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My little Pony: Friendship is Magic
09.12.2012 um 14:28Wer weiß ob es mal rauskommen wird. Gibt da Rechtliche Probleme die nicht mal Hasbros Schuld sind. Ein Projekt wurde bereits geschlossen.
As noted in their release, this isn't technically Hasbro's fault. Due to specific requirements when dealing with their trademark, they are forced to take down things that violate it, or they lose it. I do wonder how that pertains to other games though, or what causes a legal team to "notice" something. There are quite a few of them out there, many of which are heavily advertised on the ponynets.
As noted in their release, this isn't technically Hasbro's fault. Due to specific requirements when dealing with their trademark, they are forced to take down things that violate it, or they lose it. I do wonder how that pertains to other games though, or what causes a legal team to "notice" something. There are quite a few of them out there, many of which are heavily advertised on the ponynets.