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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

4.184 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Deutschland, Europa, Deutsch ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
poet ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

29.09.2013 um 14:57
Boss, my gostop has not yet been overmeadow... :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

29.09.2013 um 15:09
wenn, dann overmeadows :)

Nights are all cats grey


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

29.09.2013 um 15:59
I kill the Flieg!

Halbu ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 09:03
Ich würde Loddar Matthäus dazu animieren,seine Englisch Kentnisse hier zu posten:D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 12:24

Hey you halbu you shall here no german posts posten. We are hier stopped the english language better to learn.


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 12:30
I understand only trainstation, tell me nothing from the horse!


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 12:36
Hey guys.... :D
I know me here out!
Sorry, my english is under all pig!
I’m overseating all wordwordly!
Haha, there are so many english "false friends" :D
So, until aftermiddledays :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 12:44

I see black for you, give not so on :D

Halbu ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 13:55
O Sorry.Now i see it with my eyes on the Bild Umbrella:D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 14:35
You go me on the biscuit

I have the nose full


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 15:47
Who others digs a cavern, falls self inside

1x zitiertmelden

My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 15:48
I think I spider, where have you'n that from?


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 16:11
you go me animally on the cookie... :D ... only fun ...


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 16:12
Zitat von GrymnirGrymnir schrieb:Who others digs a cavern, falls self inside
Nope. Who others digs a pit, has a pit-digging-device. :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 16:13
I fall from all clouds^^ No one can reach me the water :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 16:15
have you trouble in der work ..??
... for whatever reason...


this..... ▬|████|▬ .....is a nudelholz

...take it und hau it very,very fest
on the kopp of the beklopptest person...
to have a better gefühl than vorher!

but.....don`t forget:

violence is not IMMER a lösung,
but manchmal the best argument ever.... ;)


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 16:21
Human Meier, that makes me foxdevilswild :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 17:35
there are flying the holes out of the cheese ... :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

03.10.2013 um 17:36
peace, joy, pancakes ...


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

04.10.2013 um 16:24
my penis is stiff

nero3 ehemaliges Mitglied

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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

06.10.2013 um 22:15
you can my time


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

07.10.2013 um 15:12
Nudelholz=Spaghettiwood :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

08.10.2013 um 23:06

ist übernommen...danke... :D


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

09.10.2013 um 00:12
Juhu :3


My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!

09.10.2013 um 04:17
There gets the dog crazy in the pan.

Who is this place?

Why so seriös?
