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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 03:27
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
i can honestly say i have no idea how my dad sang in public.. when i try i get all nervous n stuff and my voice cracks 😒 fml
3:16 AM - 23 Sep 12
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
starbucks sabotaged us… @shakghacha @michaelablanks
2:50 AM - 23 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 09:11
im Beitrag von heute um 02:37 Uhr hatte ich den Link schon eingestellt ... :D
aus dem Bericht geht u. a. hervor, dass Joes neue Freundin Lavinia mit Majestik Magnificent verheiratet ist ... na und der wiederum ist doch oft mit Joe zusammen ... gilt MM nicht auch als Freund der Familie ???? :)

Report: Michael Jackson’s Mother Katherine Jackson Divorcing Joe Jackson

BY Dr. Jody Overland on September 21, 2012 |

katherine jackson divorcing zps9c4dbd08

Katherine Jackson has put up with her husband, Joe Jackson, and his womanizing for decades. Katherine always put her children first and was therefore willing to live a sad and lonely life while Joe was living large with cheap tarts and loose showgirls. Despite his mom’s self-sacrifice and her noble attempts to hide the ugly truth from her kids, Michael Jackson was well aware of his dad’s shameful conduct and had totally disowned the old lecher well before his tragic death. But now Katherine’s patience is at an end!

GLOBE explains in their exclusive report in this week’s October 1 print edition why Katherine has arrived at the long overdue decision to divorce Joe. Joe has hooked up with 33 year-old Lavinia Iskander and is embarrassing the hell out of the Jackson Family matriarch. But even worse, loose Lavinia is MARRIED to Majestik Magnificent one of poor Michael’s best pals! So not only is jerky Joe unapologetically cheating on Michael’s mom, but he is fooling around with the wife of his late son’s buddy. How low can you go?

A source tells GLOBE exclusively: “This is absolutely outrageous. Joseph cheats on Michael’s dear mother and then steals the wife of one of his closest friends? Can Joe tarnish Michael’s reputation any more than he has! It’s absolutely disgusting!”

Although Joe has denied that he is sleeping with Lavinia sources say their “relationship is red-hot” and the two spend weeks each month shacking up together in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

There are financial considerations that are fueling Katherine’s urgency to divorce the scoundrel. Katherine fears that since she is co-guardian of Michael’s children, Paris Jackson and her brothers, Blanket and Prince, then if she predeceases greedy Joe he will try to grab money that rightfully should go the grandkids. Since several of Michael’s siblings have tried (and failed) to steal from their more successful brother’s fortune, Katherine knows full well the malfeasance of which family is capable.

GLOBE goes into detail about the nasty goings on between Joe and Lavinia and the consequent struggle and shame this imposes on Katherine. You’ve got to hand it to GLOBE – they delve into the meatiest stories out there and through intrepid investigation bring out facts that nobody else is able to access.

hier ein 1. Bericht vom 08.09.2012, über die "neue" Liebe von Joe ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 09:20
Michael Jackson: Das nächste Buch droht!

von LooMee (Redaktion) am Sep.22, 2012

Es ist immer ein sehr einträgliches Geschäft, wenn ein sogenannter "Insider" ein Enthüllungsbuch über einen Promi schreibt. Da man ja über einen gewissen Zeitraum sehr nahe an demjenigen dran war, kommt viel zusammen. Das gibt Geld, da es immer Menschen gibt, die so etwas lesen wollen. Wenn es dann noch um Michael Jackson geht, ist doch schon alles gesagt, oder?

Conrad Murray plant angeblich ein Enthüllungsbuch über Michael Jackson zu veröffentlichen. Der ehemalige Leibarzt des verstorbenen "King Of Pop" wurde wegen der Verabreichung von Propofol zu vier Jahren Haft wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt. In Haft möchte er nun kreativ werden.

Ein Insider gegenüber "RadarOnline": "Dr. Murray verbringt seine Tage damit, ein Enthüllungsbuch darüber zu schreiben, was wirklich in den letzten Tagen von Michael Jackson passiert ist. Murray glaubt, dass die Öffentlichkeit gerne etwas über seine Zeit mit Michael Jackson lesen möchte." Bisher soll aber kein Verleger an dem Buch interessiert sein. Schön, das es bisher niemanden gibt, der diesen Schund veröffentlichen will. Aber irgendwann wird das wohl doch passieren und dann können wir lesen, wie Murray sich reinwaschen will. Denn keinen anderen Zweck soll dieses Buch doch erfüllen. Und natürlich seinem Autor Geld bringen.

