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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.10.2011 um 17:25
das hat Samamtha de Gosson bei facebook auf ihrer Pinnwand zu stehen ...

Samantha De Gosson
Expecting trial to be over by tuesday or wednesday...just a personal guess based on Dr. White being the last Defense witness and up for cross-examination by the Prosecution on Monday. Of course this will go back and forth for hours and then we need to hear closing arguments from both sides. Whatever happens, this is not the end. The AEG civil law suit will begin on Michael's birthday next year. It is only a civil law suit but will bring more guilty people into question...Whatever happens, let's not let go of Michael's hand.

Es wird erwartet, dass die Verhandlung am Dienstag oder Mittwoch vorbei sein wird ... nur eine persönliche Vermutung, basierend darauf, dass Dr. Weiß der letzte Zeuge der Verteidigung ist und am Montag bereit zum Kreuzverhör der Staatsanwaltschaft sein muß. Natürlich kann es Stunden hin und her gehen und dann müssen wir die Schlussplädoyers beider Seiten hören. Was auch immer geschieht, das ist nicht das Ende. Der AEG Zivilprozess wird an Michaels Geburtstag im nächsten Jahr beginnen. Es ist nur ein Zivilprozess, aber er wird mehr Schuldige in Frage stellen ... Was auch immer passiert, lasst uns Michaels Hand festhalten.


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30.10.2011 um 19:34
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:aber hat er auf die gehört, die ihm gesagt hatten, es könnte gefährlich werden, wenn er Propofol außerhalb eines Krankenhauses bzw. ohne das entsprechende Equipment verabreicht bekommt ???
Na da war MJ wohl auch ein bisschen naiv und glaubte es geht schon irgendwie gut....aber m.M.n. ist MJ nicht mehr ganz zurechnungsfähig gewesen, und das hätte Murray merken müssen. Er hat ihn ja noch so schön aufgenommen mit seinem I-Phone, also wie ein normaler Mensch bei gesunden Verstand, hat sich da MJ nicht für mich angehört.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.10.2011 um 19:47
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Na da war MJ wohl auch ein bisschen naiv und glaubte es geht schon irgendwie gut....aber m.M.n. ist MJ nicht mehr ganz zurechnungsfähig gewesen, und das hätte Murray merken müssen. Er hat ihn ja noch so schön aufgenommen mit seinem I-Phone, also wie ein normaler Mensch bei gesunden Verstand, hat sich da MJ nicht für mich angehört.
ja, auf der einen Seite hochintelligent, aber dann wieder naiv wie ein kleines Kind ... aber auch stur, denn "Ratschläge" hat MJ wohl nicht so gern hören wollen ... ich denke auch, zu diesem Zeitpunkt, als Murray das Gespräch aufgenommen hatte, war MJ nicht mehr ganz zurechnungsfähig ... aber Murray hat doch keine weiteren Schlüsse daraus gezogen ... Murray hat MJ jeden Tag mit Medikamenten "vollgestopft", nach Murrays Angaben 6 Tage, die Woche, außer am Sonntag, dann aber sagte er auch, dass er MJ JEDEN Tag Propofol gegeben hatte ... die Angaben sind auch nicht schlüssig ... :)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.10.2011 um 19:53
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:aber Murray hat doch keine weiteren Schlüsse daraus gezogen ... Murray hat MJ jeden Tag mit Medikamenten "vollgestopft", nach Murrays Angaben 6 Tage, die Woche, außer am Sonntag, dann aber sagte er auch, dass er MJ JEDEN Tag Propofol gegeben hatte ... die Angaben sind auch nicht schlüssig ... :)
Tja, das kommt davon wenn man keine Aufzeichnungen macht. Deshalb müssen die ganzen Angaben von Murray auch nicht stimmen. Aber Dr. White ist ja davon überzeugt, dass Murray MJ nur 25mg Propofol gegeben hat. Und das was Murray noch davor verabreicht hat, wird wohl auch nicht so genau stimmen....aber Hauptsache den Patienten alles in die Schuhe schieben sind manche Ärzte eben, wenn sie ihren eigenen Arsch retten wollen.


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31.10.2011 um 08:09
Prosecutor to grill key defense expert in Conrad Murray trial

Staatsanwalt wird Haupt-Verteidigungs-Experten im Conrad Murray Prozess in die Mangel nehmen

By Alan Duke, CNN
October 31, 2011 -- Updated 0637 GMT (1437 HKT)


* Dr. Paul White says Michael Jackson self-injected the fatal overdose
* Key defense expert: Prosecution theory "befuddling," based on "irrational" assumptions
* The prosecution expert says an IV drip set up by Dr. Conrad Murray killed Jackson
* The jury in Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial could begin deliberations this week

Story Highlights

* Dr. Paul White sagt, Michael Jackson selbst hat die tödliche Überdosis gespritzt
* Haupt Verteidigungs-Experte: Theorie der Staatsanwaltschaft "verwirrend", basierend auf "irrationalen" Annahmen
* Der Experte der Staatsanwaltschaft sagt, ein von Dr. Conrad Murray angelegter Tropf hat Jackson getötet
* Die Jury in Murrays Prozess wegen fahrlässiger Tötung könnte in dieser Woche mit den Beratungen beginnen

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The anesthesiologist who testified last week that singer Michael Jackson probably died from drugs he gave himself will face questioning by the prosecution Monday in the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray.

