Wohin geht die Türkei unter Erdogan?
27.02.2014 um 20:33Jepp, Comedy. Die Analyse der Firma "Kalaidescope" ist eine 30-Minuten Arbeit gewesen, für die die Auftraggeber sage und schreibe 50$ bezahlt haben.. :D
Der zu untersuchende Sachverhalt war:
"Has this been edited?"
und die Antwort:
"The answer to that question was yes. "
Aber lest die Stellungnahme selbst.
Der ganze Text:
SpoilerThank you for your comments and communications. Some of them have been very helpful, and others have been hurtful. We are beginning to appreciate the nature of the situation, and we now realize that further clarification is necessary. We apologize for not responding to each individual contact, but we have reviewed all of the English missives and hope this answers any lingering questions.
1) We do not personally know the clients who brought this to us. One of our staff engineers, Kyle, was paid $50 for 30 minutes of his time to answer the simple technical question, "Has this been edited?" The answer to that question was yes. In hindsight, should he have asked more questions or not gotten involved at all? Obviously, yes, but what's done is done, and we cannot reverse that. This is an honest mistake by a young, conscientious, hard-working staff member. If he spoke a word of Turkish, he quickly could have realized the true nature of what he was dealing with.
2) We have been made aware that this is a compilation of five recordings edited together. That is consistent with the edits we heard. Anything that has been done to this recording beyond the conjoining of those five sections -- as obvious to most of you (probably far more obvious, as you speak the language) as it was to us -- remains outside our area of expertise.
3) Do not take our observations that "we heard some edits" as a confirmation or denial regarding whether these recordings are "real" or edited in terms of their content. That would require an audio forensics professional with a very specialized audio forensics lab. We are a commercial studio that specializes in recording and producing music. We were asked only if there were any edits in the sound file we were given and we determined that there were. At the time, the question seemed quite simple and specific.
4) We regret that we unknowingly got involved in this, and we hope this clarification will allow us to get back to doing what we do best: helping artists make a piece of music sound as good as it can. I have personally had the good fortune to work with many great Turkish musicians, deeply love the musical culture, and wish no harm to anyone. I hope this puts an end to our involvement in this, and I reiterate that these other questions of content and fraudulence can be resolved by someone qualified to do so. I can assure all of you that if this client ever walks back into our studio, he can keep his $50! It is a certainty that if the client had been forthcoming with Kyle about the nature of the assignment and material, we never would have gotten involved.
Randy Crafton
Kaleidoscope Sound
Die zweite Analyse aber ist noch besser. Es wird auf einen gewissen Robin Lai von JOU Production verwiesen. Unterzeichnet liest es sich eigentlich eher als J OU Productions. Die Firma soll unter Anderem auch die Audiobearbeitung von Life of PI und Harry Potter gemacht haben. (die Info wird später noch wichtig :D )
siehe Bild aus dem Link:
http://haber.stargazete.com/guncel/dunyaca-unlu-ses-muhendisi-robin-lai-ses-kaydi-degistirilmis-ve-montaj-yapilmis/haber-849154 (Archiv-Version vom 02.03.2014)
Oben ist das geschnitten. Wieso wohl? Also weitersuchen. Es gibt auch die ungeschnittene Variante. Unter anderem auch auf dem server der gleichen website stargazete.com
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Die Karte oben verrät uns doch schon einmal etwas. :D
Jetzt kommt die Stellungnahme der Firma John Marshall Media.
SpoilerJohn Marshall Media did not issue an opinion on a Turkish language phone recording. Any reasonable analysis of the scanned document that is circulating would note that the document is signed with a company name of 'J Ou Productions' and a John Marshall Media business card stapled on the top. This is not official JMM letterhead. And the fact that the company in the signature and the business card stapled to the top are different companies make this an obvious attempt at deception.
This recording was not analyzed by JMM and JMM is not a forensic audio specialist.
Legal action is being considered against this person who duped our employee and we are reviewing company policies.
To those news agencies that reprinted this obvious forgery: Shame on you.
John Marshall Cheary III
Founder and CEO
John Marshall Media, Inc.
Also nix da mit Analyse.
Ob auch tatsächlich die gemeint ist, werdet ihr jetzt zu Recht fragen. Ja, denn die sind tatsächlich mit den oben genannten Filmen beauftragt worden.
Aber wenn immer wenn man denkt, dümmer gehts nicht... :D
Hier ein hochseriöser Bericht:
http://www.haber7.com/guncel/haber/1132158-iste-amerikada-ses-analizini-yapan-o-firma (Archiv-Version vom 27.02.2014)
Man beachte das Bild:
Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
Ups, wo ist denn die Visitenkarte auf einmal hin? :D
Wenn man "näher" hinschaut ist die Bildbearbeitung ganz klar zu sehen.
