29.01.2013 um 16:05@Leuchtpups
Das sagtest Du bereits. Melde doch gleich alle Beiträge in denen Du mich seit Jahresanfang gängelst.^^
Das sagtest Du bereits. Melde doch gleich alle Beiträge in denen Du mich seit Jahresanfang gängelst.^^
Question - Osho, I am Homosexual. What should I do About it?http://www.messagefrommasters.com/Shiva-Shakti/osho_on_homosexuality.htm (Archiv-Version vom 18.11.2012)
Osho - Ramo, It is good that you have confessed it. It is good that you are truthful about it. It is good that you are not hiding it, because whenever you expose yourself in totality, it is the beginning of a transformation. Don't be worried. One has to go beyond sex one day, whether it is homosexuality or heterosexuality or bisexuality -- it does not matter much. Sex is sex, these are only preferences, differences of liking. Don't feel much guilty about it, and this is not your fault.
Homosexuality has come into existence because of repressive measures, because of repressive moralities, because of thousands of years of separating man and woman into separate camps. In the colleges, in the schools, in the army, in the monasteries -- everywhere men and women are kept apart. The natural outcome is going to be homosexualism, lesbianism, because the natural energy will try to find out some outlet. Homosexuality is a byproduct of your so-called religions.
It is a well known fact that Christian monasteries, Buddhist monasteries have been full of homosexuality. It was bound to happen because you don't give them the science of transcending sex, and you simply tell them to repress the energy. Now the energy starts moving into perverted ways.
And don't take offense at the word perversion. It simply means unnatural, it simply means not as it was prescribed by the biology. The biological route is heterosexual. If you prevent it... It is like a small stream is flowing: you put a rock in its way, it will start flowing from some other side, it will go by passing the rock, it will become two streams instead of one. You can go on preventing it and it will go on splitting into many streams. It will find out some way. It has a source of water that has to be taken to the ocean.
Don't be worried about it, because worrying won't help. Accept it. Just as repression has created it, a deep acceptance can dissolve it. Accept it. You are a victim of a thousands of years conditioning.
Question - OSHO, Why do I hate Homosexuals
Osho - Sargam, DEEP DOWN YOU MUST BE A HOMOSEXUAL, otherwise why should you hate them? Hate is love upside-down, hate is love doing SIRSHASAN -- headstand. Hate knows yoga postures. And do you think you are a different person just by standing on your head? Many fools think that way: standing on their heads they think they are yogis; otherwise they were just ordinary people.
Now, standing on their heads they are special people; distorting their bodies they think they are coming closer to God. They may be useful in a circus, but it has nothing to do with spirituality -- otherwise the people in circuses would be the most enlightened people in the world. You have seen girls in circuses doing such postures -- almost unbelievable, as if they are not made of blood and bone and flesh but of rubber. Do you think they become enlightened?
Hate is a trick: you hate because you want to repress. And hate is not good, because it does not harm the other, it simply harms you. There are millions of people who hate homosexuals. That simply means millions of people have the capacity of becoming homosexuals if the opportunity is given to them. They have a deep longing for the forbidden fruit. Just to keep themselves in control, they create a great wall of hatred.
Erwachen bedeutet die Scheinbarkeit von allem zu durchschauen.MickyM. schrieb:er war trotzdem ein erwachter
feinJimmybondy schrieb:Im Kontrast zu allem hier Gesagten hab ich eben dann mein zweites Osho Buch erworben. :D
..fein erkannt ;) (allerdings habe ich nicht keine Bücher von ihm gelesen, trotzdem aber meine ich zu verstehen das er so drauf war bzw. er es so rüberbringen wollte)cRAwler23 schrieb am 30.01.2013:Er hat sich viel mit seiner eigenen und der menschlichen Widersprüchlichkeit und seiner widersprüchlichen Natur beschäftigt. Ich glaube er war nicht homophob, ich glaube er verkörperte beide Sichtweisen in einer Person und benutzte gern Worte in einem anderen Kontext. Man könnte meinen er sei die Verkörperung des Widerspruchs, er war ein perfekter Spiegel für gläubige und ungläubige Menschen. Ich selbst batrachte die "Wahrheit" und Erleuchtung auch nicht als einen "Singular" sondern so vielfältig wie die Natur selbst ;)
meine rede ging an diekowild schrieb:Von wem redest du?