Closing arguments, followed by the start of jury deliberations, are likely to come this week in Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial.

Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney David Walgren was given the weekend to consult with his anesthesiology expert on how to attack the testimony of Dr. Paul White, who is the last and most important defense witness.

The prosecution contends that Murray's reckless use of the surgical anesthetic propofol to put Jackson to sleep caused Jackson's death, but the defense blames Jackson for self-administering the fatal overdose while Murray was not watching.

The defense contends Jackson's insomnia, unknown to Murray, was a side effect of withdrawal from a Demerol addiction, which they blame on another doctor.

The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson's June 25, 2009, death was caused by "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with two sedatives.

Jurors must choose between two competing theories offered by White and Dr. Steven Shafer, the prosecution's anesthesiologist, of how and when the fatal overdose entered Jackson's body.

Both doctors, longtime friends and colleagues, are among the top experts in the world concerning propofol.

White, in his testimony for the defense Friday, said the level of drugs found in Jackson's stomach, blood and urine, convinced him that the pop icon died after he rapidly injected himself with propofol on top of a large dose of lorazepam he swallowed when Murray was away.

Shafer, who testified over an 11-day span for the prosecution, concluded the "only scenario" that fits the scientific evidence is that Jackson was on a constant IV drip of propofol for three hours before his death.

Shafer testified that Murray must have also injected Jackson with a series of large doses of lorazepam, a sedative, hours before his death.

The prosecution theory requires "an incredible coincidence of circumstances" using a "befuddling" IV drip configuration and an "irrational" assumption about how Murray injected sedatives, White testified.

White testified Friday that it is his opinion Jackson died after he injected himself with a 25-milligram dose of propofol between 11:30 a.m. and noon. Testimony and phone records indicated it was about noon that Murray realized Jackson was not breathing.

White theorized that Jackson could have "pushed" the drug into an catheter in his leg using a syringe over a 15- to 30-second period, much faster than a doctor would have done.

"I believe it could potentially have lethal consequences," White testified.

Shafer conceded last week that it was possible that Jackson, not Murray, could have been the one to open the IV drip to a fatal pace, but prosecutors contend that it would make no difference in Murray's guilt.

Murray is responsible for Jackson's death, even if he did not give him the final and fatal dose, because he was criminally reckless in using the surgical anesthetic to help Jackson sleep without proper precautions, the prosecution contends.

While Jackson was hooked up to an IV drip, it only delivered a saline solution to keep him hydrated, the defense contends.

Shafer demonstrated in court how he believed the IV system was set up by Murray, but investigators never found a critical piece of tubing that would have been needed to infuse a propofol drip into the catheter in Jackson's left leg.

The 100-milliliter propofol bottle prosecutors believe Murray used was empty when investigators found it, leading Shafer to conclude that the last drops entered Jackson's body just as his heart stopped beating.

White called it "an incredible coincidence of circumstances" that the bottle would empty exactly when Jackson died.

White also said such a flow of propofol would have made Jackson "sleepy but arousable and breathing spontaneously," but it would not have killed him.

But Murray's own words, spoken to police two days after Jackson's death, led the jury toward Shafer's drip theory and away from White's self-injection theory.

Murray told detectives that the pulse oxymeter monitor on Jackson's finger showed his heart was beating at 122 beats per minute after he realized his patient was not breathing. This would indicate Jackson suffered respiratory arrest first, followed about 10 minutes later by cardiac arrest, a cardiologist and Shafer both testified.

The difference is key to interpreting what the high level of propofol in Jackson's blood means, since a beating heart would circulate the drug through the liver, which would break it down into a metabolite.

White's theory that Jackson died quickly from a rapid injection requires the assumption that his heart almost immediately stopped beating, before Murray would have seen the monitor on his finger.

The defense expert also questioned the prosecution's contention that Murray placed the propofol bottle into an empty saline bag with an opening cut into it to suspend it from the IV stand next to Jackson's bed.

It would have been more logical for Murray to use a plastic suspension tab built onto the bottle, a routine practice.

"It's befuddling to me, because anyone picking up the bottle would naturally gravitate for pulling up the little hanger," White said. "Why would you go to all the hassle?"

Hanging the bottle inside a bag also would not work because if Jackson "rolled over and moved his leg, it would easily come out of the bag," White said.

The suspension tab on the propofol bottle had not been activated, both sides agreed.

Investigators who recovered the bottle and an opened bag testified they found them together, but they did not photograph it.

White also questioned Shafer's computer model conclusion that Murray gave Jackson at least nine four-milligram injections of the lorazepam at regular intervals from 1:30 to 5 a.m. the day he died.

Those "enormous" sedative doses alone would have put anyone to sleep and possibly killed them, White said.

