Fabs schrieb:Das ist nicht meine Aufgabe, sondern die eines ordentlichen israelischen Gerichts. War der Typ auf dem Foto in den Brandanschlag auf die Kirche oder die palästinensische Familie verwickelt? Je nach dem Grad seiner Verwicklung ist er auch zu verurteilen. So einfach ist das, die israelische Gerichtsbarkeit gilt auch für jüdische Fanatiker. Und man sollte auch tatsächlich härter gegen gewalttätige Siedler vorgehen.
Das sollte man wirklich, wir sind tatsächlich mal einer Meinung. Aber es gibt eben diesen eklatanten Doppelstandard, wenn's um die Bestrafung von jüdischen und palästinensischen Tätern geht. Einige Täter wurden trotz eindeutigen Beweisen einfach laufengelassen. Das spricht sich natürlich rum unter den gewaltbereiten Siedlern.
Einige junge Siedler haben einen Molotow Cocktail auf ein Palästinensisches Taxi geworfen und die Insassen schwer verletzt, aber man lies sie laufen.
Burned in a taxi
Then there was the case of the family who settlers burned alive on 16 August 2012.
Jamila Hassan, her husband Ayman and their children Iman, 4, and Muhammad, 6, were riding in a taxi south of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, along with another passenger and the driver.
The car was hit by a Molotov cocktail. Ayman and the two children were badly injured. Muhammad suffered severe burns all over his body.
“We are lost, our life has turned upside down. The father, son and daughter are each in different worlds, our life is difficult and miserable,” Jamila told Ma’an News Agency two weeks after the attack.
Muhammad had just emerged in agony from yet another surgery. “He screams from the pain a lot,” his mother said.
At that time too there were Israeli promises of “justice.” But what happened?
Police arrested three minors from a nearby Jewish settlement and told the judge that they had found fingerprints at the scene linking the suspects to the crime.
According to Haaretz, Judge Yaron Mintkevich ruled to keep the boys in custody “with a heavy heart, due to their age” – they were reported to be between 12 and 13.
But in January 2013, Israeli prosecutors dropped the case, citing a “lack of evidence.”
Had they been Palestinian children accused of throwing stones at occupation soldiers, they would have been kept in custody for months, subjected to horrific abuse amounting to torture and forced to confess.
Obviously, that’s not how Israel treats its own settlers who are subject to Israeli civil law, while Palestinians, including children, are subject to Israel’s military kangaroo courts.
https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/how-israel-protects-its-settlers-who-burn-palestinian-children-aliveAb min. 9:30 kannst du einen der jungen Täter hören. Der Reporter stellt ihm zwar Suggestivfragen, aber nach Einsicht oder Reue hört sich das nicht an. Ich würde gern das vollständige Interview sehen, vielleicht finde ich's noch.
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Wenn wirklich mal ein Täter verurteilt wird, fällt die Haftstrafe meist sehr kurz aus. Zwei Jahre für einen Brandanschlag, WTF!?
Arsonists of Jewish-Arab school sing 'praise God' after jail sentenceTwo of the perpetrators get at least two years jail time and ordered to compensate Jerusalem school; 'It was worth it,' they said upon leaving the courtroom smiling.
Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)The trial of the third accused, Yitzhak Gabai, is still ongoing because he did not confess and has yet to be convicted.
In addition to the prison sentence, the court gave Shlomo Twito eight months suspended sentence for three years following his release, and ordered him to pay NIS 10,000 in compensation to the bilingual school. His brother Nahman received ten months of suspended sentence, and ordered to pay the school NIS 15,000 in compensation.
The two left the courtroom smiling, singing songs in praise of God and claiming that "it was worth it."
The young men are members of the Lehava organization - a far right-wing group whose prime objective is to oppose assimilation of Jews, especially marriages between Jews and non-Jews.
After being caught, the three perpetrators said they vandalized and burned the school to protest the fact Jews and Arabs were attending it together and in order to raise their objection to intermarriage and assimilation to the public's attention.
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4682990,00.htmlIch lese momentan das Buch "Goliath - Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" von Max Blumenthal.(Ja, Blumenthal verdient sein Geld damit, Israel zu "dämonisieren", aber die Fakten geben ihm Recht)
Es gibt dutzende solcher radikalen Gruppierungen in Israel, die sich längst von Säkularismus und Demokratie verabschiedet haben. Einige Parteien im Knesset sind zum Sprachrohr dieser Fanatiker geworden, daran besteht auch kein Zweifel.