Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo
25.07.2011 um 17:59Steht im Manifest was er auf diesem Bild gerade macht?

Hier auch noch was aus seinem Manifest:
Level of multicultural indoctrination per country
Country Level of multiculti indoctrination
Slovakia 90
Slovenia 90
Czech Republic 80
Italy 70
Russia 70
Poland 70
Greece 60
Finland 60
Denmark 40
Portugal 40
US 30
Iceland 20
Spain 10
Luxembourg 10
Netherlands 10
Belgium 10
UK 10
France 10
Switzerland 10
Norway 8
Sweden 6
Germany 1
100 – Least brainwashed with multiculturalist propaganda
0 – Most brainwashed with multiculturalist propaganda
Nach seiner Einschätzung ist Deutschland das am meisten mit multikultureller Propaganda gehringewaschene Land.
Er schreibt dazu:

Hier auch noch was aus seinem Manifest:
Level of multicultural indoctrination per country
Country Level of multiculti indoctrination
Slovakia 90
Slovenia 90
Czech Republic 80
Italy 70
Russia 70
Poland 70
Greece 60
Finland 60
Denmark 40
Portugal 40
US 30
Iceland 20
Spain 10
Luxembourg 10
Netherlands 10
Belgium 10
UK 10
France 10
Switzerland 10
Norway 8
Sweden 6
Germany 1
100 – Least brainwashed with multiculturalist propaganda
0 – Most brainwashed with multiculturalist propaganda
Nach seiner Einschätzung ist Deutschland das am meisten mit multikultureller Propaganda gehringewaschene Land.
Er schreibt dazu:
Germany is helpless and unable to defend itself culturallySeite 734-35
My 2 year Facebook study proves that the above indications are correct. There is a very
clear relevance of the various national direct/indirect indoctrination campaigns and the
given state of “visible” patriotism in those countries. The visible presense of patriots
(individuals flagging patriotic views through voluntary Facebook labels (political views)
and group/fan memberships) is directly linked to the severity of that nations
indoctrination campaigns. In reality, we (Germans especially) are collectively held
responsible for all the bad things in the world which explains our current mentality of self