He said it would be "irrational" for a doctor to sit at Jackson's bedside and repeatedly inject the sedatives to a patient in very deep sedation, as Shafer's theory implies.

White concluded that Jackson swallowed a large dose of lorazepam several hours earlier, which would have left "a very high concentration" of the sedative in his body.

"So you've got drugs that have additive or even synergistic effects, and I think the combination effect would be very profound," White said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 08:21
das hat Dr. Arnold Klein auf seiner facebook Seite eingestellt

er weist darin auf einen Bericht im "Bev Hills Times Magazine" hin ...

Who killed Michae Jackson? please read!
von Arnold W. Klein, Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011 um 04:59

Arnold W. Klein, MD
Professor of Medicine and Dermatology
Klein Chair in Dermatology UCLA
Consultant to the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the FDA
"The Most Innovative & Famous Cosmetic Dermatologist in the World”

Bev Hills Times Magazine (Archiv-Version vom 26.10.2011)

Subject: Hipaa Violation Report

I am Dr. Arnold Klein of 9615 Brighton Way Ste M-110 Beverly Hills, CA 90210. I am filing this report of a HIPAA violation regarding the records of my former patient, Mr. Michael Jackson.

Doctors frequently use medical software systems both for records and insurance billing these doctors input billing data, the patient’s name, billing amount, type of treatment, diagnosis, type of drugs prescribed and administered, and the date of service. This is essentially the record system in my office. On October 27, 2009, without my permission my lawyers Richard Charnley and Brad Boyer of the law firm of Ropers, Majeski, Kohn and Bentley of 515 Flower Street Ste 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90011 in collusion with my former employee Jason Pfeiffer and former accountant Muhammad Kihilji essentially released Michael Jackson’s medical records in court supposedly to get me paid by the Jackson estate.

I did find out until recently that this was the manner in which the mass media got hold of my records. They released the software bills showing line by line the treatment details of each visit that was unpaid at the time of Michael's untimely death. Mr. Charnley and Mr. Khilji then went on to release the entire patient chart of Michael Jackson including my notes written on the patient file to various individuals on the Internet. I recently found a copy on the office computer from Mr. Khilji.

This unauthorized release of Michael Jackson’s records has caused my practice untold damage and has spurned a media circus. It has given tabloids and trashy media free access to Mr. Jackson’s private medical information. Mr. Jason Pfeiffer has tried to capitalize on the hype and has gone on television to publicly discuss the records and my treatments on television. It should be noted that Jason Pfeiffer, Muhammad Khilji with the assistance of Richard Charnley have embezzled over 12 million dollars from me leaving me in bankruptcy court. The have made illegal loans, stolen my identity, written checks, taken out loans, open and closed bank accounts, and depleted my retirement fund.

These individuals did this without my permission but I have reason to believe the concert promoter’s AEG is involved in that they have been in contact with Charnely. .

Once released my records have been totally misinterpreted. They have been used by TMZ, The Beast, Anderson Cooper and various other media sources to obscure the real facts and individuals responsible for Mr. Michael Jackson’s death. First these records are not simply my records but that of three physicians treating Mr. Jackson: Myself, David Rish and Ilya Reyder. Michael was treated by me to rebuild his face for the “This is It Tour.” Injection sessions to rebuild his face from the consequences of faulty plastic surgery took 3-4 hours and he was given Demerol for pain relief during these procedures. Please note the entire month of May I was out of the country so injections he received during that time were not mine. Addiction requires the frequency and dose of medication to increase. As my treatments with Michael became less lengthily the dose of Demerol that was used and the frequency of visits was greatly reduced. The figures that have been erroneously quoted to the public indicate a grossly increased frequency of visits and size of dose than that actually used. Being a recognized authority on addiction and Mr. Jackson’s physician I was well aware of his long-standing problem with Propothol created by a plastic surgeon that Mr. Jackson subsequently discharged and was placed in a mental institution. Please understand what you have experienced and I have suffered is an attempt by the greedy parties responsible for Michael Jackson’s death to use me as a scapegoat. They have defamed my name and attempted to destroy me. My relationship with Mr. Jackson taught me many things one of which was the ability to survive. Now it is my turn to take action against the media and finally reveal the greedy and disgusting people who were truly responsible for Michael Jackson’s death.

