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5.317 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Gesellschaft, Gesetz, Gericht ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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06.10.2014 um 07:51
ja, was soll man von solchen Aussagen halten und warum hinterfragt Bateman dies nicht in seinem Buch? Aber vielleicht hat er das ja, ich werde es also doch lesen müssen, denn es ist ja möglich, das er diese Ungereimtheiten hinterfragt hat und diese jetzt nur nicht auszugsweise zitiert werden. Wir werden sehen.....erst mal schauen, ob ich es bestellen kann, als Leseexemplar und wie lange es dauert.......vielleicht kann ja jemand den ganzen Pistorius Bücherauswurf von der Buchmesse mitbringen, ich frag mal :D ich kann ja dieses Jahr nicht hin


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06.10.2014 um 07:58
Ich glaube Bateman hinterfragt nichts, er gibt nur Infos weiter und lässt den gemeinen Leser entscheiden, was man davon halten soll. Bestimmt kommen noch mehr Auszüge ans Tageslicht, aber sicherlich nur die negativen, kennen wir ja schon. Kaufen würde ich mir das Buch auf gar keinen Fall, ich finde es immer recht zweifelhaft, wenn man glaubt mit den Schicksale anderer Menschen Geld machen zu müssen. Wenn du es umsonst kriegst, um so besser, dann kommen wir noch an andere Infos :D


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06.10.2014 um 08:01
If there was trouble in the relationship, none have yet stepped up to say they knew about it. Ms. Myers, a makeup artist who talked to Ms. Steenkamp frequently in her last weeks, said everything appeared normal between the young couple. Mr. Pistorius’s friends, in affidavits to the court, said that he was in love and not afraid to say so. He was making plans to have her travel with him to races, something he had never done before.

auch interessant


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06.10.2014 um 08:07
Ja, was man so findet...ganz am Anfang wurde noch ganz anders gesprochen.
She said that Ms Steenkamp, despite being a beautiful woman with many male admirers, "could handle herself - she was a strong girl" - and not the sort of person to tolerate an abusive partner.
Gina said Ms Steenkamp was romantic and sentimental, and had only had two relationships - one lasting several years - in the time she had known her.
The Myers family had helped Ms Steenkamp to compile a collage of photographs of her and her new boyfriend to take with her as a Valentine's Day gift for Oscar Pistorius that night.


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06.10.2014 um 08:10
ja und dann wird alles umgedreht, Weihnachten nicht zusammen verbracht, ständig Streit, Schluss gemacht.....hatten die das damals alle "vergessen", ist es ihnen erst später wieder eingefallen?


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06.10.2014 um 08:13
Ich meine, ich kenne das Phänomen, dass rückblickend vieles anders erscheint, aber bestimmte Dinge sind doch einfach Tatsachen und die sollte man objektiv berichten können.....wie zum Beispiel: hat man überhaupt mit Reeva über die Beziehung gesprochen oder nicht.


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06.10.2014 um 08:13
Reeva Steenkamp's friends tell of her wish to marry Oscar Pistorius
"Reeva was happy with Oscar. Everyone will say the same thing. I know him well – we all travel in the same circles. And nobody suspected that anything was out of order."

Greyvenstein and Gina Myers, who together formed part of Reeva’s substitute "family" where she lived in Johannesburg, enjoyed an active social life, posting numerous photos on social media and regularly gathering at Steenkamp's favourite salon and home-from-home, Pulse.

Tja, nach vielen überlegen, war ja nun doch alles gaaaanz anders. Sehr mysteriös.


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06.10.2014 um 12:23
.. ja völlig unverständlich wie sich geschichten ändern..

verständlich hingegen dass der betroffene dann fragt: 'How can you sleep at night?'

da wundere ich mich, dass das dann auf unverständnis stößt..

offenbar ist es egal was damals am Valentins Tag tatsächlich geschah - jeder schmiedet sich seine geschichte wie er mag - hauptsache im gespräch bleiben..

geschmacklos auch dieses hier:


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06.10.2014 um 18:40
internet mob


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06.10.2014 um 19:38
Jaja double standards everywhere ;)

Reeva flushed toilet before shots - book

Johannesburg - A new book on Oscar Pistorius has answered one of the lingering mysteries of the athlete’s murder trial - and uncovered evidence allegedly ignored by the State and defence legal teams because it could have potentially undermined their cases.

Forensic experts have confirmed that Reeva Steenkamp flushed the toilet moments before Pistorius shot the four bullets through the locked toilet door that killed her.

The new details are revealed in Behind the Door: The Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp Story written by Eyewitness News senior reporters Mandy Wiener and Barry Bateman.

Pistorius had maintained from his bail application that, in hindsight, he believed that his girlfriend got up and went to the bathroom in the early hours of Valentine’s Day last year because she wanted to relieve herself.

