256 B.C.
“After the fall of Persia, the Parthian Empire rules over Mesopotamia,Armenia and
Iran. The Turanian Parthians, custodians of the ancient Sumeriancivilization, resist the
Eastern expansion of the Roman Empire. In 226 A.D., thePersian Sassanids overthrow
the Parthian Empire which experiences a revival between272 and 326 A.D.
2nd c. A.D.
“The Hun empire reaches its greatest extent fromthe Pacific to the Aral sea, from
Siberia to the Partian Empire and China. The Hunsface centuries of struggle against an
increasingly offensive and encroaching Chineseimperialism and expanionism. Facing
mounting pressures from China in the East, theHuns begin the expand into Europe. In
the 4th century A.D., the Huns begin theirWestern military campaigns, In 375 A.D.,
the Huns defeat the Goths, setting in motionthe great migration of Germanic tribes
which also contributed to the collapse of theRoman Empire”
Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian (EDH)
http://mek.oszk.hu/04500/04509/04509.pdf (Archiv-Version vom 19.04.2009)