UkBgED 317125 2328120773739 1571307064 3

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 11:28
eine grobe Übersetzung des zuvor eingestellten Berichts >
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:I am Dr. Arnold Klein of 9615 Brighton Way Ste M-110 Beverly Hills, CA 90210. I am filing this report of a HIPAA violation regarding the records of my former patient, Mr. Michael Jackson.
Ich bin Dr. Arnold Klein von 9615 Brighton Way Ste M-110 Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Ich habe diesen Bericht einer HIPAA Verletzung bezüglich der Aufzeichnungen meines früheren Patienten, Mr. Michael Jackson, eingereicht.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Doctors frequently use medical software systems both for records and insurance billing these doctors input billing data, the patient’s name, billing amount, type of treatment, diagnosis, type of drugs prescribed and administered, and the date of service. This is essentially the record system in my office. On October 27, 2009, without my permission my lawyers Richard Charnley and Brad Boyer of the law firm of Ropers, Majeski, Kohn and Bentley of 515 Flower Street Ste 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90011 in collusion with my former employee Jason Pfeiffer and former accountant Muhammad Kihilji essentially released Michael Jackson’s medical records in court supposedly to get me paid by the Jackson estate.
Ärzte verwenden häufig medizinische Software-Systeme sowohl für Aufzeichnungen und Versicherungs-Abrechnungen, diese Ärzte geben dafür Abrechnungsdaten ein, den Namen des Patienten, Rechnungsbetrag, Art der Behandlung, Diagnose, Art der verschriebenen und verabreichten Medikamente und das Datum der Leistung. Dies ist im Wesentlichen das Aufzeichnungs-System in meinem Büro. Am 27. Oktober 2009, haben meine Anwälte Richard Charnley und Brad Boyer von der Anwaltskanzlei Ropers, Majeski, Kohn und Bentley von 515 Flower Street STE 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90011ohne meine Erlaubnis, in Absprache mit meinen ehemaligen Mitarbeitern, Jason Pfeiffer und ehemaligen Buchhalter Muhammad Kihilji, wesentliche Aufzeichnungen aus Michael Jacksons Krankenakte ans Gericht freigegeben, angeblich, damit meine Abrechnungen vom Jackson Estate bezahlt werden.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb: I did find out until recently that this was the manner in which the mass media got hold of my records. They released the software bills showing line by line the treatment details of each visit that was unpaid at the time of Michael's untimely death. Mr. Charnley and Mr. Khilji then went on to release the entire patient chart of Michael Jackson including my notes written on the patient file to various individuals on the Internet. I recently found a copy on the office computer from Mr. Khilji.
Ich habe vor kurzem erfahren, dass dies die Art und Weise ist, in der die Massenmedien meine Aufzeichnungen ergatterten. Sie veröffentlichten die Software Rechnung, welche Zeile für Zeile die Behandlungs-Einzelheiten von jedem Besuch zeigten, die zum Zeitpunkt von Michaels vorzeitigem Tod unbezahlt war. Mr. Charnley und Herr Khilji nahmen dann die gesamte Patientenakte von Michael Jackson einschließlich meiner geschriebenen Notizen aus der Patienten-Datei an sich, um sie verschiedenen Personen über das Internet zu veröffentlichen. Vor kurzem fand ich eine Kopie auf dem Computer im Büro von Herrn Khilji.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:This unauthorized release of Michael Jackson’s records has caused my practice untold damage and has spurned a media circus. It has given tabloids and trashy media free access to Mr. Jackson’s private medical information. Mr. Jason Pfeiffer has tried to capitalize on the hype and has gone on television to publicly discuss the records and my treatments on television. It should be noted that Jason Pfeiffer, Muhammad Khilji with the assistance of Richard Charnley have embezzled over 12 million dollars from me leaving me in bankruptcy court. The have made illegal loans, stolen my identity, written checks, taken out loans, open and closed bank accounts, and depleted my retirement fund.
Diese unerlaubte Veröffentlichung von Michael Jacksons Aufzeichnungen hat meiner Praxis unermesslichen Schaden zugefügt und hat ein Medienspektakel abgewiesen. Es hat Boulevardpresse und Trash Medien freien Zugang zu Mr. Jacksons privaten, medizinischen Informationen gegeben.
Mr. Jason Pfeiffer hat versucht, von dem Hype zu profitieren und ist zum Fernsehen gegangen, um die Aufzeichnungen und meine Behandlungen öffentlich im Fernsehen zu diskutieren. Anzumerken ist, dass Jason Pfeiffer, Muhammad Khilji mit Hilfe von Richard Charnley über 12 Millionen Dollar von mir unterschlagen haben, die mich beim Gericht Konkurs haben anmelden lassen. Die haben illegale Anleihen gemacht, meine Identität gestohlen, Schecks geschrieben, Kredite aufgenommen, offene und geschlossene Konten übernommen und meine Pensionskasse geleert.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:These individuals did this without my permission but I have reason to believe the concert promoter’s AEG is involved in that they have been in contact with Charnely. .
Diese Personen haben dies ohne meine Erlaubnis getan, aber ich habe Grund zu glauben, dass der Konzertveranstalter AEG involviert ist, dass sie Kontakt mit Charnely gehabt haben.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Once released my records have been totally misinterpreted. They have been used by TMZ, The Beast, Anderson Cooper and various other media sources to obscure the real facts and individuals responsible for Mr. Michael Jackson’s death. First these records are not simply my records but that of three physicians treating Mr. Jackson: Myself, David Rish and Ilya Reyder. Michael was treated by me to rebuild his face for the “This is It Tour.” Injection sessions to rebuild his face from the consequences of faulty plastic surgery took 3-4 hours and he was given Demerol for pain relief during these procedures. Please note the entire month of May I was out of the country so injections he received during that time were not mine. Addiction requires the frequency and dose of medication to increase. As my treatments with Michael became less lengthily the dose of Demerol that was used and the frequency of visits was greatly reduced. The figures that have been erroneously quoted to the public indicate a grossly increased frequency of visits and size of dose than that actually used. Being a recognized authority on addiction and Mr. Jackson’s physician I was well aware of his long-standing problem with Propothol created by a plastic surgeon that Mr. Jackson subsequently discharged and was placed in a mental institution. Please understand what you have experienced and I have suffered is an attempt by the greedy parties responsible for Michael Jackson’s death to use me as a scapegoat. They have defamed my name and attempted to destroy me. My relationship with Mr. Jackson taught me many things one of which was the ability to survive. Now it is my turn to take action against the media and finally reveal the greedy and disgusting people who were truly responsible for Michael Jackson’s death.
Meine ehemals veröffentlichten Aufzeichnungen wurden völlig falsch interpretiert. Sie sind von TMZ, The Beast, Anderson Cooper und diversen anderen Medien benutzt worden, um die wahren Fakten und Personen, die für Herrn Michael Jacksons Tod verantwortlich sind, zu verschleiern. Zunächst, diese Aufzeichnungen sind nicht einfach meine Aufzeichnungen, denn diese sind von drei Ärzten, die Mr. Jackson behandelten: Ich selbst, David Rish und Ilya Reyder. Michael wurde von mir behandelt, um Gesicht für die "This Is It Tour." wieder aufzubauen. Injektions-Sitzungen zum Wiederaufbau seines Gesichts von den Folgen fehlerhafter Schönheitsoperation, dauerten 3-4 Stunden und ihm wurde Demerol zur Schmerzlinderung während dieser Vorgänge gegeben. Bitte beachten Sie den gesamten Monat Mai , ich war außer Landes, sodass er während dieser Zeit Injektionen, nicht von mir bekam. Sucht erfordert die Häufigkeit und Dosis von Medikamenten zu erhöhen. Während meiner Behandlungen mit Michael bekam er weniger von der Demerol-Dosis zugeführt, die verwendet wurden und wurde die Häufigkeit der Besuche ist stark reduziert worden. Die Personen, die es fälschlicherweise der Öffentlichkeit angegeben haben, deuten auf eine grob erhöhte Häufigkeit der Besuche und die Maße der Dosis hin, als dann tatsächlich verwendet worden ist. Als anerkannte Autorität zum Thema Sucht und Mr. Jacksons Arzt, war ich mir sehr wohl bewusst, dass sein langjähriges Problem mit Propothol durch einen plastischen Chirurgen hervorgerufen wurde, dass Mr. Jackson in der Folgezeit erledigte und er in eine psychiatrische Klinik untergebracht wurde... Bitte lassen sie mich erklären, was Sie erfahren haben und ich habe gelitten, beim Versuch der gierigen, verantwortlichen Parteien, für Michael Jacksons Tod, mich als Sündenbock zu benutzen. Sie haben meinen Namen diffamiert und versucht, mich zu vernichten. Meine Beziehung zu Mr. Jackson hat mich viele Dinge gelehrt, von denen eines, die Fähigkeit war, zu überleben. Jetzt ist es an mir, etwas gegen die Medien zu unternehmen und am Ende den gierigen und ekelhaften Menschen deutlich zu machen, wer für Michael Jacksons Tod wirklich verantwortlich war.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 12:37
Jackson trial expert faces grilling

