Bürgerkrieg in Syrien
13.06.2014 um 11:53@Corvus_Corax
alNusra und co. wollten ihren islamischen Staat in Syrien, ISIL will mehr.
Aufschlussreiches Gespräch zwischen alNusra und ISIL,
ISIL (Abu ‘Ali al-Anbari) verurteilt alNusra weil sie ihre Flagge gehisst hätten und mit FSA zusammenhielten.
Al Nusra dementiert, dass sie die Flagge nur gehisst hätten, damit FSA nicht angreife, und sie hätten ISIS-Kämpfer unversehrt zu ISIL zurückschicken können.
ISIL kontert, lieber eigene Kämpfer zu opfern als andere Flagge als ihre zu hissen.
Auf die Frage , warum sie alNusra-Führer Abu Sa`ad al Hadrimi getötet hätten war die Antwort, weil er ein murtad (Apostat) sei und unter FSA stünde, Wikipedia: Bay'ah
Die Aussage al Nusras, dass sie doch FSA -Kämpfer zum Jihad bringen, wird ignoriert!
Fazit: Nusra und co sind schlimm, ISIL ist noch schlimmer!
"The next morning, we came to him, and they [Dawla] had announced that they had killed Abu Saa’ad al-Hadrimi, the Amir o fal-Raqqa from Jabhat al-Nusra.
But we let it pass [this transgression] and did not discuss it, in order that we could focus on the reconciliation, but he [Abu ‘Ali al-Anbari] asked to meet the members of Jabht al-Nusra alone, so we went into another room, he said: “What did you do?”
We said: “What?”
He said: “What are you doing? Don’t you know what you are doing?”
We said: “What did we do? You tell us.”
He said: “How dare you raise your flag over our base in Darit Azza?”
We said: “We raised our flag over your residence in Darit Azza to protect your soldiers because the FSA was about to raid the base and imprison all your members there or kill them, but the Amir of Jabhat al-Nusra in that area entered and prevented the FSA from doing that.And took the brothers [the soldiers from Jamat al-Dawla] and sent them to you safely with all respect and good manners.”
He said: “We don’t accept [this], even if they [the soldiers from Dawla] all died, we don’t need your mediation, and raising your flag over our base is not acceptable.”
We said: “They are your brothers, do you sacrifice your soldiers for not hoisting a flag over your residence? We can now lower the flag down, and you send back your soldiers.”
Then I said: “The situation requires wisdom”
He said: “We don’t care, either we eliminate them or they eliminate us.”
I said: “Ya Shaykh, the situation needs to be handled with wisdom. I am asking you a question, is it wise to announce that you killed Abu Saa’ad al-Hadrami the Amir of Jabht al-Nusra in al-Raqqa?”
He said: “We don’t care. It’s not important to us.”
I said: “Leave it aside if it’s important or unimportant to you.I am asking you is it wise to announce that you killed him?”
He said: “We don’t care.”
Then brother Abu ‘Ubaida al-Tunisi asked him: “Why did you kill him?”
He [Abu ‘Ali al-Anbari] said: “Because he is a murtad, and admitted that he is a murtad.”
Abu ‘Ubaida replied: “What made you consider him a murtad?”
He [al-Anbari] said: “He is taking the Baya’a from the FSA.”
I said: “Ya Abu Ali! Is taking the Bya’a from the FSA considered as Rida? He is bringing the people to Jihad, it is a righteous [praiseworthy] thing.”
He [al-Anbari] said: “Yes he is a murtad for taking the Baya’a from the FSA.”
Die neuestn Eroberungen im Irak durch ISIL wären nicht möglich gewesen, wenn die Gruppierung sich nicht massiv bereichert hätte an geld und Kämpfer in Syrien, Ölfelder in deir Ezzor, Lösegelder.
"It was barely a year ago, in April 2013, that ISIS announced the expansion of its operations from Iraq into Syria. By changing its name from the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) by adding the words “and al-Sham”, translated as “the Levant” or “Greater Syria”, it signified its quest to conquer a wider area than present-day Syria.
Run by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, an Iraqi jihadist, ISIS may have up to 6,000 fighters in Iraq and 3,000-5,000 in Syria, including perhaps 3,000 foreigners; nearly a thousand are reported to hail from Chechnya and perhaps 500 or so more from France, Britain and elsewhere in Europe.
It is ruthless, slaughtering Shia and other minorities, including Christians and Alawites, the offshoot to which Syria’s president, Bashar Assad, belongs. It sacks churches and Shia shrines, dispatches suicide-bombers to market-places, and has no regard for civilian casualties.
Its recent advances would have been impossible without ISIS’s control since January of the eastern Syrian town of Raqqa, a testing ground and stronghold from which it has made forays farther afield. It has seized and exploited Syrian oilfields in the area and raised cash by ransoming foreign hostages.
"In Mosul erbeutete die Gruppe zudem Militärfahrzeuge in großer Zahl, dazu Waffen, die die USA an die irakische Armee geliefert hatten, womöglich sogar Helikopter und Flugzeuge (ob Isis über Piloten verfügt, ist allerdings ungewiss) und wohl auch reichlich Geld. Zu einem echten Staat macht all das Isis noch lange nicht. Aber zu einem Pseudo-Staat allemal, vielleicht sogar zu einem Proto-Staat."
Nebst Fahrzeugen und Waffen,streichen sie noch nebenbei eine halbe Milliarde Dollar ein.
Sachen gibts!
"The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (Isis) has become the richest terror group ever after looting 500 billion Iraqi dinars - the equivalent of $429m (£256m) - from Mosul's central bank, according to the regional governor."
