na wie schön, jetzt bekommt er noch mehr Spenden, seitdem er wieder im Gefängnis ist.......und der Anwalt will eine neue Kautionsanhörung beantragen..... schön die Erklärung, wie es dazu kommen konnte, dass Zimmerman und seine Frau das Gericht belogen haben.....
"The audio recordings of Mr. Zimmerman's phone conversations while in jail make it clear that Mr. Zimmerman knew a significant sum had been raised by his original fundraising website. We feel the failure to disclose these funds was caused by fear, mistrust, and confusion. The gravity of this mistake has been distinctly illustrated, and Mr. Zimmerman understands that this mistake has undermined his credibility, which he will have to work to repair.
At the point of the bond hearing, Mr. Zimmerman had been driven from his home and neighborhood, could not go to work, his wife could not go back to a finish her nursing degree, his mother and father had been driven from their home, and he had been thrust into the national spotlight as a racist murderer by factions acting with their own agendas. None of those allegations have been supported by the discovery released to date, yet the hatred continues."
so, weil man 5 Tage später seine Anwälte informierte ist die Lüge nicht so schlimm und weil man Angst hatte, mißtrauisch war und durcheinander, ist es natürlich verständlich, dass man lügt.......Angst, Mißtrauen und Konfusion führten ja offensichtlich schon einmal zu einer Fehlentscheidung......scheint Zimmerman zu begleiten, nur lernt er wohl nichts daraus......