Die Geschichte um Dan sherman
08.06.2006 um 20:12Worum geht es ,also es soll Versuche gegeben haben mit außerirdischen
Lebensformen zu kommunizieren,diese können nicht auf unsere Erde
kommen weilangeblich die Radar und Funkwellen deren Antrieb stört,also werden dort beim MilitärMenschen so trainiert das sie sich
angeblich über Telepatie unterhalten,mit sichselbst und den Außerirdischen.Ferner soll angeblich Dan Shermans Mutter vor vielen
Jahren von Außerirdischen entführt worden sein,Dan selbst soll aber
reinmenschliche Gene besitzen.Für mich hört sich das alles ziemlich
konstruiert an,ichmeine wenn das stimmt dann hätte der Mann schon längst Probleme bekomen,er meint das dadeshalb nichts passiert,weil
die Regierung und die Geheimdienste sich damitverdächtig machen
würden.Dort gibt es eine Leseprobe.Wenn es keine Aliens gibt warumdenn das
ganze,ein Ablenkungsmanöver für die NWO weil man vertuschen
will das dasMilitär und die Geheimdienste auch Experimente mit Menschen durchführt??Ist Dan ShermanPleite,braucht er Geld???
Hier ein Auszug:
"Reality CheckCaptain White spoke slowly at first, as if togently nudge the unbelievable truth in my direction. "In 1947, the US government madecontact with an alien species. Today, we commonly refer to them as 'greys'. Because ofthis contact, we have learned many things. Some of the things we learned were good, andsome not-so- good. And it's one of those not-so-good things that has ultimately broughtyou here, Sergeant Sherman." My mind was still swimming as I asked, "So what am I doinghere, Sir?" The captain continued with the story as if he hadn't heard me. "In 1960, anexperiment was given a great deal of attention within Level 1 circles...." "Excuse mesir," I interrupted. "What is 'Level 1'?" "I was just getting there. Level 1 is aclassification category that allows us to compartmentalize any and all grey information.You'll hear more about this at your security indoctrination later." "I see." The captainwent on. "The experiment that I'm referring to was, and still is, named 'Project PreserveDestiny.' It started in 1960 and was fully operational by 1963. It was a geneticmanagement project with the sole purpose of cultivating human offspring so that theywould have the ability to communicate with the greys. Your mother was initially abductedin 1960 for tests, then again in 1963 for the actual genetic procedure while you were inthe womb." Each moment in Captain White's office was more shocking than the last. In theseconds after each new revelation, my mind went through utter disbelief, followed byskepticism, then outright curiosity. How could this be happening to me? Aliens were themade-up fantasies of Hollywood film makers and science fiction book writers. They had noplace within the concrete, tangible realm of the US Military. Yet, here I sat in front ofa US Air Force captain with two connected silver bars on each shoulder, listening to whatmost people would recognize as a great little alien story. At some point in ourconversation, I can't remember exactly Then, I became a believer. First out of my owndesire to believe, then ultimately in my inability to avoid the information beingpresented to me. "Your abilities are a product of Project Preserve Destiny, SergeantSherman."Next Page »"
Ps.:Ist doch wieder ein gefundenes Fressen für unsereSkepktiker.:)
Lebensformen zu kommunizieren,diese können nicht auf unsere Erde
kommen weilangeblich die Radar und Funkwellen deren Antrieb stört,also werden dort beim MilitärMenschen so trainiert das sie sich
angeblich über Telepatie unterhalten,mit sichselbst und den Außerirdischen.Ferner soll angeblich Dan Shermans Mutter vor vielen
Jahren von Außerirdischen entführt worden sein,Dan selbst soll aber
reinmenschliche Gene besitzen.Für mich hört sich das alles ziemlich
konstruiert an,ichmeine wenn das stimmt dann hätte der Mann schon längst Probleme bekomen,er meint das dadeshalb nichts passiert,weil
die Regierung und die Geheimdienste sich damitverdächtig machen
würden.Dort gibt es eine Leseprobe.Wenn es keine Aliens gibt warumdenn das
ganze,ein Ablenkungsmanöver für die NWO weil man vertuschen
will das dasMilitär und die Geheimdienste auch Experimente mit Menschen durchführt??Ist Dan ShermanPleite,braucht er Geld???
Hier ein Auszug:
"Reality CheckCaptain White spoke slowly at first, as if togently nudge the unbelievable truth in my direction. "In 1947, the US government madecontact with an alien species. Today, we commonly refer to them as 'greys'. Because ofthis contact, we have learned many things. Some of the things we learned were good, andsome not-so- good. And it's one of those not-so-good things that has ultimately broughtyou here, Sergeant Sherman." My mind was still swimming as I asked, "So what am I doinghere, Sir?" The captain continued with the story as if he hadn't heard me. "In 1960, anexperiment was given a great deal of attention within Level 1 circles...." "Excuse mesir," I interrupted. "What is 'Level 1'?" "I was just getting there. Level 1 is aclassification category that allows us to compartmentalize any and all grey information.You'll hear more about this at your security indoctrination later." "I see." The captainwent on. "The experiment that I'm referring to was, and still is, named 'Project PreserveDestiny.' It started in 1960 and was fully operational by 1963. It was a geneticmanagement project with the sole purpose of cultivating human offspring so that theywould have the ability to communicate with the greys. Your mother was initially abductedin 1960 for tests, then again in 1963 for the actual genetic procedure while you were inthe womb." Each moment in Captain White's office was more shocking than the last. In theseconds after each new revelation, my mind went through utter disbelief, followed byskepticism, then outright curiosity. How could this be happening to me? Aliens were themade-up fantasies of Hollywood film makers and science fiction book writers. They had noplace within the concrete, tangible realm of the US Military. Yet, here I sat in front ofa US Air Force captain with two connected silver bars on each shoulder, listening to whatmost people would recognize as a great little alien story. At some point in ourconversation, I can't remember exactly Then, I became a believer. First out of my owndesire to believe, then ultimately in my inability to avoid the information beingpresented to me. "Your abilities are a product of Project Preserve Destiny, SergeantSherman."Next Page »"
Ps.:Ist doch wieder ein gefundenes Fressen für unsereSkepktiker.:)