Klimaschwindel enttarnt! Politisches Desaster!
21.11.2009 um 22:55@chen
Ich weiss, ich schlaf noch net, aber ich stoebere grad so in den emails herum.
Von den 1000 irgendwas emails habe ich eine gepickt und schau mal was ich gefunden habe:
From: "Jonathan T. Overpeck" <jto@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: Phil Jones <p.jones@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: climate of the last millennia...
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 12:17:24 -0700
Cc: k.briffa@xxxxxxxxx.xxx, ray bradley <rbradley@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>, mann@xxxxxxxxx.xxx
Hi Phil - thanks for your detailed reply to my email. I look forward to
working with you and the rest of the gang to really improve the state of
paleo contributions to the detection/attribution issue. The earlier we get
a small group together, the better, so I suggest we try to take you up on
the AMS add-on idea. It would be ideal to have a 1 to 1.5day mtg in Boulder
since we have many of the needed perspectives (ice core, coral, seds, data,
etc) here. What would be the best dates for you (and Keith - I'm hoping
he'll be up for this too). We can find the extra $$ to get folks to Boulder
and have a quality time (do you ski?).
Was meinst du? Machen mit Steuergelder Urlaub...
Ich weiss, ich schlaf noch net, aber ich stoebere grad so in den emails herum.
Von den 1000 irgendwas emails habe ich eine gepickt und schau mal was ich gefunden habe:
From: "Jonathan T. Overpeck" <jto@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: Phil Jones <p.jones@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
Subject: Re: climate of the last millennia...
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 12:17:24 -0700
Cc: k.briffa@xxxxxxxxx.xxx, ray bradley <rbradley@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>, mann@xxxxxxxxx.xxx
Hi Phil - thanks for your detailed reply to my email. I look forward to
working with you and the rest of the gang to really improve the state of
paleo contributions to the detection/attribution issue. The earlier we get
a small group together, the better, so I suggest we try to take you up on
the AMS add-on idea. It would be ideal to have a 1 to 1.5day mtg in Boulder
since we have many of the needed perspectives (ice core, coral, seds, data,
etc) here. What would be the best dates for you (and Keith - I'm hoping
he'll be up for this too). We can find the extra $$ to get folks to Boulder
and have a quality time (do you ski?).
Was meinst du? Machen mit Steuergelder Urlaub...