(UKPA) – 1 hour ago

An expert who told the Conrad Murray trial he believes Michael Jackson gave himself the fatal dose of a powerful anaesthetic will be closely cross-examined by the prosecution.

Dr Paul White is likely to face tough questions from the team who were granted extra time to prepare for the trial session.

Dr White was a defence witness for Murray, who has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

The retired anaesthetist told jurors that he concluded that Jackson must have given himself a fatal dose of the anaesthetic propofol, which Murray was giving him as a sleep aid.

Dr White said it was the only explanation that fitted all the evidence in the case, although another prominent expert has called his theory "crazy."

Copyright © 2011 The Press Association


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31.10.2011 um 12:47
Rebbie Jackson: I will see Michael again

Rebbie Jackson: Ich werde Michael wieder sehen

added: 31 Oct 2011 // by: newsdesk

KrVxWP rebby janet 45370

Michael Jackson's sister 'firmly believes' she will see him again in the next life.

The iconic singer passed away in June 2009. His family are still struggling to come to terms with his death.

Older sister Rebbie admits one of the things which helps her through the hard times is her belief that she will see Michael again in the future.

't's true that he's gone but I am firm about believing in the fact that one day I'll see him again and that's what I'm looking forward to,' she said.

Michael died of acute Propofol intoxication. The anaesthetic is usually used to put surgery patients to sleep, but the star was using it to overcome his insomnia. His personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray is currently on trial for his involuntary manslaughter.

Rebbie, 61, is finding the legal proceedings hard.

't is difficult. It's something that is not done quite [so] often I guess you could say because your life is being played out in the public,' she told UK TV show Lorraine. 'Going through something like a tragedy such as this it's not just you dealing with it, family wise. The thing you have to also remember and take in the fact that the public is involved as well and that makes it very difficult.'