Naja, wollte nur mal ein Einblick in die dortigen Medien geben. Es geht drunter und drüber...
Der zu untersuchende Sachverhalt war:
"Has this been edited?"
und die Antwort:
"The answer to that question was yes. "
Aber lest die Stellungnahme selbst.
Der ganze Text:
SpoilerThank you for your comments and communications. Some of them have been very helpful, and others have been hurtful. We are beginning to appreciate the nature of the situation, and we now realize that further clarification is necessary. We apologize for not responding to each individual contact, but we have reviewed all of the English missives and hope this answers any lingering questions.
1) We do not personally know the clients who brought this to us. One of our staff engineers, Kyle, was paid $50 for 30 minutes of his time to answer the simple technical question, "Has this been edited?" The answer to that question was yes. In hindsight, should he have asked more questions or not gotten involved at all? Obviously, yes, but what's done is done, and we cannot reverse that. This is an honest mistake by a young, conscientious, hard-working staff member. If he spoke a word of Turkish, he quickly could have realized the true nature of what he was dealing with.
2) We have been made aware that this is a compilation of five recordings edited together. That is consistent with the edits we heard. Anything that has been done to this recording beyond the conjoining of those five sections -- as obvious to most of you (probably far more obvious, as you speak the language) as it was to us -- remains outside our area of expertise.
3) Do not take our observations that "we heard some edits" as a confirmation or denial regarding whether these recordings are "real" or edited in terms of their content. That would require an audio forensics professional with a very specialized audio forensics lab. We are a commercial studio that specializes in recording and producing music. We were asked only if there were any edits in the sound file we were given and we determined that there were. At the time, the question seemed quite simple and specific.
4) We regret that we unknowingly got involved in this, and we hope this clarification will allow us to get back to doing what we do best: helping artists make a piece of music sound as good as it can. I have personally had the good fortune to work with many great Turkish musicians, deeply love the musical culture, and wish no harm to anyone. I hope this puts an end to our involvement in this, and I reiterate that these other questions of content and fraudulence can be resolved by someone qualified to do so. I can assure all of you that if this client ever walks back into our studio, he can keep his $50! It is a certainty that if the client had been forthcoming with Kyle about the nature of the assignment and material, we never would have gotten involved.
Randy Crafton
Kaleidoscope Sound
Die zweite Analyse aber ist noch besser. Es wird auf einen gewissen Robin Lai von JOU Production verwiesen. Unterzeichnet liest es sich eigentlich eher als J OU Productions. Die Firma soll unter Anderem auch die Audiobearbeitung von Life of PI und Harry Potter gemacht haben. (die Info wird später noch wichtig :D )
siehe Bild aus dem Link:
http://haber.stargazete.com/guncel/dunyaca-unlu-ses-muhendisi-robin-lai-ses-kaydi-degistirilmis-ve-montaj-yapilmis/haber-849154 (Archiv-Version vom 02.03.2014)

Oben ist das geschnitten. Wieso wohl? Also weitersuchen. Es gibt auch die ungeschnittene Variante. Unter anderem auch auf dem server der gleichen website stargazete.com
Den Link habe ich auf dieser webseite gefunden:
Die Adresse von dem stargazete.com Server:
und das Bild:
Die Karte oben verrät uns doch schon einmal etwas. :D
Jetzt kommt die Stellungnahme der Firma John Marshall Media.
SpoilerJohn Marshall Media did not issue an opinion on a Turkish language phone recording. Any reasonable analysis of the scanned document that is circulating would note that the document is signed with a company name of 'J Ou Productions' and a John Marshall Media business card stapled on the top. This is not official JMM letterhead. And the fact that the company in the signature and the business card stapled to the top are different companies make this an obvious attempt at deception.
This recording was not analyzed by JMM and JMM is not a forensic audio specialist.
Legal action is being considered against this person who duped our employee and we are reviewing company policies.
To those news agencies that reprinted this obvious forgery: Shame on you.
John Marshall Cheary III
Founder and CEO
John Marshall Media, Inc.
Also nix da mit Analyse.
Ob auch tatsächlich die gemeint ist, werdet ihr jetzt zu Recht fragen. Ja, denn die sind tatsächlich mit den oben genannten Filmen beauftragt worden.
Aber wenn immer wenn man denkt, dümmer gehts nicht... :D
Hier ein hochseriöser Bericht:
http://www.haber7.com/guncel/haber/1132158-iste-amerikada-ses-analizini-yapan-o-firma (Archiv-Version vom 27.02.2014)
Man beachte das Bild:

Ups, wo ist denn die Visitenkarte auf einmal hin? :D
Wenn man "näher" hinschaut ist die Bildbearbeitung ganz klar zu sehen.
Naja, wollte nur mal ein Einblick in die dortigen Medien geben. Es geht drunter und drüber...