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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

1.726 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Portugal, Kate, Maddie ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
J.Watson Diskussionsleiter
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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

07.06.2014 um 22:36
Zitat von sue_bernsue_bern schrieb:wer kann es sein?
ich habe gedacht bis jetzt waren nur Mc Canns als "arguidos" geklärt?
Das wüsste ich auch gerne :).... *arguidos* heißt ja wohl so viel wie *formal Verdächtige*, aber (noch) nicht Angeklagte....

Aber die BILD scheint dazu schon konkretere Infos zu haben :D..... Dazu fällt mir dieser running gag ein: "BILD sprach zuerst mit dem Toten" :D :D :D

Hier deren heutige Schlagzeile - sie berufen sich dabei auf die Daily Mail:

Britische Ermittler wollen acht Verdächtige verhören


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

07.06.2014 um 23:00
ich habe das Bericht gelesen, danke

also man will 3 verdächtige - drogensuechtige verhoeren

ich sehe kein Sinn dass die 3 Drogensuechtige Maddie toeten, dann die Leiche zeitlang irgendwo "zwischenlagern"....
was haben die davon?

wenn die Polizei so gruendlich in Erde nach "Spueren" und " Knochen" sucht....

J.Watson Diskussionsleiter
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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

07.06.2014 um 23:16

Ich kann darin auch keinen Sinn sehen....

Drogensüchtige würden bestenfalls irgendwo einbrechen in der Hoffnung, Wertgegenstände zu finden, die sie (für ihre Sucht) zu Geld machen können.... Aber es ist doch wohl eher unwahrscheinlich, dass die absolut NICHTS aus dem Apartment gestohlen haben - offenbar nicht einmal nach Wertgegenständen gesucht haben, denn es gab keinerlei Spuren - aber stattdessen ein kleines Kind mitnehmen, mit diesem auch noch zu Fuß kreuz und quer durch die Gegend laufen, um dieses Kind dann irgendwo zu verstecken.... Ebenso unwahrscheinlich ist es, dass sie solche Leute eine lebende Maddie entführt haben, um sie dann evtl. an wen auch immer *weiterzureichen*.... Ich denke, für Drogenabhängige steht alleine ihre Sucht im Vordergrund, und die Risiken, das mit der Entführung eines kleinen Kindes verbunden sind, würden sie kaum eingehen (wollen)....

Aber ist dir auch aufgefallen, dass ganz viele Medien - allen voran natürlich die britischen - noch immer so tun, als würde das, was in Praia da Luz gerade stattfindet und noch stattfinden soll, unter der alleinigen Federführung von SY stehen ?.... Den portugiesischen Ermittlern wird von vielen bestenfalls eine Statistenrolle zugestanden.....

Ich persönlich glaube nicht, dass sich die Portugiesen diesen Fall auf eigenem Grund und Boden von SY aus der Hand nehmen lassen, und die Tatsache, dass SY ja auch für alles die Genehmigung der Portugiesen einholen muss, dürfte das bestätigen....

J.Watson Diskussionsleiter
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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

07.06.2014 um 23:34
Retweetet von Tony Stewart
Martin Fricker @martinfricker · vor 5 Std.
Scotland Yard team working over weekend in Praia da Luz ... no work Mon/Tues due to Portuguese holiday, work resumes at 2 new sites on Weds

Es wurde heute und es wird morgen weiter gesucht - Montag + Dienstag nicht, weil Feiertage in Portugal.... Am Mittwoch soll in 2 neuen Gebieten gesucht werden....

Unter diesem Twitter-Account gibt es auch mehrere Fotos zur Suche in den Abwasserkanälen, auf die die lokale Polizei hingewiesen haben soll....

Retweetet von Tony Stewart
Katy Ireland @KatyPraiadaluz · vor 9 Std.
@TellyTone so it's busy there 2day then?A body before 16 June would affect libel case. And create a new crime to be investigated,murder.

Also sind sie dort dann 2 Tage beschäftigt ?.... Ein Körper vor dem 16.06. würde die Verleumdungsklage beeinflussen.... Und es würde ein neues Delikt/Verbrechen schaffen, das untersucht werden müsste: Mord

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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

07.06.2014 um 23:45
Zitat von J.WatsonJ.Watson schrieb:Ein Körper vor dem 16.06. würde die Verleumdungsklage beeinflussen....
ich weiss gar nicht ob ich will dass man ein Koerper findet :-(
das wäre traurig
obwohl ich weiss anders geht nicht
man muss sie finden damit man erklären kann wer das war und warum
ich hoffe das er (sie) jetzt nicht schlafen koennen