Rebbie hopes her brother ' who was 50 when he died ' will be remembered as a kind person who cared about others.

She knows many people think they knew the King of Pop, but believes only his family really did. Michael and Rebbie grew up with their eight other siblings, including singers Janet, Jermaine and La Toya. She thinks it's only those who spent prolonged periods with the superstar who really understand what he was like.

'What I always like to really share with people is that I guess the world and people in general look at him differently than we as a family do because he was a brother first and then of course an entertainer,' she explained. 'So when I think in terms of what's happened with him I think of him as my brother, more than anything else. I'm doing this right now because I feel it's something I should do for myself as well as for him and his kids. I just feel it's a good thing and I should be involved.'

Rebbie was on the programme promoting new DVD Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon, which features those close to the singer discussing his legacy.

© Cover Media


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31.10.2011 um 13:20

die Verhandlung soll heute um 9:00 AM/PT anfangen ... da die Sommerzeit bei uns vorüber ist,
Beginn also hier um 17:00h

Sommerzeit endet in Kalifornien zum späteren Zeitpunkt ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 13:52
Sollte es in dem Murray Fall tatsächlich zu einem Freispruch kommen, dann findet die Suche nach MJ bei den Hoaxern und BeLIEvern niemals ein Ende ... s065w es wird dann ähnlich wie bei Elvis Presley, der fast 35 Jahre tot ist, aber es gibt immer noch Anhänger, die weiterhin nach ihm suchen ... :)

Urteilsspruch rückt in greifbare Nähe

31. Oktober 2011, 09:55 Uhr
Im Prozess um den Tod von Michael Jackson erklärt ein Narkose-Spezialist, der Popstar habe sich das Narkosemittel Propofol wahrscheinlich selbst gespritzt. Bereits am Montag könnte in dem Verfahren gegen Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray ein Urteil fallen.

Mit dem Kreuzverhör des letzten Zeugen der Verteidigung ist der Prozess um Michael Jacksons Tod in seine letzte Woche gegangen. Der Narkosespezialist Paul White erklärte vor der Jury in Los Angeles am Freitag, dass sich der Popstar wahrscheinlich selbst die tödliche Dosis des Betäubungsmittels Propofol gespritzt habe. In dem Prozess muss sich Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verantworten.

White soll am Montag auch von der Anklage ins Verhör genommen werden. Danach geht das Verfahren zur Entscheidung an die Jury. Die Geschworenen könnten sich sogar schon am späten Montag auf ein Urteil verständigen.

Laut Autopsiebericht war der Sänger im Juni 2009 an einer Überdosis des Betäubungsmittels gestorben. Die Anklage geht davon aus, dass Jackson eine große Menge Propofol intravenös gespritzt bekommen hatte. Sie macht Conrad Murray dafür verantwortlich. Der wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagte Herzspezialist Murray hatte der Polizei dagegen gesagt, seinem Patienten nur eine kleine Menge des starken Mittels verabreicht zu haben.

Diese Aussage bezeichnete White jetzt als glaubwürdig. Er gehe davon aus, dass sich der Sänger nach der ersten Injektion durch seinen Leibarzt in einem unbeobachteten Moment selbst eine zweite, deutlich höhere Dosis spritzte, sagte White am Freitagabend im Gericht. Es wird nicht erwartet, dass Murray selbst in den Zeugenstand tritt. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs drohen dem 58-jährigen Mediziner bis zu vier Jahre Haft.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 14:21
Michael Jackson: Seine Schwester erinnert sich

31.10.2011 | 12:56 Uhr | Autor: Carmen Meyer

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Michael Jackson (†50) wird seine Schwester Rebbie (61) nach ihrem Tod wieder sehen – davon ist diese fest überzeugt.

Der Sänger (‘Thriller’) starb vor zwei Jahren an einer Überdosis des Betäubungsmittels Propofol und seine Schwester hat immer noch Schwierigkeiten, mit seinem Tod umzugehen, aber ihr Glaube hilft ihr dabei: “Es ist wahr, dass er fort ist, aber ich glaube fest daran, dass ich ihn eines Tages wiedersehen werde und darauf freue ich mich”, erklärte die Amerikanerin im Interview in der britischen Show ‘Lorraine’.

Momentan läuft der Prozess gegen Jacksons Leibarzt Dr. Conrad Murray wegen fahrlässiger Tötung und seine Schwester findet es hart, dem zuzuschauen. “Es ist schwierig. Es passiert ja nicht so oft, dass dein Leben in der Öffentlichkeit zur Schau gestellt wird. Man geht ja nicht nur mit der Familie durch diese Tragödie. Man muss sich klar machen, dass die Öffentlichkeit ebenso involviert ist und das macht alles schwieriger.”

Die große Schwester hofft, dass Michael Jackson als freundlicher Mensch in Erinnerung bleibt, der sich um andere gekümmert hat. Sie glaubt, dass viele Menschen denken, sie hätten Michael Jackson gekannt, aber das könnte nur die Familie wirklich behaupten. Sie ist mit ihm und den anderen Geschwistern wie Janet, Jermaine und La Toya aufgewachsen. Nur Leute, die mit ihm für lange Zeit denselben Weg beschritten haben, könnten sagen, dass sie den King of Pop richtig gekannt haben.

