Was geschah mit Flug MH370?
01.11.2014 um 01:19The aircraft satellite communication system operates at L Band, transmitting signals to the satellite at 1·6 GHz and receiving signals from the satellite at 1·5 GHz. The GES to satellite link uses C Band, transmitting at 6GHz and receiving at 4 GHz.DearMRHazzard schrieb:Die Frequenzen aber nicht.
na dann erklär mal !
kleiner Tipp:
Initial Flight Path Reconstruction.
The BTO analysis provides us with a series of arcs that the aircraft must cross at specific times. Combining this with the last known location and the viable aircraft speeds allows us to identify a number of flight paths. Each path must cross the arcs at the appropriate time, and it must be possible to travel from one arc crossing point to the next in the available time as illustrated in Figure 5. However we do not know the track or speed of the aircraft, nor whether these are going to change with time, which results in a large number of potential flight paths. While the aircraft could have flown in a relatively straight line travelling as far north as Kazakhstan or deep into the southern Indian Ocean, it could also have flown around in circles and ended up almost anywhere on the final arc.
und noch diesen:
While the timing work derived a series of high-resolution location arcs, these gave many different flight path solutions resulting in an extremely large search area. Even discriminating between southern and northern routes was impossible, although the northern route appeared less likely given the large number of civil and military radar installations it passed over.
Quelle: Inmarsat Bericht (wurde hier schon zig mal verlinkt)