J.Watson Diskussionsleiter
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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

08.06.2014 um 00:06

Natürlich wäre das sehr traurig, wenn man eine tote Maddie finden würde.... Aber die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie noch lebt, ist doch mehr als unwahrscheinlich, alleine wegen des deutlichen Identifizierungsmerkmales, das sie hat und was die McCanns ja entgegen aller Ratschläge auch sofort publik gemacht haben..... Egal, wo und/oder bei wem eine noch lebende Maddie auch wäre - sie könnte doch im Grunde niemals in die Öffentlichkeit gehen (keine Schule, keine Freunde etc.) und das dürfte mit zunehmendem Alter zunehmend schwieriger werden bzw. bereits geworden sein....

Das einzige, was vielleicht ein wenig tröstet bei dem Gedanken, wenn man vielleicht doch irgendwann/irgendwo ihren toten Körper findet, wäre die Tatsache, dass die kleine Maus dann wenigstens endlich zur Ruhe kommen könnte, was eben leider nicht der Fall ist, so lange ihre Eltern keine Ruhe geben....

Sollten diese aber tatsächlich absolut unschuldig sein - was auch ich trotz aller meiner Zweifel keineswegs völlig ausschließe - dann sind deren hartnäckige Appelle und ihr Wunsch, endlich Gewissheit zu bekommen, natürlich nicht nur absolut verständlich, sondern auch bewundernswert....

Wenn da halt nicht so vieles wäre, was doch eher dagegen spricht.....

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J.Watson Diskussionsleiter
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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

08.06.2014 um 00:13
Außer diesem Fund der Kleidungsfetzen, deren Ursprung bzw. Zugehörigkeit bisher noch nicht geklärt ist, scheint es demnach nichts weiter zu geben, das von Bedeutung sein könnte....

Also warten wir ab, wie es weitergeht - etwas anderes bleibt uns eh nicht übrig....

Wünsche allen somit erst einmal eine angenehme Nacht und frohe Pfingstfeiertage :D.....


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

09.06.2014 um 17:04
Auf alle Fälle gibt es in der britischen Presse nun auch "kritische" Stimmen:
7. Juni 2014
Madeleine McCann search digs up the haters and misguided conspiracy theorists
by Kay Burley
Sky News presenter Kay Burley says ignore the haters and think of two desperate parents hundreds of miles away hoping against hope that nothing is found this time
There can’t be many parents around the world unaware of the plight of a beautiful little girl who was only three years old when she disappeared in 2007, writes Kay Burley in the Sunday People.
Immediately recognisable by her first name, Madeleine, the eldest of the McCann children disappeared one warm May evening in 2007 as her parents dined with friends in a restaurant at their resort in Praia da Luz, Portugal.
Despite an Interpol search and worldwide publicity nothing has been seen of the little one since.
This week, seven years on, police from the Met have begun searching an area of scrubland near the apartment including a deep, concealed shaft and sewers.
Could this prove to be the final resting place?
Her parents, Kate and Gerry, who suffer every single day with the consequences of their actions that night have decided not to travel to Praia da Luz for this latest hunt for Madeleine.
Who can blame them?
Well, it would appear quite a few. I am absolutely staggered by the number of people on social media who think they know exactly what happened to little Madeleine.
Conspiracy theorists believe that it’s only a matter of time before the McCanns are held culpable for their daughter’s disappearance.
They point out Kate refused to answer some questions put her by the Portuguese police. Kate was with her lawyer when interviewed by the police.
She would have been advised what to say.
The haters refer to cadaver dogs who showed ‘beyond doubt’ that a body must have been kept in the wardrobe of the apartment and then later driven in the McCann’s hire car to be buried.
Under the noses of the Portuguese police and the world’s press?
Easy to dismiss such claims as Looney Tunes, but even a national newspaper was guilty of claiming the McCanns know more than they have told the police .
As a mother I am offended and appalled by such unfounded allegations.
Every morning the McCann’s must wake up only to be smothered by a blanket of guilt.
‘If only we’d done this…’
They have always held on to the hope that Madeleine will be found alive.
So as the search continues, please ignore the haters and think instead of two desperate parents hundreds of miles away sitting by the phone and hoping against hope that nothing is found this time.
- she disappeared in 2007
- disappeared one warm May evening in 2007
- her parents dined with friends in a restaurant at their resort in Praia da Luz
- Kate refused to answer some questions...
- cadaver dogs who showed ‘beyond doubt’ that a body must have been kept...
- McCann’s must wake up only to be smothered by a blanket of guilt...
- desperate parents hundreds of miles away sitting by the phone...

