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Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

3.050 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Weltuntergang, Apokalypse, Erdbeben ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

02.01.2011 um 23:45
/dateien/tp64903,1294008307,mammothcam2hey guckt euch mal die lichteffekte auf den fotos an Was ist das`? hier der link zu den cams


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

02.01.2011 um 23:46


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

02.01.2011 um 23:46


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

02.01.2011 um 23:48
/dateien/tp64903,1294008501,oldmammoth4 (Archiv-Version vom 11.05.2011)


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

03.01.2011 um 00:10
Ganz normle Spiegelungen der Sonne...


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

25.01.2011 um 20:43
Wow so einen ausbruch des Gyser hab ich noch nie gesehen hatte richtig Angst um die Leute die dort waren


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

25.01.2011 um 20:44
Gibts da Screenshots ?


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

25.01.2011 um 20:49
Hab eine Bild gespeichert wie kann ich es reinstellen ?
Ist zwar nicht der höhepunkt aber trotzdem noch sehr spektakulär


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

25.01.2011 um 21:12
mal schauen obs geht :)


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

25.01.2011 um 21:23
hi, habe heute diesen artikel gefunden!

The super-volcano beneath Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming has been rising at a record rate since 2004

It would explode with a force a thousand times more powerful than the Mount St Helens eruption in 1980.

Spewing lava far into the sky, a cloud of plant-killing ash would fan out and dump a layer 10ft deep up to 1,000 miles away.

Two-thirds of the U.S. could become uninhabitable as toxic air sweeps through it, grounding thousands of flights and forcing millions to leave their homes.
On the verge of a catastrophe? Yellowstone National Park's caldera has erupted three times in the last 2.1million years and scientists monitoring it say we could be in for another eruption (file picture)

On the verge of a catastrophe? Yellowstone National Park's caldera has erupted three times in the last 2.1million years and scientists monitoring it say we could be in for another eruption (file picture)

This is the nightmare that scientists are predicting could happen if the world’s largest super-volcano erupts for the first time in 600,000 years, as it could do in the near future.

Yellowstone National Park’s caldera has erupted three times in the last 2.1million years and researchers monitoring it say we could be in for another eruption.

They said that the super-volcano underneath the Wyoming park has been rising at a record rate since 2004 - its floor has gone up three inches per year for the last three years alone, the fastest rate since records began in 1923.


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But hampered by a lack of data they have stopped short of an all-out warning and they are unable to put a date on when the next disaster might take place.

When the eruption finally happens it will dwarf the effect of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which erupted in April last year, causing travel chaos around the world.

The University of Utah's Bob Smith, an expert in Yellowstone's volcanism told National Geographic: ‘It's an extraordinary uplift, because it covers such a large area and the rates are so high.

‘At the beginning we were concerned it could be leading up to an eruption.’
Area of outstanding natural beauty: The Yellowstone caldera (circled in red) in Wyoming is the world's largest super-volcano

Area of outstanding natural beauty: The Yellowstone caldera (circled in red) in Wyoming is the world's largest super-volcano
Scorched earth: An artist's interpretation of how the Midway Basin in the park might look after an eruption

Scorched earth: An artist's interpretation of how the Midway Basin in the park might look after an eruption

But he added: ‘Once we saw the magma was at a depth of ten kilometres, we weren't so concerned.

‘If it had been at depths of two or three kilometre we'd have been a lot more concerned.’

Robert B. Smith, professor of geophysics at the University of Utah, who has led a recent study into the volcano, added: ‘Our best evidence is that the crustal magma chamber is filling with molten rock.

‘But we have no idea how long this process goes on before there either is an eruption or the inflow of molten rock stops and the caldera deflates again’.

The Yellowstone Caldera is one of nature’s most awesome creations and sits atop North America’s largest volcanic field.

Its name means ‘cooking pot’ or ‘cauldron’ and it is formed when land collapses following a volcanic explosion.

In Yellowstone, some 400 miles beneath the Earth’s surface is a magma ‘hotspot’ which rises to 30 miles underground before spreading out over an area of 300 miles across.

