sitting-bull schrieb:Prof. Graeme McQueen hat diese Aufzeichnungen studiert.
Dann lass uns doch mal seine Aufzeichnungen auswerten. MAL WIEDER !!!!
Hier seine Aufzeichnungen: hier die Auswertung ^^
People in the "described something like a bomb” category – 31
Number who did not actually mention anything about bombs, explosions, devices, etc. – 1 (Walter Kowalczyk). I have no idea why MacQueen included Kowalczyk's account, which includes nothing about explosions, sounds like explosions, or any suggestion of explosives or explosive devices. That's truther "scholarship" for you.
Remaining people in "bomb" category – 30
Number who were describing the collapse of a tower – 30
Number who had no idea at the time that what they heard was the collapse of a tower (usually because they were inside another building). – 15
Number who saw the collapse of a tower, at least partially – 7
Number who explained that they knew the sounds were collapses – 2
Number who said they had no idea what was going on during the event – 4
Number who said, as of the interview date, that they thought they'd actually seen or heard explosives – 0
Number who have claimed since 2001 that they believe there were explosives in the buildings – 0
Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 30.08.2009)oder und wer windet sich nun ? ^^
Um das ganze mal anschaulich verdeutlichen zu können, mit welchen Methoden unsere
VT-logen so arbeiten, weitere Aussagen aus denen die VT-logen gerne mal Beweise zaubern wollen:
"Bessler, Paul– Thought south tower collapse was secondary explosion or plane strike. Heard on radio, "Imminent collapse. This was a terrorist attack. Evacuate."
Borrillo, Nicholas– In north tower: south tower plane hit sounded like small explosion.
Brodbeck, Michael– In north tower, heard on radio that floors 68-70 of north tower collapsed: was actually south tower collapse.
Brosnan, Neil– Didn't know sequence of events until a week later.
Butler, John– Even after being on site for a while, didn't know plane had hit.
Camacho, Fernando– From north tower lobby, thought south tower collapse was small collapse. Saw north tower leaning before collapse.
Campagna, Frank– In north tower, didn't know plane had hit their building. From 30th floor, thought south tower collapse was explosion.
Cassano, Salvatore– Thought 2nd plane was secondary explosion from north tower.
Conzo, Joseph (E.M.S.)– Thought collapse of south tower was another plane strike.
Delgado, Manuel (E.M.S.)– Didn't know about 2nd plane until evening. Thought it was a secondary explosion.
Diaz, Jr., Roland (E.M.S.)– In #5, thought south tower collapse was airplane strike
Dixon, Brian– Heard second plane hit, thought was north tower explosion. Looked like bottom fire floor of south tower exploded out, then realized it was just a collapse. "Not that there was an explosion but that the windows blew out." Worried about secondary devices.
Dorritie, Robert– Thought south tower collapse was secondary device.
Drumm, John– In north tower 31st floor didn't know south tower came down until later in the day.
Fenyo, Christopher– Many people had felt that possibly explosives had taken out 2 World Trade Center. "That debate ended pretty quickly because tower 1 came down."
Fitzpatrick, Brian– Thought it was debris or an explosion or a secondary explosion or another plane. Warned that north tower leaning just before it fell.
Galasso, Joseph– Didn't know both buildings had come down. South tower, sounded like a waterfall.
Hansen, Eric (E.M.S.) – Didn't know 2nd plane hit, didn't know towers collapsed.
Ippolito, James– Thought south tower collapse was another plane. Second plane hit sound like train derailing.
King, Stephen. Battalion Chief – Didn't know north tower or south tower were hit by planes. In north tower, thinks south tower collapse is north tower coming down. "You can feel the air pressure building up. I mean, literally, it blows the windows in (the north tower from outside).
Kreuger, Conrad, PAPD P.O.– Didn't know until later that day that both towers were down.
Lakiotes, Art– Re: collapses: we all thought it was secondary explosives or more planes or whatever.
McCabe, Kevin– Thought south tower collapse was 3rd plane hit.
McGimpsey, Jason– south tower collapse sounded like a plane or bomb or something like that.
McNeur-Mccarthy, Linda (E.M.S.) – Thought south tower collapse was another plane hit.
Mecner, Edward– From north tower 23rd, sounded like a missile was about to come through the window. Didn't know south tower had fallen.
Mera, Wayne– Thinks they could lose top 15-20 floors. Second plane hit = massive explosion, thought it might be a bomb. Doesn't realize until later in the day that both towers totally collapsed.
Molina, Michael, PAPD Detective– Didn't realize until later that day that both towers were gone.
Murphy, James– Thought south tower collapse was 3rd plane hit.
Murray, Kevin– Thought south tower collapse was 3rd plane hit. Heard report of 65th floor collapse.
O'Flaherty, Brian– Thought north tower collapse was plane strike.
Olszewski, Janice (E.M.S.)– Didn't know south tower collapsed. Thought might be a bomb, another plane, etc.
Ondrovic, Patricia (E.M.S.) – Didn't know planes had hit the buildings. Tried to enter lobby of 6. Thought 6 blew up on her. Cars exploding. Coat caught fire. Thought she saw a plane explode over New Jersey. (FDNY transcripts and here)
Orlando, Thomas– In north tower, thought south tower collapse was missile attack.
Piambino, Thomas– In north tower: didn't know "explosion" was the south tower falling.
Puma, Frank (E.M.S.) – Thought first plane strike was a bomb.
Reilly, Gerard– Thought south tower collapse was explosion in Vista Hotel. Didn't know tower had collapsed.
Reynolds, William– Many thoughts of various possible threats. Thought WTC 2 was destroyed by a bomb.
Ryan, William– Was on-scene just after collapses but didn't realize until about 3:00 that both towers were down.
Smiley, Gary (E.M.S.)– FBI people saying there were bombs in different parks and just running from one area to the next.
Sweeney, Frank– Some think second plane was a bomb. Didn't know north tower damage was caused by a plane. "The rest of the day we spent running from bomb scares and gas leaks."
Trojanowski, Stanley– Thought south tower collapse was bomb going off because north tower blocked his view.
Walker, Dan – Thought south tower collapse was north tower elevators falling.
Wall, William– Heard sonic boom from fighter plane: thought it was bombs.
Walsh, William– Didn't know south tower fell. Rumors of federal buildings being hit.
Wernick, Michael– Thought south tower collapse was airplane strike.
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