...wenn auch Kay Burley diejenigen als "Hater" bezeichnet, die nach der Wahrheit suchen,
werden nun erstmalig kritische Dinge thematisiert!!!!

1x zitiertmelden

Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

09.06.2014 um 17:50
Zitat von Bambus1Bambus1 schrieb:and think instead of two desperate parents hundreds of miles away sitting by the phone and hoping against hope that nothing is found this time.
das glauben wir dass die hoffen dass man nichts entdeckt :-p


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

09.06.2014 um 20:25
8. Juni
Interview mit Dr. Goncalo Amaral
Thanks a lot Astro for this long and very interesting translation of the video with G.Amaral:

"Anchor: Concerning the outcome of searches to find traces of Madeleine McCann, the results are not very encouraging. Animal bones, one sock from a man, two cannabis plants were found and many soil samples were collected. In Praia da Luz, few believe in the success of this mega operation by the English police.

Voiceover: The mega search operation took a long time to be authorised, but when the English police received a green light from the Public Ministry of Portimão, it moved into Praia da Luz. The first location of the police action was an extensive terrain near the sea. Sniffer dogs went into action, as well as geo-radars, archaeologists and forensic geologists. Around 30 members of the English team, plus 15 from the Polícia Judiciária. Forest sappers, GNR military, 24 hours a day. The only thing missing was the backhoe. Excavations were made with pickaxes and shovels, at various locations of the terrain, but one week later, results were not as expected.

Rui Pando Gomes: This is one of the spots where the English police excavated, everyone had access to the spot and was able to watch the digging. The geo-radar detected a potential grave, but in the end, what was found was a stone.

Voiceover: In Praia da Luz, few believe in the success of this mega operation and even less in the thesis that is presented by the English police, that suspects that the child was taken from home by three burglars.

Bystander 1: It has no logic. What thief goes to burglarise a house, takes a child, kills her, carries her in his arms, in everyone’s sight, walking down the street, and comes to bury her here, on a terrain that is made only of stones? That is crazy! That’s all I have to say.

Voiceover: These searches are being seen by residents and tourists as one big police movie.

Bystander 2: A movie. A movie, maybe. I don’t know if this is, as we say, for the English to see. I am a bit suspicious that this is going to result in nothing.

Bystander 1: I think that they won’t find anything here. Animal bones, maybe, but otherwise…

Voiceover: And in the middle of this movie, some risk a possible scenario with different actors.

Bystander 2: The Smith couple saw him on that street, he turned the corner and could have hidden the body in the garden of that abandoned house. Then, at 6 o’clock – may I say this? – the couple came, when everybody had gone, picked up the body and came to hide it here. It is possible.

Voiceover: Despite the Portuguese authorities assuring that all expenses are being borne by the British, some have doubts about who is actually paying the Portuguese forces that stopped doing their job to be in Praia da Luz.

Bystander 1: I would like to ask that from the big ones, to find out who is paying the gentlemen from the GNR that are doing services here every four hours.

Rui Pando Gomes: … and the forest sappers…

Bystander 1: Exactly. To all of them that are here, because they say it’s the English that pay, but I don’t see the English paying.

Voiceover: After a week of searches, the collected residues are kept in boxes. A man’s sock, animal bones, two cannabis plants, soil samples and a lot of rocks. Indications that will be used to sustain the thesis of the investigators, that say that Maddie is dead and passed through this terrain. Or simply to widen the mystery of the disappearance of this English child.

Rui Pando Gomes: In this mega search operation, many means have been used. From the GNR, 40 officers were on location ensuring the safety of this operation, 40 members of the English police and of the Polícia Judiciária were involved in the searches, geo-radars were used, sniffer dogs, forest sappers were on location, and many people fought for this operation to be successful. Nevertheless, the evidence is scarce, the indicia found are very few, the final results are inconclusive.

Anchor: This is exactly why we speak with Gonçalo Amaral, former Polícia Judiciária inspector. He followed this investigation in the early days. Good evening, thank you for being here.

Gonçalo Amaral: Thank you.

Anchor: How do you see the movie of the searches this week?

Gonçalo Amaral: That is exactly it, it’s a movie. There are British journalists who speak of a farce, something staged for the media, and maybe it's nothing more than that. What is dangerous and serious is this attempt to find a new thesis, a so-called new theory about someone who goes to commit a theft and is scared by a three-year-old child and kills her and takes her out of there, I think it's convoluted.

