Mauberzaus schrieb:Reevas Angst vor ihm, obwohl kurz vor dem Tod geäussert, wurde auf die leichte Schulter genommen, während man seine angebliche Furcht und die Emotionen wertete und sie in die Urteilsfindung einfliessen liess.
Auch das ist eine sehr ungewöhnliche (mMn nicht angemessene) Herangehensweise. Insbesondere dass sie seinem scheinbar reumütigen Verhalten nach der Tat bei der Urteilsfindung so viel Bedeutung beigemessen hat, ist für mich nicht nachvollziehbar. OPs Verhalten bestätigt oder widerlegt weder seine Version noch die der Anklage.
Judge Chris Greenland schrieb dazu gestern auf seiner Facebook-Seite:
„I was very bemused by her insistence that to say that OP did foresee that he would kill anybody behind the door would mean that she would have to accept that his highly emotional state immediately after the shooting was play acting and fake.
It is absolutely conceivable that he would have extremely remorseful immediately after the shooting whatever the circumstances of the shooting.
Seeing her blood soaked and dying would have the effect of inducing extreme remorse.
"O'oh what have i done" is entirely within the range of ordinary human experience and conduct.
It happens to us all of the time.”
Weitere Anmerkungen von ihm zu dem Urteil lauten:
„The failure here:
I see it as a matter of justice.
I have no doubt that justice has been failed in this case.
It is not that I contend that Pistorius is guilty.
It is the reality is that the Court failed to resolve the issue in accordance with well set and now sacred principles of justice.
It is now not possible to say that justice was done and seen to be done.
That is the real point.
The Judge's finding that the accused was negligent for firing through a door, knowing that there was a human being behind the door, is simply irreconcilable with her earlier finding that that Oscar did not foresee killing a person behind that door.
She could only make a finding that OP could not have foreseen death if she had found that he was temporarily insane at the time. Temporary insanity was excluded by all the medical experts.
Her approach was irrational.“