ich möchte dazu noch etwas schreiben, was eigentlich für einen möglichen Tread; Analyse Außerirdischer Zivilisationen, geplant war.
Aber dieser wird sich wohl noch eine ganze Weile hinziehen, deshalb möchte ich es hier schon loswerden.
Als ich im Internet suchte, oder recherchierte zum Thema Außerirdische Basen auf dem Mond, Anomalien auf dem Mond und Mond-UFOs und Dergleichen weiteres, stieß ich auf folgende Information...
Aus dem Internet-Link;
http://www.gaiaguys.net/DP.NASA.HOAX.htm entnommen...
Es handelt sich hierbei um eine gewonnene Information, im Rahmen des Disclosure Projectes, also dem Enthüllungs-Programm zum Thema UFOs, oder für das UFO-Phänomen.
Testimony of Sergeant Karl Wolfe, US Air Force
September 2000(Sergeant Karl Wolfe von der US Air Force, oder ehemaliger Sergeant der US Air Force)
Karl Wolfe was in the Air Force for 41/2 years beginning in January 1964. He had a top secret crypto clearance and worked with the Tactical Air Command at Langley AFB(Air Force Base) in Virginia. While working at a NSA(National Sercurity Agency) facility he was shown photographs taken by the
Lunar Orbiter of the Moon that showed detailed artificial structures. These photos were taken prior to(for) the Apollo(11) landing in 1969.
Sergeant Karl Wolfe berichtet:
"So I was asked to go over to this facility on Langley Air Force Base, where the NSA was bringing in the information from the Lunar Orbiter. As I walked in, there were people from other countries, a lot of foreign people from other countries in civilian clothes, with interpreters with them, with security badges hanging around their neck.
And they were very quiet, very reserved, and there was a very peculiar pall hanging over them. They had a very concerned demeanor.
We walked over to one side of the lab and he said, by the way, we’ve
discovered a base on the backside of the moon. I said, whose? What do you mean, whose? He said, yes, we’ve discovered a base on the backside of the moon. And at that point I became frightened and I was a little terrified, thinking to myself that if anybody walks in the room now, I know we’re in jeopardy, we’re in trouble, because he shouldn’t be giving me this information.
I was fascinated by it, but I also knew that he was overstepping a boundary that he shouldn’t. Then he pulled out one of these mosaics and showed this base on the moon, which had
geometric shapes, there were towers, there were spherical buildings, there were very tall towers and things that looked somewhat like radar dishes but they were large structures.This fellow and I were the same rank, I think he was very distressed. He had the same pallor and demeanor as the scientists outside the room, they were just as concerned as he was. And he needed to discuss it with somebody.
Some of the
structures are half a mile in size. So they’re huge structures. And they’re all different sized structures in different photographs. Some of the shapes, as I said, were, some of the buildings were very tall, thin structures. I don’t know how tall they were but they must be very tall.
They were angular shots with shadows. There were
spherical and domed buildings that were very large. They stood out very clearly, they were large objects. It’s interesting because I tried to relate them in my own mind to structures here on Earth, and they don’t compare to anything that you see here in scale and structure.
I didn’t want to look at it any longer than that, because I felt that my life was in jeopardy. Do you understand what I’m saying? I would have loved to have looked at it longer, I would have loved to have had copies. I would love to have said more about it, discussed it more, but I knew I couldn’t. I knew the young fellow who was sharing this was really, really overstepping his bounds at that point.
I felt that he just needed somebody to talk to. He hadn’t discussed it, couldn’t discuss it, and he wasn’t doing it for any ulterior motive other than the fact that I think he had the weight of this thing on him and it was distressing to him.
I knew that I couldn’t go anyplace for at least five years without telling the State Department where I was, after I left the military.
Any time I traveled I had to notify and get permission, even in the United States. They had to know where I was all the time. As an example, if we went to Vietnam there was always someone there with us, with a gun, ready to annihilate us basically if we should fall into the hands of the enemy. They didn’t want the enemy to get us; we would be killed instead.
So we knew we were operating under these sort of conditions. Your life was in jeopardy all the time, should you fall into the wrong hands. So we were aware of that. I was told when I left that I would be investigated on a regular basis to make sure that I wasn’t involved in any peculiar activities that didn’t suit the government’s needs.
Wenn ich mir nun das Buch von Colonel Philip J. Corso; Der Tag nach Roswell zur Hand nehme, diese Info dafür, fand ich natürlich auch im Internet, bei der amerikanischen Buchempfehlung zu; The Day After Roswell von besagtem Autor und besagtem Deutschen Buchtitel, kann ich dazu folgendes lesen...
Colonel Philip J.(vielleicht Josef) Corso berichtet:
Die Armee und die Marine konnten sogar mindestens
122 Fotos finden, die von Astronauten auf dem Mond gemacht worden waren und Anzeichen von der Gegenwart Außerirdischer aufwiesen. Es war ein erschreckender Fund und einer von vielen Gründen, weshalb Reagan 1981 so sehr auf seine Weltraumverteidigungsinitiative Wert legte.
In der Amerikanischen Ausgabe, also The Day After Roswell, heißt es wie folgt, was ich jetzt natürlich von der Internetseite über diese Buchempfehlung entnommen habe...
Colonel Philip J. Corso berichtet:
In regard with the lunar conquest, it affirms that the Apollo capsules were subjected to hostile electromagnetic interferences as soon as they left the terrestrial orbit and that the American army would have in its possession
122 photographs taken by the astronauts on the moon showing an extraterrestrial presence.
Ich persönlich bin momentan der Meinung, dass es sich hauptsächlich dabei um 122 Mond-Fotos von den Lunar Orbiter Sonden 1 bis 5 handelt, es ist aber durchaus so, dass noch einige Apollo 10 Mond-Aufnahmen und diverse weitere hinzukommen können und hinzukommen.
Man hatte also bei der NSA in den USA, oder wohl auch bei der NASA und auf der Air Force Base in Langley, diese Lunar Orbiter Aufnahmen studiert, die ganz klare Außerirdische Gebäude und Stationen hauptsächlich auf der Rückseite, also der Erdabgwandten Seite des Mondes zeigen.
Klare Strukturen wie Türme, Silos, RADARähnliche Gebäude, Fahrzeuge, Kuppeln, vielleicht auch ein paar Flugscheibenförmige Vehikel, Domes, spherische halbkugelförmige Gebäude usw..
Ich selbst konnte diese Stukturen auf einem Apollo 10 Foto, dass zum Glück in einem DinA 4 Abzug in dem Buch; Das Abenteuer der Mondlandung von dem damaligen ARD-Korrespondenten Werner Büdeler im Jahre 1969 geschrieben und veröffentlicht worden ist, entdecken.
Auch konnte ich wohl dieses RADARförmige Gebäude entdecken, dass Sergeant Karf Wolfe von der US Air Force im Rahmen eines Interviews mit den Machern oder Verantwortlichen des Disclosure Projektes in Sachen UFOs, zur damaligen Zeit sehen konnte, als er sich auf der Langley Air Force Base befand, oder bei der NSA vorbeischauen durfte, als ein Mitarbeiter eine Lunar Orbiter-Aufnahme des Mondes untersuchte, die solche Außerirdischen Gebäude zeigt.
In der Gesamtheit aller Informationen, liegt die Fülle der Wahrheit!
http://mystery.alien.de/ (Archiv-Version vom 04.09.2004)