@dunkelbunt der russe ist nicht böse , die obere elite lässt bloss sogenannte volkswehren auf die meute los ,wie z.b. in der ukraine .
die jungs können ja nichtmal was dafür , haben sie doch schon tinnitus vom " großen vaterländischen krieg"
nettes buntes bildchen sogenannter local self defense forces aus diesem artikel übrigens

Thierry Mariani and about 10 other centre-right Republican Party MPs arrived in Crimea on Thursday.
The French Foreign Ministry said it was a "violation of international law". Ukraine called the MPs "irresponsible".
The visit "shows disrespect for state sovereignty", the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry was quoted as saying.
Western politicians have avoided visiting Crimea, to comply with the sanctions regime. But a few MEPs went there to observe the controversial 2014 referendum, after the Russian annexation.
All but one of the French MPs are Republicans. The opposition party - formerly called the UMP - is led by ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy.
They met Russian MPs in Moscow earlier on Thursday, including State Duma (lower house) speaker Sergei Naryshkin.
They will spend the rest of the day and Friday in Crimea, visiting Yalta, the regional capital Simferopol and the port of Sevastopol. It is described as a private visit.
The pro-Russian leader in Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, said the visit was "a recognition by the foreign MPs that the sanctions against Russia are ineffective".
also für den sogenannten " westen " und vorallem der ukraine ist die krim-nummer noch nicht durch . es wird da wohl sehr schwierig , aber die sogenannten " sanktionen " werden sicher nicht so schnell vom tisch sein ,ausser man würde die ukraine fallen lassen . danach sieht es ganz & gar nicht aus im moment , im gegenteil .