But it’s nothing new. I remember that within the investigation, back then, and I recall that I spent six months in that investigation, not seven years, or three or four, like Scotland Yard – during that time, there was this thesis, too. And it happens that it was brought forward by a colleague who was a member of British Police, of Scotland Yard. He was the only member of Scotland Yard who was present in that work group of the Polícia Judiciária and the British police, he was Scotland Yard.

And when he advanced that hypothesis, it was discussed and completely set aside because it made no sense. Now they even added a bit more spice, to spice it up, that they are traffickers, that apart from trafficking, one day they thought of breaking into a house. Nobody proves that house was broken into, that there was a theft, there are no traces of a break-in.

Anchor: There are these traces, Gonçalo, of banking statements –

Gonçalo Amaral: What banking statements? Those found on the road, rubbish? We are speaking about rubbish that is being found, and nothing is being related with. The banking statements don’t belong to the McCanns, they weren’t taken from inside the house. Nothing was taken from that house. From that house, the only “thing” which is not a thing, it’s a person, that is missing is Madeleine McCann. There is not a television, a photo camera missing, nothing, no money is missing, and there are no traces of a break-in. Therefore, there was no burglary there. There was no assault on that house.

So now this theory is another show, a farce like the papers and some British journalists say, and that is all that it is.

Anchor: And who is writing this farce’s plot?

Gonçalo Amaral: It’s Scotland Yard that is writing. They have a certain difficulty to end the investigations, they are getting to the point of saying that she is dead, they will reach the point of saying that the cadaver can’t be found, and that the case can’t be solved.

Anchor: They are being pressured by the government, by the McCann family, by whom?

Gonçalo Amaral: By time. By time and by the money that they have spent already, which is a lot. I remind you that this is a special group that has been on this investigation for a long time and that this has already cost the British public coffers thousands of pounds. And now it also costs ours, we saw some people mentioning that, what is being spent in terms of the Portuguese police, which is surely not being paid by the British.

Anchor: I understand that in your opinion, this is a diversion manoeuvre, but what is the purpose?

Gonçalo Amaral: It’s not a diversion manoeuvre, it’s a way of making forget what exists. If you notice, while we are engrossed in the searches, that are even performed on the limit of the grounds for the press, for the television cameras to film, the grounds are huge but it’s on the border, close by – nobody is discussing the case files, nobody is discussing the indicia.

And returning to the indicia, there is one that is proved and is included in the report that the Portuguese police wrote in September, after the disappearance, at that time, and which is the simulation of an abduction. So there is the simulation of an abduction, I ask: if these burglars are so intelligent, so intelligent that “let’s take away the child that is dead, that died of fright or that we killed, and that cannot appear because a homicide is different from a theft, there is no trace of theft, and on top of that we simulate the abduction”. Notice that is the story of the open window, everything is open as if the child had been taken through there.

And in fact these have to very intelligent burglars. Then, they seem to lose their intelligence, because all of a sudden, they apparently went there on foot, it is said that they are three but only one was seen carrying the child in that area, into the direction of those grounds, leaves a body near the location of the disappearance – this not intelligence anymore. The intelligence seems to have stopped at that moment. But well, they say that there are phone calls that place them there… there is no substance, there is nothing there to give this thesis credibility.

Anchor: But how do these eight suspects appear, and with the intention of questioning three of them?

Gonçalo Amaral: They appear because all that it takes is to go to the list of phone calls made in that location, during one or two days, or on that night, and check who has a criminal record. And these are traffickers. And then there is a jump. Traffickers are also burglars, they also break into houses, so it goes. Anyone who says that doesn’t know what drugs trafficking is, or at least drugs trafficking in the Algarve and the means that it implicates and the people that are behind it. Or we are talking about the trafficker that consumes, who is stealing to buy drugs and to sell some drugs.

Then they say “we found two cannabis plants in the middle of the field”. This is where the drugs were kept. This is madness. These are completely mad people. If they moved further up, they would not find a few plants, there are hundreds of cannabis plants in that area, because some foreigners, people who live there, love the plant and they have huge plantations in that area.

But that does not represent the traffic, the trafficker in the Algarve. The trafficker in the Algarve, the one that dedicates himself to the traffic, in terms of a relation with Morocco, with other countries, the organized traffic, who has some power, and that was also discussed here at the beginning – he even had a motorboat standing by at the beach and took the child away and so on – those are not going to burglarize houses and even less are they scared by three-year-old children.

Anchor: Gonçalo Amaral, is there any cause-effect relation between the fact that these searches, these excavations started shortly after Madeleine McCann was officially declared dead by British authorities?

