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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

1.726 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Portugal, Kate, Maddie ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

19.03.2014 um 20:20
Die Kernsätze des heutigen Pressehypes um eine angebliche Serien von Kindesmißbräuchen in Portugal, die z.T erst kürzlich gemeldet wurden obwohl sie JAHRE zurückliegen und die den Portugiesen scheinbar nicht vorliegen:

Andy Redwood:

""Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood admitted that what they have uncovered means Madeleine might not have left the apartment alive.""

"There is always the potential that she didn't leave the apartment alive. What is important for us to do is consider all the options," he said.""

"While I completely accept that there are differences (between the break-ins and the McCann case), there is no abduction that we can see, but the assumption from that is that Madeleine McCann has been abducted. That may not necessarily follow with all our thinking about what may have become of Madeleine McCann.""

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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

19.03.2014 um 20:41
Zitat von shirleyholmesshirleyholmes schrieb:"There is always the potential that she didn't leave the apartment alive
ist es jetzt darum gemeint weil Leichenspueren im Apartmant gefunden waren oder man will damit behaupten dass es bei Smith-Sichtung nicht die Maddie sein konnte (und damit auch der Gerry nicht?)


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

19.03.2014 um 21:02

Immerhin ist es das erste Mal, wo ich sagen würde. So einen Verdächtigen kann man nicht ausschließen. "Traktormann" war z u absurd. Aber das könnte eine Spur sein. Allerdings wüsste ich gerne näheres über die Taten. Hat sich ruhig verhalten/ist geflüchtet?

Maskenmann Martin N. ist auch manchmal einfach nur eingedrungen. Warum aber kommt man erst jetzt auf den Trichter? Die Fälle waren seit Jahren bekannt.

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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

19.03.2014 um 22:57
Irgendwie habe ich den Eindruck Scotland Yard will die Untersuchungen der Portugiesen sabotieren und damit den gesamten Prozess lahmlegen.
Scotland Yard speaks of new data that has been collected by the English investigation. But the Judiciary Police has another version.

The thesis that points towards a suspect of alleged sexual attacks against British children in the Algarve is nothing but the investigation line that was defined by the PJ team in Oporto, which reviewed the entire process.

A source at the Judiciary Police asserts that this was the line that was the basis for the reopening of the inquiry, in October last year.

This means that what has just been announced in England is part of the Portuguese process, which is under judicial secrecy. A secret that had been well kept until now and that was breached, which may weaken the trust between both police forces.

This information was given by the PJ itself to the British police and to the McCann couple, during a meeting at the Judiciary Police’s National Directory, in Lisbon.

There is an agreement between both police forces: they regularly meet in Portugal. They exchange information about the development of the investigations into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

The PJ has always kept silent about what happens during these meetings that take place behind closed doors. A stance that is being kept: Officially, the National Directory does not comment Scotland Yard’s statement.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

20.03.2014 um 04:41 (Archiv-Version vom 22.03.2014)

Zwischen 3 und 5 morgens, Alter der Kinder passt auch nicht...mal abwarten.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

20.03.2014 um 07:21
Irgendwie weckt das keine Hoffnung auf neue Erkenntnisse


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

20.03.2014 um 17:17
Ich denke der Fall entwickelt sich.

Nachdem Tanner's Bundleman beerdigt wurde (as predicted) und die Smith Sichtung in den Vordergrund rückte (as predicted) wird nun die Öffentlichkeit darauf vorbereitet, dass die "oh so unreliable" Hunde doch von Anfang an Recht hatten und Madeleine nicht lebend das Apartment verlassen hat. Warum wird dies nun in Zusammenhang mit einem angeblichen Kinderschänder gebracht, der nie ein Kind tötete? Er hätte ja auch Madeleine lebend mitnehmen können.

Weil man den Fall lange gelöst hat (war ja auch nicht wirklich schwer) und nun die Öffentlichkeit vorbereiten will ohne die wirklich Verdächtigen jetzt schon zu nennen? Wahrscheinlich

Weil man einen Whitewash vorbereitet, bei dem in Kürze DNA zum Vorschein kommt, die mit den Spuren im Apartement übereinstimmen. Eher unwahrscheinlich aber nicht ausgeschlossen.

Im zweiten Fall werden immer Fragen offenbleiben. Z.B. nach dem Geruch und der DNA im Leihwagen und auch die Frage warum die Smith Sichtung - als einziges Indiz auf eine Entführung - monatelang vertuscht wurde BEVOR He. Smith Gerry auch nur erkannt hatte.

Ein As im Ärmel könnten die Portugiesen noch zurückhalten, denn die im Leihwagen gefundenen Haare (ohne Wurzel) wurden von den Briten wieder zurückgeschickt und könnten noch eine Rolle spielen.

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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

20.03.2014 um 21:45
Zitat von shirleyholmesshirleyholmes schrieb:im Leihwagen gefundenen Haare (ohne Wurzel)
was bedeutet das? dass die Haare nicht von lebendiger person sind?

also ich sagte immer nach dem Traktorman und Dieben wird noch ein fremder "Mann kommen"...

ich glaube nicht an den Sexualtäter
das Alter stimmt nicht
die Uhrzeit stimmt nicht
Die Maddie wuerde im Bett nicht vergewaltigt aber entfuehrt (also Entfuehrt ist fraglich)
die andere Mädchen umgekehrt


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

21.03.2014 um 12:33
Interessant, dass SY Crimewatch kurz vorher, am 18.3.2014 ein Interview mit Goncalo Amaral vorausging!


