Da es nur die Daily Mail ist und da es keine namentlich genannten Quelle das sagt:
"While the sources have not suggested which country the aircraft might have landed - or crashed - in, the possibility that an entirely new search in a different area is in line with suggestions by the Mail weeks ago that alleged sightings of a low-flying aircraft could have located it in a different place than the ocean.
'The thought of it landing somewhere else is not impossible, as we have not found a single debris that could be linked to MH370,' sources were quoted as telling the paper."
Read more:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2610035/MH370-landed-not-crashed-Indian-Ocean.html#ixzz2zcYpCF7b Also, manche Leute, die dem Suchteam nahe stehen bzw. dabei sind, glauben wohl, dass das Flugzeug irgendwo gelandet ist oder in irgendein Land reingecrasht ist.