news — I just found my cousin with a gunshot wound,” the man said.
The 911 operator asked if his cousin was alive.
“No, no,” the man said quietly. (Archiv-Version vom 24.04.2016)Der Anruf kam erst am Nachmittag. Da kam alles schon im Fernsehen.
Vielleicht war er dann wirklich alleine in diesem Haus und sein Cousin hat ihn schon überall gesucht gehabt?
Noch was interessantes:
3 von den Opfern haben in diesem Resort gearbeitet.
Christopher Rhoden Sr. was a contractor who most recently had been building decks at the Big Bear Lake Family Resort in Lucasville.
Christopher Rhoden Jr., a Piketon High School student, also worked there.
...Frankie also worked at the Big Bear resort at one time, but was working at a sawmill most recently.
Aus einer anderen Quelle erfährt man, dass es sich um eine ärmliche Gegend handelt.
Viel Arbeitslosigkeit und der Haupt Arbeitgeber soll demnächst schließen....oder haben die schon zu gemacht? Sorry, my English is not so good. ;-)
Komisch finde ich, warum man das so beiläufig erwähnt. Geht man von Raubmord aus?
Bei dem beschriebenen Hergang, glaube ich an Mord aus Geldgier eigentlich am wenigsten...
John Kasich, the Ohio governor and Republican presidential candidate, described the shooting as "tragic beyond comprehension" and promised that anyone responsible would be brought to justice Pike County is an area blighted by poverty and unemployment with a population of about 28,000.
One of the biggest local employers was a Cold War-era uranium plant which is now being shut down and made safe.