@Fedaykin zur Pipeline, es ging um Aquaba Pipeline Project.
Die USA wollten diese Pipeline von Irak bis Jordanien bauen, Saddam Hussein hat nein dazu gesagt und angefangen einen Ölkonzern nach dem anderen zu verstaatlichen.
2003 wurden einige Dokumente, die der Geheimhaltung unterlagen, deklassifiziert.
One particularly revealing 1983 memo, declassified for the first time in February by the National Archives, concerns a trip by Rumsfeld to Iraq. Acting as a special White House "peace envoy" allegedly to discuss with Hussein and then foreign minister Tarik Aziz the bloody war between Iran and Iraq, Rumsfeld turns out according to this memo to have been talking not about that war, but about Bechtel’s proposed Aqaba pipeline.
In his memo to Secretary of State George Schultz reporting on the meeting with Hussein, Rumsfeld talks at length about the pipeline discussion, but makes no mention of having discussed either the war or charges that Hussein’s army was using chemical weapons against the Iranians.