Gonçalo Amaral: That death declaration, a declaration in terms of, a civil death, which is a mechanism that we also have in Portugal, when someone disappears, I think it Portugal it’s after five years –

Anchor: But these excavations come afterwards, not before…

Gonçalo Amaral: This had been discussed earlier on, it’s just that now there was authorisation for this type of excavations. Searches and excavations in locations that had been subject to searches and excavations already, seven years ago. We were there. It’s like raining on a wet spot. Well, it may be that they have another type of information, more credible, but let’s see it. If they have something more concrete, then they should go there directly. They could have gone there on the first day. There is no need for this mise-en-scène to get to a certain point.

I think that they do not possess that information and I even have doubts, in case Madeleine McCann is dead, if the body exists.

Anchor: Gonçalo, I’m going to ask you to stay with us for a little longer. We’re going to take a look at more developments of this story, as today the investigators dug again near a hiding place that had been searched before, and like earlier the CMTV reporter said, tomorrow the first phase of the work is closed and the searches will be resumed on Wednesday, at other locations in the surroundings of Praia da Luz.

Voiceover: The battalion of policemen and forensic experts had an early start on the sixth consecutive day of searches. The chief of operations, Andy Redwood, insisted on taking all of his notes and documents along to the terrain, at a time when the end of the first search phase comes near its end.

In a race against time, the English police used probes again to analyse the subsoil in an area very close to the Rua 25 de Abril, and a few metres away from several apartment blocks. The last areas that the investigators believe were moved and may contain some leads about Maddie are being analysed. On the sixth day of searches, some tiredness could be seen in the faces of some of the members of the English police, disguised with a few smiles.

The cameras were always very close, following the work in detail. The operations went on, and not even a collection of old bottles that was recovered near an improvised building escaped the investigators. A little vegetable garden was also checked and a lot of shrubbery was thoroughly searched. Then, they took their pickaxes again, and their shovels, and excavated. Plastics and other buried objects led the forensics experts back to the spot in the area where earlier a hiding place had been discovered.

Rui Pando Gomes: On the sixth day, the English investigators bet everything on an area where they had earlier found a hiding place that was covered with a zinc plate. In this area, this first phase of searches will end on Sunday. The next two grounds will be subject to excavations on Wednesday and Thursday.

Anchor: Our guest Gonçalo Amaral already had the opportunity to say that in his opinion, all of this is a farce, but Gonçalo, so much time later, they are looking for a body, and that had not happened before.

Gonçalo Amaral: Well, I heard an earlier version where they were digging but still maintained the hope that she is alive, so they are looking for a hole where the child is living, so there is some confusion here, also from the British police. But in fact the theory that the child is dead and that it died that night in that apartment exists since that time, since September of 2007, and it was a conviction both from the Portuguese police and the British police that worked on the case. So it’s not something new.

Now what is being done is to go to everything that is in the process, and try to do it again; they did a reconstitution with actors in order to say that the parents were not suspects, they have e-fits of the person that took the child that night, at 10 p.m. and walked toward this area where these searches are taking place, that happens to be recognised by the Smith family, witnesses, as being the child’s father, Gerald McCann, so this is an attempt to question the conclusions of that report that is in the case files, forgetting about the indicia that exist there, and creating this ghost that there were some rogues, drug traffickers, big drug traffickers who one day decided to carry out a burglary, which even didn’t go very well, and who were scared of a three-year-old child, and even simulated an abduction, took the body away and buried it close to home.

Just let me say this: The question of missing children, and it would be good if the British police or the Portuguese police would say it, when these cases happen, when a three-year-old child, who is in someone’s care, in this case in her parents’ care, disappears from that location, the place where the body will be placed will depend on two important factors. One is the knowledge of the terrain, what do those people know. And the other one is the means, the ability to move, to have a means of transportation that can carry the body further away.

When a body is searched, just like the British police is doing, close to the apartment, then they have no doubts that the person that removed the body and placed it there did not know the terrain and had no means of transportation to take it out of there. Whom does this lead to? It doesn’t lead to any burglars. It leads to those that were responsible to care for the child. This is in the books – books that everyone has read. And maybe because everyone read them, the body does not appear in that area.

Anchor: Then there is a declaration from Gerry and Kate, in the middle of this week, that thank the authorities for the support and for their ongoing efforts to bring Madeleine home. This is the expression.

Gonçalo Amaral: There are other expressions. Mr Gerald McCann said, a few years ago, two or three years ago, I can’t remember, “if she is dead then show us the body”. He will know why he says “show us the body”. There are other elements that point towards the fact that no body exists. Those elements should be taken into account. Those that are in the investigation should think how a body could disappear, how it is possible for this body to disappear under those circumstances.