Das war eine der Streitpunkte zwischen alkaida (alNusra, islamische Front, etc.) in Syrien und ISIL.unreal-live schrieb:Interessante Punkte die da aufgegriffen werden!
alNusra und co. wollten ihren islamischen Staat in Syrien, ISIL will mehr.
Aufschlussreiches Gespräch zwischen alNusra und ISIL,
ISIL (Abu ‘Ali al-Anbari) verurteilt alNusra weil sie ihre Flagge gehisst hätten und mit FSA zusammenhielten.
Al Nusra dementiert, dass sie die Flagge nur gehisst hätten, damit FSA nicht angreife, und sie hätten ISIS-Kämpfer unversehrt zu ISIL zurückschicken können.
ISIL kontert, lieber eigene Kämpfer zu opfern als andere Flagge als ihre zu hissen.
Auf die Frage , warum sie alNusra-Führer Abu Sa`ad al Hadrimi getötet hätten war die Antwort, weil er ein murtad (Apostat) sei und unter FSA stünde, Wikipedia: Bay'ah
Die Aussage al Nusras, dass sie doch FSA -Kämpfer zum Jihad bringen, wird ignoriert!
Fazit: Nusra und co sind schlimm, ISIL ist noch schlimmer!
"The next morning, we came to him, and they [Dawla] had announced that they had killed Abu Saa’ad al-Hadrimi, the Amir o fal-Raqqa from Jabhat al-Nusra.
But we let it pass [this transgression] and did not discuss it, in order that we could focus on the reconciliation, but he [Abu ‘Ali al-Anbari] asked to meet the members of Jabht al-Nusra alone, so we went into another room, he said: “What did you do?”
We said: “What?”
He said: “What are you doing? Don’t you know what you are doing?”
We said: “What did we do? You tell us.”
He said: “How dare you raise your flag over our base in Darit Azza?”
We said: “We raised our flag over your residence in Darit Azza to protect your soldiers because the FSA was about to raid the base and imprison all your members there or kill them, but the Amir of Jabhat al-Nusra in that area entered and prevented the FSA from doing that.And took the brothers [the soldiers from Jamat al-Dawla] and sent them to you safely with all respect and good manners.”
He said: “We don’t accept [this], even if they [the soldiers from Dawla] all died, we don’t need your mediation, and raising your flag over our base is not acceptable.”
We said: “They are your brothers, do you sacrifice your soldiers for not hoisting a flag over your residence? We can now lower the flag down, and you send back your soldiers.”
Then I said: “The situation requires wisdom”
He said: “We don’t care, either we eliminate them or they eliminate us.”
I said: “Ya Shaykh, the situation needs to be handled with wisdom. I am asking you a question, is it wise to announce that you killed Abu Saa’ad al-Hadrami the Amir of Jabht al-Nusra in al-Raqqa?”
He said: “We don’t care. It’s not important to us.”
I said: “Leave it aside if it’s important or unimportant to you.I am asking you is it wise to announce that you killed him?”
He said: “We don’t care.”
Then brother Abu ‘Ubaida al-Tunisi asked him: “Why did you kill him?”
He [Abu ‘Ali al-Anbari] said: “Because he is a murtad, and admitted that he is a murtad.”
Abu ‘Ubaida replied: “What made you consider him a murtad?”
He [al-Anbari] said: “He is taking the Baya’a from the FSA.”
I said: “Ya Abu Ali! Is taking the Bya’a from the FSA considered as Rida? He is bringing the people to Jihad, it is a righteous [praiseworthy] thing.”
He [al-Anbari] said: “Yes he is a murtad for taking the Baya’a from the FSA.”
Die neuestn Eroberungen im Irak durch ISIL wären nicht möglich gewesen, wenn die Gruppierung sich nicht massiv bereichert hätte an geld und Kämpfer in Syrien, Ölfelder in deir Ezzor, Lösegelder.
"It was barely a year ago, in April 2013, that ISIS announced the expansion of its operations from Iraq into Syria. By changing its name from the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) by adding the words “and al-Sham”, translated as “the Levant” or “Greater Syria”, it signified its quest to conquer a wider area than present-day Syria.
Run by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, an Iraqi jihadist, ISIS may have up to 6,000 fighters in Iraq and 3,000-5,000 in Syria, including perhaps 3,000 foreigners; nearly a thousand are reported to hail from Chechnya and perhaps 500 or so more from France, Britain and elsewhere in Europe.
It is ruthless, slaughtering Shia and other minorities, including Christians and Alawites, the offshoot to which Syria’s president, Bashar Assad, belongs. It sacks churches and Shia shrines, dispatches suicide-bombers to market-places, and has no regard for civilian casualties.
Its recent advances would have been impossible without ISIS’s control since January of the eastern Syrian town of Raqqa, a testing ground and stronghold from which it has made forays farther afield. It has seized and exploited Syrian oilfields in the area and raised cash by ransoming foreign hostages.
"In Mosul erbeutete die Gruppe zudem Militärfahrzeuge in großer Zahl, dazu Waffen, die die USA an die irakische Armee geliefert hatten, womöglich sogar Helikopter und Flugzeuge (ob Isis über Piloten verfügt, ist allerdings ungewiss) und wohl auch reichlich Geld. Zu einem echten Staat macht all das Isis noch lange nicht. Aber zu einem Pseudo-Staat allemal, vielleicht sogar zu einem Proto-Staat."
Nebst Fahrzeugen und Waffen,streichen sie noch nebenbei eine halbe Milliarde Dollar ein.
Sachen gibts!
"The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (Isis) has become the richest terror group ever after looting 500 billion Iraqi dinars - the equivalent of $429m (£256m) - from Mosul's central bank, according to the regional governor."