While evidence was led pertaining to the minute amounts of urine in her bladder - that the defence said was proof she had urinated - public debate raged as to whether the young woman had flushed the toilet.

Among the photographs taken by the police and submitted as evidence is of the inside of the toilet bowl, which shows columns of blood separated by clear areas where water had evidently been flowing.

Private forensic expert Kobus Steyl, who was interviewed for the book, said it was clear the toilet was flushed and described the sequence of events as Steenkamp was locked behind the door.

“She must have flushed the toilet, received the gunshots, thereafter she covers the toilet bowl with the blood before the water removes some of the blood,” he said.

Steyl said the water that was still flowing from the cistern was towards the end of the flush, which is why all the blood was not washed away.

He said the flush could not have occurred after the shots because that would have washed away all the blood in the bowl, as well as the fine splinters picked up by the bullets through the door that had come to settle on the porcelain.

He is quoted further in the book, stating that by placing a dye in the cistern and flushing it, one could easily have established the flow pattern.

He is adamant that this should have been presented to the court.

“You never know whether it could play a vital role towards the end of the case when all the information is put together. It is for the court to decide what is important or not,” he said.

So why was this evidence not led by either the State or the defence?

A forensic expert who has followed the case closely said that if the State had presented evidence proving Steenkamp had indeed flushed the toilet, it would have undermined their version that the couple had had a fight and she fled to the bathroom to hide.

For the defence, he said the flush would have raised further questions over Pistorius’s belief that an intruder had entered the house and was hiding behind the door.

Defence expert Roger Dixon is also quoted in book, but says he made this discovery only after he had concluded his testimony.

“This was the third startle. It destroys the State’s case totally. With the third startle, his worst fears are confirmed. That’s the crux of the case,” he says, referring to the defence’s argument that Pistorius opened fire instinctively as a reaction to a noise emanating from the cubicle.

“It destroys the ‘I’m going to chase you and kill you because I don’t like you any more’ idea. It shows that she went to the toilet with her cellphone, under her own steam, no hurry, no rush. When he yelled, she reacted by locking the door,” Dixon says.

Tja, dieses Detail war ja einigen schon länger klar gewesen. Reeva war mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit einfach nur auf die Toilette gegangen und hat sich entleert. Also nix mit Flucht ins Klo und lange rumschreien, wie viele ja immer noch glauben. ;)


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06.10.2014 um 19:47
Bald erscheint noch ein Buch - Die Staat vs. Oscar in Afrikaans. Der Rubel rollt....

staat22 frontOriginal anzeigen (0,8 MB) (Archiv-Version vom 08.10.2014)


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06.10.2014 um 20:00

ha ha :D Roger Dixon schlug Nel.. habe ich richtig gelesen und verstanden?
Defence expert Roger Dixon is also quoted in book, but says he made this discovery only after he had concluded his testimony.

“This was the third startle. It destroys the State’s case totally. With the third startle, his worst fears are confirmed. That’s the crux of the case,” he says, referring to the defence’s argument that Pistorius opened fire instinctively as a reaction to a noise emanating from the cubicle.

“It destroys the ‘I’m going to chase you and kill you because I don’t like you any more’ idea. It shows that she went to the toilet with her cellphone, under her own steam, no hurry, no rush. When he yelled, she reacted by locking the door,” Dixon says.


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06.10.2014 um 20:09
Was meinst du mit schlagen? :D


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06.10.2014 um 20:22
naja, weil Nel's Version dadurch ja noch weniger "probable" wird, könnte ich mir vorstellen :D

Der gute Dixon, hat ja keine Ahnung angeblich, wird aber vorsichtshalber von Wiener und Bateman befragt, aha......als Experte :D


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06.10.2014 um 20:27
Der Staat gegen Oscar......9 Stunden, 4 Schüsse, ein rätselhafter Tod........

interessanter Untertitel........ob das übersetzt wird?


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06.10.2014 um 20:30
ich schreibe auch gerade ein Buch: Behind my Laptop


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06.10.2014 um 20:31


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06.10.2014 um 20:34
Ja deshalb frage ich ja nach - also geschlagen im Sinne von, Dixon hat Nel gezeigt wo der Hammer hängt. :D

1x zitiertmelden

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06.10.2014 um 20:35
wir sind ja hier eigentlich nicht auf nur Oscarchens Fall spezialisiert. Habe heute was interessantes gelesen. Aber vielleicht gehört das doch eher in den Fall Maddie. Ich bin mir nicht so sicher.
Nach Hass-Mails gegen Maddies Eltern
Internet-Pöblerin (63) tot im Hotel gefunden


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06.10.2014 um 20:39
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ja deshalb frage ich ja nach - also geschlagen im Sinne von, Dixon hat Nel gezeigt wo der Hammer hängt
Naja, bis Dixon mal ausgeholt haette, waere Nel vermutlich zwischenzeitlich eingeschlafen