Anchor: Gonçalo Amaral, let me ask a final question for a quick reply. Will we ever find out what really happened that night?

Gonçalo Amaral: Yes, we will. When MI5 opens the case files, we will find out. Don’t forget that the British secret services followed the case right from the beginning. On location.

Anchor: So only in ten, twenty years…?

Gonçalo Amaral: I don’t know if that information will be made available, but if it’s like in the United States, it takes years to have access to that kind of confidential information. I’ll just tell you this. I recall that – this is not conspiracy theory. The searches that we made with Eddie, with Keela, with the British police, with the planning that is being carried out now, with the British forensics experts, and everything else, there was one person that was responsible for those searches, a British citizen.

And at the end of those searches, at the end of that result, he returns to England, and he’s at the airport in Faro, waiting for the plane to return to England, and he receives a phone call. He is accompanied by one of our colleagues. And he then explains to our colleague that there was a member of the MI5 at the airport, waiting for him, to talk with him about the result of the investigation.

Therefore, we are not making anything up. Everything has been made up. And someone has the information, so make the information available. From satellites, from the secret services, from wherever.

Anchor: Gonçalo Amaral, good evening and thank you for being here tonight."

3x zitiertmelden

Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

09.06.2014 um 21:28
Zitat von Bambus1Bambus1 schrieb:It has no logic. What thief goes to burglarise a house, takes a child, kills her, carries her in his arms, in everyone’s sight, walking down the street, and comes to bury her here, on a terrain that is made only of stones? That is crazy! That’s all I have to say.
das habe ich auch in letzten Tagen 2x gesagt es hat kein Logik und Sinn
Gonçalo Amaral: Nothing was taken from that house. From that house, the only “thing” which is not a thing, it’s a person, that is missing is Madeleine McCann. There is not a television, a photo camera missing, nothing, no money is missing, and there are no traces of a break-in. Therefore, there was no burglary there.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

09.06.2014 um 22:15
Ich würde mal vorschlagen die Eltern einem Lügendetektortest zu unterziehen.Zur Not unter Androhung der Beugehaft.
Versteh das gar nicht.Wenn sie doch angeblich nix zu verheimlichen haben weshalb die das verweigern.
Gibts auch nicht so Wahrheitsdrogen ???


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

09.06.2014 um 23:54
Anchor: Gonçalo Amaral, let me ask a final question for a quick reply. Will we ever find out what really happened that night?

Gonçalo Amaral: Yes, we will. When MI5 opens the case files, we will find out. Don’t forget that the British secret services followed the case right from the beginning. On location.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

10.06.2014 um 07:24
Zitat von J.WatsonJ.Watson schrieb:Sollten diese aber tatsächlich absolut unschuldig sein - was auch ich trotz aller meiner Zweifel keineswegs völlig ausschließe - dann sind deren hartnäckige Appelle und ihr Wunsch, endlich Gewissheit zu bekommen, natürlich nicht nur absolut verständlich, sondern auch bewundernswert....
Dieser ganze Vermisstenfall ist von Anfang an bis heute nicht so untersucht worden, wie in jedem anderen Rechtsstaat normalerweise üblich.
Ich gehe nicht davon aus, dass Amaral öffentlich etwas behaupten würde, (Involvierung MI5 etc.), wenn dem nicht so wäre! Insofern gehe ich sogar davon aus, dass er mehr weiß als er sagt!
Mit dieser sofortigen Verstrickung in höchste Kreise wurden m. E. "andere" geschützt.
Wer auch immer das ist und wie auch immer der Bezug zur Familie Mccann ist???

Sonst gibt es für mich keine plausible Erklärung, warum die Eltern und die Tapas-Freunde NIE nach den ersten portug. Anhörungen und den vielen vielen Widersprüchen und Lügen wieder verhört wurden - ob "unschuldig" bzw. weiteres "Wissen" oder nicht:
Weiter ...warum NIE irgendwelche anderen Urlauber, die zur gleich Zeit vorort waren oder Nachbarn in Rothley, Arbeitskollegen, Freunde, Kindergärtner etc. im Laufe der Zeit aber auch nur ein Sterbenswörtchen gesagt haben.
Zitat von Bambus1Bambus1 schrieb:Gonçalo Amaral: There are other expressions. Mr Gerald McCann said, a few years ago, two or three years ago, I can’t remember, “if she is dead then show us the body”. He will know why he says “show us the body”. There are other elements that point towards the fact that no body exists. Those elements should be taken into account. Those that are in the investigation should think how a body could disappear, how it is possible for this body to disappear under those circumstances.
Diese Aussagen belegen für mich deutlich, dass nichts gefunden werden wird. Diese Aussagen trifft man nur, wenn man sicher ist, dass keine Leiche gefunden werden wird!!!