Michael Jackson verstarb am 25. Juni 2009. Er wurde leblos in seiner Villa in L. A. aufgefunden. Jackson hatte eine Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol im Blut.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 09:24 (Archiv-Version vom 28.10.2013)

ℳմz♪ʞғact๏rƴ₮ωσ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO
Stacy Brown was contacted by two AEG lawyers in re: AEG seeking @jermjackson5 books in Katherine's Wrongful Death Lawsuit
4:23 AM - 23 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 09:51
weiteren Gesprächsverlauf unter (Archiv-Version vom 08.04.2013)

♛TeamMichaelJackson♛ ‏@TeamMichael777
AEG admit they had no claim, no loss, then WHY DID JOHN BRANCA PAY AEG $40 MILLION!! |
6:34 AM - 23 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 09:56 (Archiv-Version vom 17.01.2014)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
uhmm HTWF's lawyer left because he wasn't paid since February. What happened to the donations ?
2:12 AM - 23 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 10:12
Michael Jackson, Defender of Life?

September 22, 2012 By Kathy Schiffer

Michael-Jacksonbad zps1a59d7d6

Michael Jackson was pro-life?

Yes, according to a new, never-before-released song Jackson penned titled “Song Groove (A/K/A Abortion Papers)“ = . The song, which is a bonus track on the 25th anniversary re-release of Jackson’s hit album “Bad”, hits store shelves this week, and media are scrambling to tell the story.

Catholic site Phatmass posted the complete lyrics here = , and Slate magazine included a pro-abortion, anti-God screed here = , calling the tune “a goofy mix of religiosity and anxiety about women’s liberation.” Slate’s unlovable columnist Amanda Marcotte shocks with her callous disregard for the unborn child and her disparaging of all considerations except her own: Jackson, she writes, “judges us…for having consensual sex with age-appropriate partners without feeling obligated to go through with every accidental pregnancy.”

In Abortion Papers, Jackson plays the part of a man whose girlfriend chooses to abort his child—even though he wants the child and believes that abortion is outside the will of God. He sings:

Those abortion papers
Signed in your name against the words of God
Those abortion papers
Think about life, I’d like to have my child.

Listen to the song: Anm.: leider nur mit Proxy zu genießen !!!!
Michael Jackson - Song Groove HQ Complete Song

Check out the full lyrics here. =


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 11:13
huch, zum Beitrag von heute um 09:20 Uhr fehlt der Quellennachweis ... Sorry :)

ist aus diesem Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 24.09.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 18:51
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
#petpeeve i hate being called PJ , Pairs , Pear , PearBear , Pee , and Pary
6:44 PM - 23 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 19:28

384347 444206565632185 2062668460 n zps6


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 19:42
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
err merh gerdd .. kerr erff serr🍗🐔
weiterer Text von Instagram: stupiddd haha Michael loved KFC!
parisinstagram23092012 zpsa276b2c3Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
7:33 PM - 23 Sep 12
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
by my own name maybe ?
7:12 PM - 23 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 19:57
von Facebook ...

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 20:11
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
oh my god...i'm so proud of my brother @RealOBee.. he put his whole heart into this and it's amazing!!<3 (Video: Omer Bhatti / O-Bee - See The Light feat. Shontelle (Official Music Video))

Anm.: nur mit Proxy zu genießen ... :D
8:06 PM - 23 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 20:46
Music legend Quincy Jones laughs at rumor about him and Tupac Shakur

Quincy Jones mocks all the speculation about his sexuality
23 September 2012 | By James Withers

Quincy Jones 2007 zps8bb27670

Music impresario Quincy Jones has worked with all the legends in the business, from Frank Sinatra to Michael Jackson. With that type of success, and longevity, a gay rumor will eventually be attached.

Jones was recently interviewed by the New York Times and swatted away rumors he was involved in the murder of Tupac Shakur or wanted to sleep with him. At the time of his death, the late musician was engaged to Jones' daughter

'The people who say I wanted to have sex with him,' Jones said to the newspaper. 'Man, this is the biggest age of haters I have ever seen in my life. I’ve been called a blonde-lover, a pedophile, gay, everything. I don’t care, man. Imagine my daughter being engaged to Tupac and me trying to make love to him? And I’m not into no men, man. I’m a hard-core lesbian. Are you kidding? All my life, all my life.'