Atop this, but still beneath the surface, sits the slumbering volcano.
July 22, 1980: Mount St Helens in Washington erupts. A Yellowstone caldera eruption would explode with a force a thousand times more powerful

July 22, 1980: Mount St Helens in Washington erupts. A Yellowstone caldera eruption would explode with a force a thousand times more powerful

Scientists monitoring it believe that a swelling magma reservoir six miles underground may be causing the recent uplifts.

They have also been keeping an eye on a ‘pancake-shaped blob’ of molten rock he size of Los Angeles which was pressed into the volcano some time ago.

But due the extreme conditions it has been hard to work out what exactly is going on down below, leading researchers unable to say with certainty what will happen - or when.

Since the most recent blast 640,000 years ago there have been around 30 smaller eruptions, the most recent of which was 70,000 years ago.

They filled the caldera with ash and lava and made the flat landscape that draws thousands of tourists to Yellowstone National Park every year.

‘Clearly some deep source of magma feeds Yellowstone, and since Yellowstone has erupted in the recent geological past, we know that there is magma at shallower depths too,’ said Dan Dzurisin, a Yellowstone expert with the U.S. Geological Survey at Cascades Volcano Observatory in Washington State.

‘There has to be magma in the crust, or we wouldn't have all the hydrothermal activity that we have.

‘There is so much heat coming out of Yellowstone right now that if it wasn't being reheated by magma, the whole system would have gone stone cold since the time of the last eruption 70,000 years ago.’

mfg matula


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

25.01.2011 um 21:33
das sieht echt gigantisch aus !


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

25.01.2011 um 23:56

bitte schön,habs für dich reingestellt....das kann aber auch sein das es sehr kalt ist,und dann dampft es richtig...


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

26.01.2011 um 00:03
hab ich gerade bei gefunden (Archiv-Version vom 27.01.2011) ist schon mysteriös wie dieses jahr angefangen hat mit toten tieren usw .dann auch noch die ganzen artikel über die sonne in grönland, polverschiebung und auch yellowstone ! naja ab und zu glaub ich echt schon das manche mehr wissen als der kleine normale bürger! naja mal sehen was noch so kommt


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

26.01.2011 um 01:04
ich geb euch dazu zwei links. hatte soeben einen geistesblitz. hier haben wir unseren "2012 weltuntergang".. denkt auch mal an den film 2012, in dem der vulkan ausgebrochen ist. (Archiv-Version vom 31.01.2011)


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

27.01.2011 um 06:48
Jetzt gehts rund im Park


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

27.01.2011 um 08:42
Langsam geht mir der "2012- Weltuntergangs Mist" schon ganz schön auf die Nerven...Niemand kann auf den Tag genau voraussagen wann der YS wieder ausbrechen wird...


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

27.01.2011 um 11:56
schon 3 Beben heute...

2011/01/27 07:46:44 44.812 -111.358 12.8 12.8 26 km (16 Meilen) nordwestlich von West Yellowstone,

2011/01/27 03:46:07 44.758 -111.124 7.4 7.4 11 km (7 Meilen) nördlich von West Yellowstone,

2011/01/27 00:29:16 44.743 -111.110 2.0 2.0 9 km (6 Meilen) nördlich von West Yellowstone,

2011/01/26 04:51:03 44.749 -111.111 6.3 6.3 10 Kilometer (6 Meilen) nördlich von West Yellowstone,


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

27.01.2011 um 13:06

ich hoffe mal das sich das wieder legt :-/


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

27.01.2011 um 13:14
Alarmstimmung in den USA: Der "Supervulkan" im Yellowstone Park ist erwacht. Das berichtet das renommierte Magazin "National Geographic". Bei einem Ausbruch könnten die enorme Aschewolke sowie die giftigen Gase zwei Drittel der USA unbewohnbar machen und die ganze Welt in einen jahrelangen künstlichen Winter stürzen.


Was geschieht im Yellowstone?

27.01.2011 um 14:07
Du hast doch kontakte in die USA, hast du da evtl. noch etwas Insider Wissen ?