“Was ich den Menschen immer vermitteln möchte, ist die Tatsache, dass wir als Familie anders auf ihn geschaut haben als die Welt und die Menschen im Allgemeinen, denn er war zuallererst ein Bruder und dann natürlich auch ein Entertainer. Wenn ich daran denke, was mit ihm passiert ist, dann denke ich an ihn als meinen Bruder. Ich mache das hier, weil ich glaube, dass ich es für mich sowie für ihn und seine Kinder gut ist. Ich denke, es ist eine gute Sache und ich wollte dabei sein.”

Rebbie Jackson war in der Sendung, um Werbung für die DVD ‘Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon’ zu machen. Die DVD beinhaltet Interviews von Menschen, die Michael Jackson nahe standen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 14:42

Posted by MJNA Staff in Immortal, John Branca, Product MJ, The Estate of Michael Jackson, The Immortal World Tour

New York, NY – At 11:00 AM EST today, October 31st the debut track from the upcoming Michael Jackson album, IMMORTAL, entitled “Immortal Megamix”, will be unveiled to the world on The track is comprised of four of Michael’s greatest hits redesigned and re-imagined as never before. Included in the unique mix are “Can You Feel It,” “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough,” “Billie Jean,” and “Black Or White.” “Immortal Megamix” is a show-stopping highlight of the Cirque du Soleil Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour show and a showcased track on Michael’s forthcoming Epic Records release, IMMORTAL.

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Following the premiere on AOL, the “Immortal Megamix” will be available to stream at and on Michael Jackson’s Facebook page.

Starting tomorrow Tuesday, November 1st, IMMORTAL will be available for pre-order on iTunes in both the deluxe double disc and single disc edition. Upon completion of a pre-order for the deluxe double disc edition, “Immortal Megamix” will be downloaded instantly.

On November 21, Epic Records in conjunction with the Estate of Michael Jackson, will release IMMORTAL – the highly anticipated soundtrack for Cirque du Soleil’s Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour. IMMORTAL will be released as both a deluxe double disc edition and single disc.

Esteemed musical designer, Kevin Antunes, worked with Jamie King, the writer/director of the Immortal show, in redesigning and reimagining more than 40 of Michael Jackson’s greatest original recordings to synch with the visuals on screen and the live action on stage. After spending a year in the studio working with Michael’s original multi-track master recordings, Kevin created a new soundscape to Michael’s artistry while preserving the power and familiarity of his unparalleled voice and his legendary tracks.

Michael Jackson The IMMORTAL World Tour includes over 100 minutes of Michael’s original recordings reimagined for Cirque du Soleil. Placing all of this incredible music onto a single disc proved impossible hence the single disc edition which is jam-packed with nearly 78 minutes of highlights and the double disc edition which offers listeners the opportunity to enjoy music from the Immortal show from start to finish as it is experienced during the performance of the show.

To pre-order IMMORTAL, and view footage from Michael Jackson The IMMORTAL World Tour please visit


Deluxe Disc 1:
1. Workin’ Day And Night (Immortal Version)
2. The Immortal Intro (Immortal Version)
3. Childhood (Immortal Version)
4. Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ (Immortal Version)
5. Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) (Immortal Version)
6. Dancing Machine/Blame It On The Boogie (Immortal Version)
7. Ben (Immortal Version)
8. This Place Hotel (Immortal Version)
9. Smooth Criminal (Immortal Version)
10. Dangerous (Immortal Version)
11. The Mime Segment: (I Like) The Way You Love Me/Speed Demon/Another Part Of Me (Immortal Version)
12. The Jackson 5 Medley (Immortal Version)
13. Speechless/Human Nature (Immortal Version)
14. Is It Scary/Threatened (Immortal Version)
15. Thriller (Immortal Version)

Deluxe Disc 2:
1. You Are Not Alone/I Just Can’t Stop Loving You (Immortal Version)
2. Beat It/State Of Shock (Immortal Version)
3. Jam (Immortal Version)
4. Planet Earth/Earth Song (Immortal Version)
5. Scream/Little Susie (Immortal Version)
6. Gone Too Soon (Immortal Version)
7. They Don’t Care About Us (Immortal Version)
8. Will You Be There (Immortal Version)
9. I’ll Be There (Immortal Version)
10. Immortal Megamix: Can You Feel It/Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough/Billie Jean/Black Or White (Immortal Version)
11. Man In The Mirror (Immortal Version)
12. Remember The Time/Bad (Immortal Version)


