@J.Smith Die 12 Sterne sind genauso die 12 Aeone, die 12 Sternbilder, die 12 Stämme israels, die 12 monate und alles was sonst noch 12 ist. Denn auch die 12 Apostel sind Sinnbild dafür.
:)Naja, damit beginnt eher der Vergleich, wenn Du die qabalistische Struktur meinst... ^^
ich denke eher, dass die gnostischen Texte die Urtexte waren, welche später durch den Einfluß der Judenchristen ausgeschlossen wurden. Und Konstantin sie vllt gar nicht mehr zu Gesicht bekam.
Schliesslich wurden sie in Nag Hammadi versteckt und nicht in Nizäa.
Das Thomasevangelium ist auch dabei. Dieses gab es bereits im 2. Jhdt.
Das Thomasevangelium ist wohl der bekannteste und am häufigsten untersuchte Text innerhalb der Nag--Hammadi--Schriften. Es ist den Kirchenvätern bekannt gewesen (vgl. z.B. Hipp. ref. V 7, 20; Eus. h.e. III 25,6; Or. Luc. hom 1). Dieser Sachverhalt weist auf ein Vorhandensein des EvTh bereits im 2. Jahrhundert hin, was durch die Fragmente des erstmals 1897 herausgegebenen griechischen Papyrus Oxyrynchus (Datierung auf 200) bestätigt wird.
http://web.archive.org/web/20070507030953/wwwuser.gwdg.de/~rzellwe/nhs/node85.html#SECTION000170000000000000000Jesus der Nazoräer:
http://orthodoxe-konfessionen.suite101.de/article.cfm/asldkfj_aoeldfkj_aajf_adfaeloej_aaeoejf_aaesdloefj_af (Archiv-Version vom 22.02.2009)----------------
Apg 22,7 Ich stürzte zu Boden und hörte eine Stimme zu mir sagen: Saul, Saul, warum verfolgst du mich?
Apg 22,8 Ich antwortete: Wer bist du, Herr? Er sagte zu mir:
Ich bin Jesus, der Nazoräer, den du verfolgst.
Apg 22,9 Meine Begleiter sahen zwar das Licht, die Stimme dessen aber, der zu mir sprach, hörten sie nicht.
pp.xiv (E.S.Drower)
"That Nasoraeans were originally a Jewish group or partly Jewish group is suggested by their claim that John the Baptist was a member of theirs ect, and by the fact that the Jordan is an essential and central feature of their tradition. Today the word yardna (jordan) is applied not only to running water as used in baptism and immersion, but to any flowing stream; yet the conjunction of John the Baptist and Jordan is significant.
Epiphanius (Adversus Haereses, xxix:6) says that there were Nasoraeans amongst the Jews before the time of Christ. The name could have been applied to any strictly law-observing Jewish sect for the root (TdB:in Hebrew,sorry I have no means to transcribing it) means to "keep,observe, guard" and
could have been used as a laudatory term for more than one group of dissidents, particularly if they had secret teachings. Nasoraeans of the Mandaean type "keep and observe" ritual law with zealous fidelity and "keep back" - even from their own lairy - mysteries considered deep and easily misunderstood by the uninitated.Nasoraean hatred for Jews must have originated at a period at which Nasoraeans were in close contact with orthodox jewry and at a time when the orthodox Jews had some authority over them. All this points to the truth of the Haran Gawaitha tradition.
Heterodox Judaism in Galilee and Samaria appears to have taken shape in the form we now call gnostic, and it may well have existed some time before the Christian era.http://weblog.bergersen.net/terje/archives/001053.html---------
At the time of Jesus, there were three distinct Essenian groups that played important roles in his life, and their religious practices and spiritual theology mirror in his teachings. They were:
1. The Theraputae of Egypt; where the infant Christ and his family fled during Herods rein.
2. The Essenes of Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls), the strict, celibate monastery of which John the Baptist was a part.
The Nazarenes of Mount Carmel, the cooperative family village where Jesus lived and studied.Josephus and other classic writers tell us of the Essenes and their intense appreciation for the inspired Law of God and that they "strove to be like the angels of heaven." They also opposed slavery, the sacrificing of animals and the eating of flesh.
Their highest aim was to
become fit temples of the Holy Ghost (1 Cor 6:19), to be healers and perform cures, especially spiritual cures, and to be spiritually qualified as forerunners of the Messiah, the latter being the primary spiritual focus of the Nazarenes of Mount Carmel.