Jones also discussed why he and the 'King of Pop,' Michael Jackson, stopped working together after the singer's record breaking albums 'Off the Wall,' 'Thriller' and 'Bad.'

'He told his manager that I was losing it, that I didn’t understand the business because I didn’t understand in 1987 that rap was dead. Rap wasn’t dead. Rap hadn’t even started yet.'


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 23:30
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
the one on the far right side is soooo attractive 😜
parisinstagram23092012A zpsb1b740bbOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
10:26 PM - 23 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 23:35
Was Michael Jackson Drunk During ‘This Is It’ Press Conference?

September 23, 2012 By Brainuser1

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*Hmmmmm, we must admit we always wondered if MJ was “a little less than present” as he got off that bus and headed towards his press conference for the “This Is It” concert back in 2009. Remember?

He was wearing his trademark shades, with the black suit accentuated by silver thread embroidery. There was something about the way he swung off that bus; he kind of looked like a combination of ‘rock-star-cool’ and hmmmmm.’

Now, as it turns out, according to emails obtained by the Los Angeles Times, The King of Pop was just coming off a bender.

Holding some 250 pages of messages, most between executives at Anschutz Entertainment Group, which was financing the ill-fated “This Is It” concerts set for London, the L.A. Times messages show that the executives were concerned that Jackson’s planned 50-show stand at AEG’s 02 Arena would be an “expensive bust.” In one exchange, AEG’s Randy Phillips wrote to his boss that Jackson was “an emotionally paralyzed mess.”

Writing from Jackson’s hotel suite in London; just hours before a press conference, Phillips wrote to AEG President Tim Leiweke,

“MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent…I (am) trying to sober him up.”

Jackson arrived 90-minutes late to the press conference, (the one where he did that Nixon-peace-sign-pose at the conclusion… Still weird); And the 350 reporters thought so too; describing the press conference using words like, “odd” and “disjointed.” In the end, the emails show, Phillips and Jackson’s manager had to dress the pop star, the Times said.

But AEG’s attorney, Marvin Putnam, says Phillips exaggerated in his emails, and comes to Jackson’s defense saying the pop star’s behavior was merely a bad case of “nerves.”

The Times said the messages will probably play a key role in two lawsuits set for trial next year. The shows’ insurers are asking a judge to nullify a $17.5-million policy that they say AEG got with false claims about Jackson’s health and readiness to perform.

Additionally, Jackson’s heirs filed a wrongful-death suit that accuses the entertainment giant of pressuring the singer to carry on with a comeback despite indications he was too weak.

AEG has denied any wrongdoing and says the emails were leaked to present them in a negative light.

Watch Jackson below as he gets off the bus. We’re just sayin’…

VIDEO im Bericht


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 23:48
s. a. den Beitrag vom 21.09.2012 um 14:09 Uhr ... Video bereits hier eingestellt ...

Qbee ‏@Qbees
"Driving with Michael Jackson." Michael Jackson's Driving Teacher Tells His Story
10:44 PM - 23 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2012 um 23:58 (Archiv-Version vom 19.11.2011)

Arnold Klein ‏@awkmd the Art of Medicine
7:22 PM - 22 Sep 12
Arnold Klein ‏@awkmd is there an honest attorney in the world?
5:35 AM - 22 Sep 12
Arnold Klein ‏@awkmd they don't want anyone to kno the truth about mjj
5:35 AM - 22 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.09.2012 um 00:14
Gesprächsverlauf unter (Archiv-Version vom 25.01.2012)

MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
I'm "googling" not "binging" ..... but that's just me.
7:50 AM - 23 Sep 12
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
@andjustice4some -there's a MJ matrix of sorts and nothing is really what it seems"If you hear a lie long enough, it becomes the truth" MJ
7:44 AM - 23 Sep 12
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
@andjustice4some And, btw, I have long believed that the ones pointing the finger screaming "Plants" are indeed the ones working for Sony.
7:42 AM - 23 Sep 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.09.2012 um 00:27
von Facebook ...

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