August 2012, britischen Luftaufsicht gesteht: "Wir orten monatlich UFOs"
25.08.2012 um 08:55was den Iran fall betrifft gab es Aussagen des Tower personals und von mehren zeugen ,das problem ist das die infos später nicht mehr vorort untersuchbar waren wegen dem politischen Umbruchs (sturz des schahs) was wir haben sind die berichte die dann die USA anfertigte wo dies darin bestätigte und die aussagen Jafaris
die D.I.A fasste zusammen:
a) The object was seen by multiple witnesses from different locations (i.e., Shamiran, Mehrabad, and the dry lake bed) and viewpoints (both airborne and from the ground).
b) The credibility of many of the witnesses was high (an Air Force general, qualified aircrews, and experienced tower operators).
c) Visual sightings were confirmed by radar.
d) Similar electromagnetic effects (EME) were reported by three separate aircraft.
e) There were physiological effects on some crew members (i.e., loss of night vision due to the brightness of the object).
f) An inordinate amount of maneuverability was displayed by the UFOs."
Wikipedia: 1976 Tehran UFO incident
die D.I.A fasste zusammen:
a) The object was seen by multiple witnesses from different locations (i.e., Shamiran, Mehrabad, and the dry lake bed) and viewpoints (both airborne and from the ground).
b) The credibility of many of the witnesses was high (an Air Force general, qualified aircrews, and experienced tower operators).
c) Visual sightings were confirmed by radar.
d) Similar electromagnetic effects (EME) were reported by three separate aircraft.
e) There were physiological effects on some crew members (i.e., loss of night vision due to the brightness of the object).
f) An inordinate amount of maneuverability was displayed by the UFOs."
Wikipedia: 1976 Tehran UFO incident
es zeigt genau das auf was in anderen UfO fällen weltweit auch so dokumentiert wurde bei hochschaltung der waffen fiel plötzlich die Elektronik aus . da es hier sogar bei 3 flugzeugen der fall war kann man eine externe quelle dafür verantwortlich machen.Fedaykin schrieb:Leider hat er auch nicht die Geschützkamera aktiviert gehabt um die Verfolgung auf Bild festzuhalten.