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...und nur die Amis raffen es nicht...
19.10.2004 um 12:17Link: (extern) (Archiv-Version vom 15.10.2004)
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Everybody makes mistakes. I remember my last mistake. 1978, but, hey, that's a long
time ago and I didn't need the money - only the action...
Fucking up is historically the first and best way to learn. For example, Nixon fucked up
by being born. He recently understood the error of his ways and died. See?
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Everybody makes mistakes. I remember my last mistake. 1978, but, hey, that's a long
time ago and I didn't need the money - only the action...
Fucking up is historically the first and best way to learn. For example, Nixon fucked up
by being born. He recently understood the error of his ways and died. See?