9 Gründe für die Sprengung des WTC
03.09.2006 um 18:41
@ tobiaskleinkind^^ weil so verhälst du dich
nochmal kurz Flug 93 weil ich esvergessen hatte zu erwähnen
du sagst
"und tobi es warenlediglich 44Passagiere an Board und keine 200informier dich mal besser.. "
EInge Sprechen von ca 200 Passagieren! Man kann nicht sagen wie viele Leutedamitflogen, WEIL man keine Leichen gefunden hatte
du bist wohl sogar unfähigsolche Belanglosigkeiten nachzugehen und richtig zu deuten..weil du es garnicht willst..einige sprechen von ... hoho wer sind denn einige??
Flug UA 093- Boeing 757-200: 187Plätze, 37 Passagiere + 7 Besatzungmitglieder
macht zusammen nunmal 44 bingo..
* Christian Adams, 37, Biebelsheim, Germany, foreign sales manager, GermanWine Fund
* Todd Beamer, 32, Cranbury, N.J., account manager, Oracle Corp.
* Alan Beaven, 48, Oakland, Calif., environmental lawyer
* MarkBingham, 31, San Francisco, public relations firm owner, former public relations managerfor 3Com Network Management Solution Co.
* Deora Bodley, 20, Santa Clara,Calif., Santa Clara University student (youngest person on the flight)
*Marion Britton, 53, assistant regional director, U.S. Census Bureau
* ThomasBurnett, 38, San Ramon, California, senior vice president and chief operating officer,Thoratec Corp.
* William Cashman, 60, New York, N.Y., welder and teacher forMetal Lathers Local 46 of the Ironworkers Union.
* Georgine Rose Corrigan,56, Hawaii, artist and antiques & collectibles dealer
* Patricia Cushing,69, Bayonne, NJ, retired from Bell Atlantic
* Joseph DeLuca, 52, Roxbury,N.J., programer, member of Northern New Jersey Region of SCCA
* PatrickDriscoll, 70, Point Pleasant, N.J., retired engineer
* Edward Porter Felt,41, Matawan, N.J., software engineer, BEA Systems co-worker Kenneth W. Basnicki wasvisiting the WTC and perished)
* Jane C. Folger, 73, Bayonne, NJ, retired
* Colleen L. Fraser, 51, Elizabeth, N.J., rights advocate, New JerseyDevelopmental Disabilities Council
* Andrew Garcia, 62, Portola Valley,Calif., salesman
* Jeremy Glick, 31, West Milford, N.J. Glick kept incontact with police via mobile phone during the hijacking.
* LaurenGrandcolas, 38, San Rafael, Calif., sales worker at Good Housekeeping magazine
* Donald Freeman Greene, 52, Greenwich, Conn., pilot and Executive Vice-President ofSafe Flight Instrument Corp.
* Linda Gronlund, 46, Warwick, N.Y.,environmental compliance, BMW, member of Northern New Jersey Region of SCCA
* Richard J. Guadagno, 38, Eureka, Calif., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Humboldt BayNational Wildlife Refuge manager
* Toshiya Kuge, 20, Tokyo, Japan, student
* Hilda Marcin, 79, Mount Olive, N.J., retired special education aide
* Waleska Martinez, 37, automation specialist, U.S. Census Bureau
*Nicole Miller, 21, San Jose, Calif., student, West Valley College
* Louis J.Nacke, 42, New Hope, Pa., distribution center director, K-B Toys
* Donald A.Peterson, 66, Spring Lake, N.J., retired president, Continental Electric Co.
* Jean Hoadley Peterson, 55, Spring Lake, N.J.
* Mark Rothenberg, ScotchPlains, N.J., owner, MDR Global Resources
* Christine Snyder, 32, Kailua,Hawaii, arborist, Outdoor Circle
* John Talignani, 74, Staten Island, N.Y.,retired restaurant worker
* Honor Elizabeth Wainio, 27, Watchung, N.J.,district manager for Discovery Store
* Kristin Gould White, 65, New York,N.Y., retired journalist
* Ahmad Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi, hijacker
* Saeed Alghamdi, hijacker
* Ahmed Alnami, hijacker
* Ziad Samir Jarrah,hijacker
komm du schlaumeier sag mir was mit denen passiert ist , denn wenn Flug93 nicht abgestürzt ist und man hatte keine leichen gefunden wie du sagst müssten ja alle44menschen noch leben und jetzt beweis du mir, dass davon nur einer noch lebt ^^