1. Workin’ Day And Night (Immortal Version)
2. The Immortal Intro (Immortal Version)
3. Childhood (Immortal Version)
4. Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ (Immortal Version)
5. Dancing Machine/Blame It On The Boogie (Immortal Version)
6. This Place Hotel (Immortal Version)
7. Smooth Criminal (Immortal Version)
8. Dangerous (Immortal Version)
9. The Jackson 5 Medley (Immortal Version)
10. Speechless/Human Nature (Immortal Version)
11. Is It Scary/Threatened (Immortal Version)
12. Thriller (Immortal Version)
13. You Are Not Alone/I Just Can’t Stop Loving You (Immortal Version)
14. Beat It/State Of Shock (Immortal Version)
15. Jam (Immortal Version)
16. Planet Earth/Earth Song (Immortal Version)
17. They Don’t Care About Us (Immortal Version)
18. I’ll Be There (Immortal Version)
19. Immortal Megamix: Can You Feel It/Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough/Billie Jean/Black Or White (Immortal Version)
20. Man In The Mirror (Immortal Version)

A note from John Branca,

I wanted to write you personally to share our enthusiasm for the Michael Jackson Immortal World Tour and the upcoming Immortal soundtrack album.

I’m very appreciative that a number of Michael’s fans were able to come to Montreal to see the rehearsals and share in the creation of this wonderful new show. The show has only gotten better since then, and the reviews have been extremely positive, as Michael deserves.

What also excites me is the opportunity it provides for those just discovering Michael for the first time. As much as Immortal is for Michael Jackson fans, it offers new fans a magical journey into Michael’s music, his dance and his compassion for others. The show’s creative team, led by writer/director Jamie King, have done a masterful job of weaving Michael’s songs, choreography, videos, voice, and, most important, Michael’s spirit into this experience.

The Immortal soundtrack album will be released on November 21. Kevin Antunes worked with Jamie King in reimagining Michael’s original recordings for the show, as they sync with the visuals onscreen and the live action on stage. The music is incredibly exciting, and it stands on its own as a listening experience. While no one can improve upon Michael’s music, these remixes, mashups and enhancements, while intended for the show, give us the chance to hear Michael’s music in a new and fresh way. All in all, we think it is a must-have album. My favorite way to listen to the album is from start to finish because it brings back vivid memories of the Immortal show, but I also enjoyed listening to the music before I ever saw the show.

The physical album is available for pre-order now. The digital album will be available for pre-order on iTunes on Tuesday, and people who pre-order the deluxe version of the digital album will be able to download the Mega Mix single immediately. This will be everyone’s chance to hear one of the show-stopping highlights from Immortal, and begin to understand how incredible this album really is. The single track will also be available for purchase.

Because we all love Michael and believe that he is the greatest artist of all time, we want to encourage Michael’s fans to unite in a worldwide campaign to support this album during its first week of release – November 21-28. We are asking for everyone to help the album debut as high as possible on charts around the world.

This is for Michael – he deserves it!

John (Archiv-Version vom 02.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 14:51!/pariisjaxn (Archiv-Version vom 31.10.2011)

Happy Halloween, jedermann !!!! und gleich auch ein Bildchen, welches sie in ihrer heutigen
Verkleidung zeigt ...

pariisjaxn Paris Jacksoη
Happy Halloween, Everybody!!!<33
vor 22 Minuten

9WpaJX Paris zf2jz


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 15:58
das wurde von Seven am 25.10.2011 auf den Seiten von MJJ-777 eingestellt

"Ich bin sehr einsam ohne Euch, ihr seid immer mein Leben, bitte liebt mich immer"


Verbrenne alle Boulevardzeitungen



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 16:23
Ui ui ui, schon wieder so viel gepostet. :D Und unser Arnie meint, sich rechtfertigen zu müssen, und AEG soll da auch noch mit im Spiel sein....und jetzt ist er pleite? :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 16:34
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Prosecution is expected to grill defense Propofol expert Dr. Paul White for most, if not all, the day today. #ConradMurraytrial
vor 14 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Good morning from the courthouse in downtown LA. Day 21 of #ConradMurraytrial to get underway at 8:45 am.
vor 27 Minuten
die Verhandlung soll doch schon um 8:45 AM/PT anfangen ... also um 16:45 h unserer Zeit ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 16:43
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Demand for seats inside the courtroom spiked today with about 45 people showing up for the public lottery. Attorneys have several guests too
vor 6 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge actually ordered jurors in at 9 am. He will discuss any pending matters with attorneys prior trial resumption. #conradmurraytrial
vor 11 Minuten
nein, Beginn doch um 9:00 AM also 17:00 h

die wollen uns auch verwirren ... hahaha


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 16:44
bc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Fans/media waiting for #MichaelJackson's family to arrive. #ConradMurraytrial
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Here, Dr. #ConradMurray's supporters. #ConradMurraytrial
vor 3 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Media awaits the Jackson family to arrive. #MichaelJackson
vor 3 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
#MichaelJackson's family present today, so far: Joe, La Toya, family friend Majestik and Katherine's assistant Janice. #conradmurraytrial
vor 5 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Trial resumes at 9 am. You can watch it live at and for all the inside scoop follow us @abc7MurrayTrial
vor 6 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.10.2011 um 16:49
3 Bilder von abc7 ... siehe die letzen Tweets ...

0WwfCn udifjq

Ci6r3g sfhpc

pTE7KK yovkj
