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Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

4.281 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Michael Jackson, Verurteilung, MJ ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

15.01.2010 um 19:10
Es ist nur EIN Aspekt, denn das MJ NICHT auf den Bühne oder für einen Bühnenauftritt "verrecken" wollte steht für mich fest.


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

15.01.2010 um 19:24
Ich stelle euch hier mal etwas ein, was ich leider nicht selbst übersetzen kann. Offensichtlich spielt Frank Dileo darin eine Rolle. Vielleicht erhält man hieraus einen Hinweis, was abgelaufen sein könnte

15 janvier 2010
Disputes Not End the Passing Away of the King of Pop

According to the media, legal disputes among Allgood Entertainment headquartered in New Jersey with Michael Jackson, performent agent AEG and Jackson's broker Frank Dileo have not end with Jackson's death. new hair straighteners Recently, the company remodified its litigation to raise its claim to 300 million U. yves boots S. dollars from the previous four million U.S. dollars. Jackson's lawsuits didn't terminate due to his death. This time, there is one more pretender of his legacy.Tiffany Earring Before Michael’s death, Allgood had sued him as Frank Dileo had signed a paper with Allgood. According to the deal, Jackson shouldn't hold another concert before he performed in American. However, Jackson has made an agreement with AEG Inc. that he intended to hold 50 concerts in London in July, 2009. The company officials said that the plan of holding performances in London violated the agreement signed with Frank Dileo and claimed Jackson, AEG, and Dileo for 4 million dollars.titanium glasses Now, Allgood adjusted their statement and ask for more money. Also, despite of the former 3 parties, Allgood now accuses one more person – John Brance, the manager of Michael Jackson’s heritage. When asked about why there is such a leap in the amount of its claim, the company said they never thought Jackson would pass away,and will be issuing to Jackson London concert rehearsal video as the material of the film. It seems that they want to gain a lot from Jackson and his legacy.cartier love bracelet Michael Jackson had a lot of lawsuits when he was alive, after his death there are also many disputes arise because of his legacy. After Jackson died he left considerable heritage and the personal belongs auction activity that originally planned to be held in Julian auction room was stopped ruptly. The move has incurred a claim of five million dollars for Jackson’s property custodian and the Julian auction house. A collector named Richard Lapointe took part in many auction of Michael’s materials and he gave prices for the auction this time too. However, the auction suspend. Lapointe thought that if the auction continue, he might get a lot of collections.


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

15.01.2010 um 19:29
denn das MJ NICHT auf den Bühne oder für einen Bühnenauftritt "verrecken" wollte steht für mich fest.


Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen.