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

10.06.2014 um 08:57
Als Ärzte Haben sie das nötige Wissen mit welchen Substanzen man Leichen auflöst.
Vll.doch die Säurebecken in Huelva.
Naja sind ja Katholiken.Die legen ja Beichte ab um ihr Gewissen zu beruhigen.
Weiß nicht wie man damit Leben kann.
Im Video von Amaral wird gezeigt das man sich in einem Kinderbuch Notizen gemacht hat über den Verlauf des Abends.Wer macht denn sowas?Wenn mein Kind vermisst wird is doch das erste was ich mache sie zu suchen und nach ihr zu rufen!!

J.Watson Diskussionsleiter
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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

11.06.2014 um 10:30

Schön, dass du wieder da bist, hatte dich schon vermisst :D....

Das Interview mit Amaral hatte ich auch schon gelesen - sehr aufschlussreich, und ich vermute ebenfalls, dass er noch eine Menge mehr weiß, als er bisher gesagt hat.... Schließlich wurde (bisher) nur ein Teil der Ermittlungsunterlagen veröffentlicht und wer weiß, was sich noch so alles in den nicht veröffentlichten Dokumenten an Infos befindet....

Außerdem könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass sich Amaral angesichts des noch immer laufenden Prozesses gegen ihn einfach auch zurückhalten muss, um den McCanns nicht neues *Futter* zu geben.... Aber früher oder später wird vermutlich noch so einiges auf den Tisch kommen....

Den Bericht vom Mirror (Kay Burley) hatte ich auch schon gelesen, fand ihn aber alles andere als kritisch, sondern sogar ausgesprochen pro McCann.... Auch dass er die Kritiker öffentlich als *Hater* bezeichnete, fand ich schon geradezu frech und unverschämt..... Aber vielleicht sind seine Aussagen ja darin begründet, dass er sich dazu *genötigt* fühlte, weil immer mehr kritische Stimmen laut werden....

Und dieser Spruch
Zitat von Bambus1Bambus1 schrieb:if she is dead then show us the body”.
geht mir ja auch nicht mehr aus dem Kopf :), obwohl es von McCann-Seite ja hieß, dieser Spruch wäre nicht von Gerry gewesen, sondern von jemand anderes, allerdings wohl durchaus aus dem Kreis der McCanns.... Auf jeden Fall ist er angesichts der ganzen Umstände so bezeichnend, dass man in der Tat zu keinem anderen Schluss kommen kann: Man ist sich sicher, dass man Maddie's Leiche NIE finden wird, und ohne Leichenfund gibt es keinen eindeutigen Beweis gegen die McCanns....

Aber wie heißt es doch so schön: Es gibt kein perfektes Verbrechen.... Und das hat sich nicht selten - wenn auch oft erst nach Jahren - bewahrheitet.....

Kurzfristig, d.h. für die aktuelle Suchaktion, habe ich diesbezüglich allerdings auch wenig Hoffnung, aber wer weiß, was die Zeit noch so bringt....


Muss leider gleich wieder weg, wenn es nicht zu spät wird, schaue ich heute Abend noch mal rein.... Genießt das schöne Wetter :D.... Ich hoffe, niemand von euch war von den Unwettern betroffen.....


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

11.06.2014 um 22:55
Den Bericht vom Mirror (Kay Burley) hatte ich auch schon gelesen, fand ihn aber alles andere als kritisch, sondern sogar ausgesprochen pro McCann.... Auch dass er die Kritiker öffentlich als *Hater* bezeichnete, fand ich schon geradezu frech und unverschämt..... Aber vielleicht sind seine Aussagen ja darin begründet, dass er sich dazu *genötigt* fühlte, weil immer mehr kritische Stimmen laut werden....
Ich meinte, insofern kritisch, dass erstmalig Themen wie die Hunde, nicht konkret der 3. Mai, keine konkrete Entfernung zur Tapas Bar, das Nicht-Beantworten der 48 Fragen etc. erstmalig in der britischen Presse thematisiert werden.
Und dann die "blanket of guilt" - in Referenz zur verschwundenen pinken Decke sehe ich nicht als Zufall erwähnt! "Rahmen der Möglichkeiten" sehe ich das als bewusste Formulierungen!


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

12.06.2014 um 07:09

Madeleine McCann: No evidence after searches, say police

No evidence relating to missing Madeleine McCann has been identified after searches in Portugal, Scotland Yard has said.

Portuguese and British police have completed searching three sites in the Algarve holiday resort of Praia da Luz.

