9/11 WTC1 & WTC2
25.03.2009 um 10:46Auf ein neues................Koman schrieb:dann würdest du feststellen das von denen alle,explosionen gehört haben.
und das mehr alls die hälfte davon überzeugt ist,das es sich dabei nicht um ein NTÜRLICHES PHÄNOMEN gehandelt hat,und das die auch glauben,das es ne beabsichtigte sprengung war.
People in the "described something like a bomb” category – 31
Remaining people in "bomb" category – 30
Number who were describing the collapse of a tower – 30
Number who had no idea at the time that what they heard was the collapse of a tower (usually because they were inside another building). – 15
Number who saw the collapse of a tower, at least partially – 7
Number who explained that they knew the sounds were collapses – 2
Number who said they had no idea what was going on during the event – 4
Number who said, as of the interview date, that they thought they'd actually seen or heard explosives – 0
Number who have claimed since 2001 that they believe there were explosives in the buildings – 0
Aber ja doch , ALLE sind überzeugt, das die Türme gesprengt wurden :D :D :D