Gibt es moderate Muslime?
05.08.2014 um 16:26@victor
Und diese sind auch in Deutschland massenweise vertreten.
Vorallem sollte man erst versuchen zu verstehen was genau mit einem "Muslim" gemeint ist.
Grober Unfug:victor schrieb am 01.08.2014:Nein, ich fürchte nicht.
Der Islam ist meiner Meinung nach gegen unsere freiheitlich demokratische Grundordnung, da ist wenig Spielraum für moderat
As many Quranists have a very individualistic interpretation of the Qur'an, rejecting sectarianism and organised religion as a general rule, it is difficult to gather an accurate estimate of the number of Quranists in the world today by doing a study of the Quranist organisations that exist. Another difficulty in determining their prevalence is the possible fear of persecution due to being regarded as apostates and therefore deserving of the death penalty by many traditional scholars like Yousef Elbadry,[5] Mahmoud Ashour, Mohammed Ra'fat Othman and Mustafa Al-Shak'a.[6]Wikipedia: Quranism#Terminology
Liberal movements within Islam include Quranists who interpret Islam as "a belief system committed to the liberal values of a democratic world".[7] Quranism is similar to movements in other religions such as the Karaite movement of Judaism and the Sola scriptura view of Christianity.[8] Similarly, the Mu'tazila were also described as hadith rejectors and comparisons have been drawn.[9] Hadith rejection has also been associated with Muslim modernists.[10] A minority of Quranists use tafsir commentaries to understand the context of a Quran verse.[11]
Und diese sind auch in Deutschland massenweise vertreten.
Vorallem sollte man erst versuchen zu verstehen was genau mit einem "Muslim" gemeint ist.