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Mr. GOLDSMITH. At this time I would ask that the witness be shown what has been marked for identification as JFK No. F-141.
Mr. Canning, would you identify this exhibit, and after doing so, please explain what you mean by "calibration photograph"?
Mr. CANNING. This is a photograph of a likeness, not intended to give the appearance but to have the same geometric form as the President, and it was photographed with reference markers adjacent to it so that we can make accurate interpretations of the photograph.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Are those reference marks indicated in the photograph?
Mr. CANNING. Yes. The essence of the reference system is shown by that vertical line at the extreme right of the photograph with the little bead that is on it. That is a vertical line made with a plumb bob.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Was this the only calibration photograph that you made?
Mr. CANNING. We made a large array of photographs taken from angles like this but different by several degrees, both sideways and up and down.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. What is the basic purpose of taking calibrated photographs?
Mr. CANNING. The purpose is to make direct comparisons of frame 312 and the calibration photographs. The positions of various features relative to one another are studied in various combinations.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Does a calibrated photograph facilitate measurement?
Mr. CANNING. I would hesitate to make that measurement any other way. It would call for just simply "eyeball" estimates to do it any other way that I know of.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Mr. Chairman, I move for the admission into the record of JFK F-141.
Chairman STOKES. Without objection, it may be entered into the record.
[The information follows:]
JFK EXHIBIT F-141 sind die HSCA-Darstellungen von Ein und Austrittspunkt
wieder der Ersteller deiner Animation feststellt:
The computer recreation shows the angle to be about 16 degrees steeper than Canning calculated. Using Canning's figures to position JFK's head in the computer recreation reveals an obvious misalignment with the Zapruder film. For this reason, the computer recreation is believed to represent a closer match to the actual orientation of JFK's head, than the position proposed by the HSCA Photographic Panel. Kombination mit ein- und Austrittspunkt ergibt sich folgender Winkel:
Sowohl die Kopfschussversion von Autopsiebericht-Warren-Kommission als auch HSCA sind falsch