Scotland Yard said the searches were the "first phase of this major investigation" and approximately 60,000 square metres had been covered.

Madeleine was three when she went missing in Praia da Luz in May 2007.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

14.06.2014 um 06:14
....ich befürchte, dass Pat Brown recht hat!
Thank You, Scotland Yard

As the week of digging up Portugal for no discernibly good reason comes came to a close, Kate and Gerry McCann told the press how pleased they were that Scotland Yard had put forth such effort but not found a dead Maddie. As they fly to Portugal on Sunday to testify against Gonçalo Amaral, their argument that he has caused them great emotional pain and damaged the search for Madeleine has not, in the end, been weakened by Scotland Yard's recent activities. In fact, Scotland Yard's Praia da Luz digging and subsequent statements have actually strengthened their case.

The massive money and time spent over the last three years and in the recent spectacle at the Snail go to show how difficult the struggle is to find Madeleine or at least what happened to Madeleine. Even Scotland Yard with their millions of pounds of taxpayer money haven't yet been able to solve the mystery, a mystery that wouldn't exist if the PJ hadn't failed so dismally in their investigation when the case was fresh and if Gonçalo Amaral hadn't wasted early opportunities to follow good leads to locate Maddie instead of being hellbent on convicting the McCanns. If even Scotland Yard can't seem to clean up the mess and bring this case to closure with so much money and manpower, the damage to the case by the Portuguese police's incompetence and Amaral's refusal to consider any other theory than the McCann's involvement is quite obviously tremendous. And, if Scotland Yard with all their seemingly unlimited budget and detectives has not yet found Maddie, who can blame the McCanns for failing to find her, in spite of all the cash they have collected through their fund?

On top of all this, Scotland Yard has just issued this incredible statement: "This recent work is part of ensuring that all lines of inquiry are progressed in a systematic manner and covers just the one hypothesis that she was killed and buried locally."

Two things jump out at me: the first thing is that the statement does not include the words "in the vacation flat" which means, at this point, Scotland Yard is not necessarily giving any credibility to the cadaver and blood evidence in the apartment. And this means their analysis does not support Amaral's conclusion, and in fact, indicates that he came to such a conclusion without reliable evidence; hence, he harmed the McCanns by claiming Maddie was dead, that she died in the apartment, and that her body was removed by the McCanns. The second thing that jumped out at me is that this is "just one hypothesis, " which opens the door for Maddie being alive which validates the McCanns' search, which in turn supports the McCanns' assertion that Gonçalo Amaral's claims in his book are libelous and damaging.

Thank you, Scotland Yard, for conducting this charade of an investigation which has worked out perfectly for the McCanns and been timed just right so that they can now enter the courtroom with their heads held high with just the added ammo they need to possibly win this outrageous and ridiculous lawsuit.

God help, Gonçalo.

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown

June 13, 2014


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

14.06.2014 um 06:17
...und ein Kommentar dazu:
Anonymous said...
I do hope you are wrong but you make valid points. Please read textusa today however.
June 13, 2014 at 5:21 AM

Anon 5:21
Pat Brown said
Textusa is, in my opinion, making a mistake I have seen lots of people make recently; they are looking through the eyes of people in the know. For those who know this case intimately, these things Textusa claims will be understood by the masses, in fact, will not. The majority of the world will see it the way I stated it in the post.

Now, the next question is, how will the Portuguese court see it? It seems a no brainer that they should see it in Textusa's view; after all, it is Portugal and they know this case. So, you would think. But, this is the legal system that allowed Amaral's book to be pulled off the market and Amaral's life to be screwed to the extent it has been. It is true that the court recently reversed that decision but, still, there is much in this libel case that concerns me (in spite of the recent win by Amaral over the ward of the court thing). Count me skeptical when it comes to anything to do with a court system; I always find it a bad roll of the dice as to outcome. One can get screwed through politics, attorneys, or judges. I don't get a good feeling as to the outcome and, god knows, I want the outcome to go in Goncalo's favor.

I am holding my breath that Portugal will go tell both Scotland Yard and the McCanns to stuff it.
June 13, 2014 at 5:39 AM

Anon 5:21

It is like the Kay Burley article about McCann haters. I couldn't believe how many think it is a clever article exposing the McCanns. I saw not a bit of that: just a journalist who wrote a diatribe in support of the McCanns who did little research and thought little about the things she was saying. But, if one wants to believe that there is hope - for Scotland Yard to actually be after the McCanns or for the world to see the truth about this case - you can read a lot of positive things into actions that, quite frankly, are pretty damned lousy.
