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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 20:43
Bei me walks later the JungleCamp :D
Now I am here at Allmy and telephone ...

Cardinal Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 20:44
oh the madam has a new profilepicture :) fine


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 20:44
oh , yeah, that´a kind of women: they are allways hanging on the Phone :D@TinaMare


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 20:45
right ... you have got good eyes :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 20:46
and where do you hang? :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 20:47
Dschungelcamp, let me guess: your new Avatar is coming davon, so you to much often look " Dschungelcamp ".

What i do: @TinaMare
I talk with VIP on Allmy, on this Fred. :D

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 20:58
Zitat von KönigIsakimKönigIsakim schrieb:Dschungelcamp, let me guess: your new Avatar is coming davon, so you to much often look " Dschungelcamp ".
no, not at all!
The last Ava was a pic from Iris, she was at the Camp ... but now she is out of the Camp.

This new pic suits me fine :)


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:01
ah i now the mother of Daniela Katzenberger was on your AVA, at last. With a cat in her hand.




My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:03

The nice blonde woman yesterday, after the Iris-Ava, i find much more sexyer :D

Good evening.

Cardinal Diskussionsleiter
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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:04
Good evening @Gwyddion

Cardinal Diskussionsleiter
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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:05

Oder G'evening (N'abend!)


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:07
good evening Mr. Installalalalalalaaaaaaaaaa :D

oh, you liked the ava from yesterday?
Well, I am not here to be sexy ;)

Greets at this position to a friend of mine who made the ava for me, this one you can see now! :D

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:09
* I write it on all house-walls, new men needs the land * Ina Deter

Cardinal Diskussionsleiter
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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:09
New woman @Gwyddion

1x zitiertmelden

My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:09
Zitat von TinaMareTinaMare schrieb:Well, I am not here to be sexy


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:11
Zitat von CardinalCardinal schrieb:New woman
Yeah.. but i would nt write this, cause here woman in the thred :D

* Ohuhohoho.. High Mountains, La montanara for the objektive * Frl. Menke

Doors ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:11
Yellow egg English is for sissies. Try that one:

Meri bilong mi tok: Poroman, yumi kan tok pisin in europa. Yu wokabaut yu tok eniman olples olsiti. Ol europa wantok. In haus bilong mi yu tok laik bilong yu. Em tasol!


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:12

Is this english or taiwanese ? :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:13
ja habe ich auch gedacht, so in etwa das von doors...

Cardinal Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

24.01.2013 um 21:14
yaS vImojpu' @Doors