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

21.03.2014 um 12:43 (Archiv-Version vom 22.03.2014)
Cameron offers to intervene in Madeline inquiry 'if helpful'
...und mal wieder...die politische Einflussnahme...


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

21.03.2014 um 15:11
Zitat von pfiffipfiffi schrieb:Warum aber kommt man erst jetzt auf den Trichter? Die Fälle waren seit Jahren bekannt.
Vermeintlich "neue" Spuren mit alten Infos aufgepimpt...mehr nicht!!!

News of the World article by Dominic Herbert (9/5/09) “We have names of Maddie suspects”
By Dominic Herbert
10/05/2009 (appeared online 09/05/09 22:20 PM)
THE British team of cold case detectives investigating Maddie McCann's disappearance today reveal sensational NEW LEADS.
Senior ex-police officers hired by parents Kate and Gerry now have the names of at least FIVE new possible kidnappers after a flood of calls from the public last week.
And they have found vital evidence never properly investigated by blundering Portuguese cops.
It includes a list of 18 PERVERTS and a sinister series of SIX SEX ATTACKS on other British kids within an hour's drive of the Praia da Luz resort where Maddie was snatched.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

21.03.2014 um 17:22
Zitat von pfiffipfiffi schrieb:Allerdings wüsste ich gerne näheres über die Taten. Hat sich ruhig verhalten/ist geflüchtet?
...five girls aged between seven and 10 in the Algarve between 2004 and 2006...

...the man, said to be dark-haired and tanned, sat on the victims' beds. In nine of the 12 incidents there was no evidence of forced entry or property taken...

...However, no children were abducted....

...the incidents happened between 2am and 5am...


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

21.03.2014 um 18:25
Zitat von shirleyholmesshirleyholmes schrieb:"...wird nun die Öffentlichkeit darauf vorbereitet, dass die "oh so unreliable" Hunde doch von Anfang an Recht hatten und Madeleine nicht lebend das Apartment verlassen hat. Warum wird dies nun in Zusammenhang mit einem angeblichen Kinderschänder gebracht, der nie ein Kind tötete? Er hätte ja auch Madeleine lebend mitnehmen können..."
...und nicht zu vergessen:
Das Apartment dann auch noch blitzeblank geputzt hinterlassen hat
keine Spuren in irgendeiner Form hinterlassen hat...obwohl das nach seiner Personenbeschreibung
schwer vorstellbar ist:
"...dark-haired and tanned, sat on the victims' beds. ...
The man, said to be unshaven with unkempt hair, spoke English slowly, with a foreign accent, possibly with slurred speech. Some witnesses suggested he had a pot belly while three victims suggested he had a distinctive smell, one involving aftershave, another tobacco while a third just described "a funny smell".


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

22.03.2014 um 09:42
An article about police investigations into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal in 2007 (Madeleine police hunt serial sex attacker who prowled Algarve, 20 March, page 3) said Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood had said the assumption that Madeleine had been alive when she left the apartment "may not follow with all our thinking" on the case. To clarify: those quoted words actually came after Redwood had referred to the assumption that Madeleine had been abducted. However, Redwood did say during the same press conference that police were considering the possibility that Madeleine was not alive when taken from the apartment as well as the possibility that she was.
Diese CLARRYfication mag zwar den Sachverhalt treffen, ändert aber nichts an der Tatsache dass Redwood beides gesagt hat:

- dass sie möglicherweise tot aus dem Apartment entfernt wurde und
- dass das Konzept einer Entführung nicht komplett ihren Überlegungen folgt (was immer man sich darunter vorstellen kann)

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Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

22.03.2014 um 10:16
Man sollte sich auch die Frage stellen warum Scotland Yard keine age-progression photos von Madeleine seit Beginn der Review mehr veröffentlicht.

1x zitiertmelden

Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

22.03.2014 um 17:13
Zitat von shirleyholmesshirleyholmes schrieb:Man sollte sich auch die Frage stellen warum Scotland Yard keine age-progression photos von Madeleine seit Beginn der Review mehr veröffentlicht.
Ich befürchte, diese Frage muss man sich nach den gemachten Aussagen wohl nicht nicht mehr stellen...

Wenn SY nicht mehr wüsste bzw. nicht große Gewissheit besteht, hätten sie das:
Zitat von shirleyholmesshirleyholmes schrieb:- dass sie möglicherweise tot aus dem Apartment entfernt wurde und
- dass das Konzept einer Entführung nicht komplett ihren Überlegungen folgt (was immer man sich darunter vorstellen kann)
sicherlich nicht gesagt!!!



Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

23.03.2014 um 10:33
Der heutige Artikel des Express, auch wenn er die Verdächtigen durcheinander würfelt, scheint zu bestätigen, dass SY auf der richtigen Spur fährt:
British officers have pointed out to the Portuguese that a key sighting of a man holding a child in Luz at 10pm, shortly after Madeleine was taken, was not of a black man. Irishman Martin Smith and family saw him.

Former Portuguese inspector Goncalo Amaral was about to fly Mr Smith to Portugal when he was removed from the case. DCI Redwood said last week: “We still need to establish the identity of a man seen by three witnesses, carrying a child fitting Madeleine’s description towards the beach or town at about 22.00 on the night Madeleine disappeared.

“The witnesses have described the man in the e-fits as being white, aged in his 30s, with short brown hair of medium build, medium height and clean shaven.”
SY auf der gleichen Wellenlänge wie Amaral, das wird einigen notorischen Amaral Bashern nicht schmecken.

Clarry schmeckte das sicher auch nicht, sonst hätte er nicht parallel über den Mirror, sein momentanes Haus- und Hofblatt, weitere "Verdächtige" ins Spiel gebracht:


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

23.03.2014 um 12:14
Vielleicht ist ja ein erstes gefühl richtig: Redwood läßt sich nicht in die Karten gucken. De5r Mann weiß auch, wer den Tatort manipuliert und wer die E-Fits fünf Jahre lang klagebewehrt unter Verschluß gehalten hat.


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

26.03.2014 um 12:42
Was passiert tatsächlich?????
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
No, Andy Redwood and Scotland Yard are not Trying to Solve the Madeleine McCann Case

Today I want to address some of the questions I have received about what is going on with Scotland Yard's handling of the Madeleine McCann review and DCI Andy Redwood's public appearances sharing the Met's progress on the case, his disemination of information, and his outreach to the public for help.

Q) Is Redwood being a very clever fellow, eliminating all other possibilities one by one (thereby leaving what is left to be the real scenario) and then swooping in on the McCanns? Is he also trying to unnerve them in the process, part of his plan to get them to break down and confess?

A) I wish, but no. I find such investigative strategy hard to swallow or believe, especially since it is so public, so drawn out, and so expensive. First of all, presenting a myriad of possibilities that you actually cannot eliminate means you have not proved that one of them couldn't have happened. It could have been gypsies, it could have been a lone sex predator, it could have been a burglary gone bad with the accidental killing of a child, it could have been a sex ring posing as charity workers, it could have been some insane rich couple hiring a kidnapper to bring them a child of their choice, it could have been an Arab Sheik wishing to add a blonde child to his growing little girl harem, it could have been a psychotic man who thought Maddie was he beloved dead child come to life...and on and on. The only way you can really eliminate certain scenarios is to have absolute ones that can be disproved with evidence and even then, it doesn't prove that the most likely one left is in fact the correct one, it just that maybe you should spend more time focusing on that likelihood.

Secondly, all this does is actually give the McCann's support for their theory that someone abducted Madeleine. Think about it: every time Redwood opens his mouth, he is proclaiming that abduction is the theory he is basing all his investigative efforts on; he is reaffirming that the McCann's are not involved in the crime and there is no need to go back and reinvestigate any of the Tapas 9.

And, finally, it makes no sense to spend millions to investigate pointless avenues when you simply can go straight to the evidence and put your efforts into reanalyzing what is right in front of your face.

Q) Could the Algarve serial predator have taken Maddie?

A) Sure. I have always believed that if the McCanns were not involved in the disappearance of their daughter, then it was most likely, 99% most likely, that a lone local child sex predator grabbed her, sexually assaulted her, and murdered her within hours. Murat was not a bad suspect due to his somewhat odd behavior, his familiarity with the area, and the location of his mother's home just down the street. He was a great red herring and the police were not unreasonable in making him a suspect in the early days. And, no, Madeleine is not buried on his property.

Q) Since Andy Redwood just recently admitted that Madeleine might have died in the apartment, isn't he giving credence to cadaver and blood dogs?

A) Not at all. He simply is "admitting" that Madeleine might not be alive, that she may have been killed during the commission of a crime - during sexual assault, abduction, or just to prevent her from screaming because she saw someone in the process of burglarizing the apartment. She would have been only dead for seconds or minutes in those scenarios and have left nothing for the dogs to hit on. Admitting this can eliminate the need to search for Maddie endlessly throughout the world and respond to the many future sightings that will surely pop up from time to time; one can lay blame on a tolerably believable dead or incarcerated suspect and put the case to rest because Maddie can no longer be rescued.

Q) What is the motive of Scotland Yard and Andy Redwood then? If Redwood does not have some brilliant plan to finally bring down the McCanns nor is he really going to catch a predator who abducted Maddie, what is this whole charade about?

A) Well, we are back to some bizarre political issues which I am unable to address. What is clear to me is the evidence still points to the McCanns, the "review" is a sham because even if Scotland Yard leaned away from the McCanns as being involved in the disappearance of their daughter, their incredible refusal to even review the physical and behavioral evidence from the crime scene and days following is astounding and unprofessional and is a standard procedure if to do no more than to clear the parents and search for overlooked clues. Likewise, their astonishing expenditures chasing foolish leads also makes little sense. Redwood's Crimewatch fabrication and his recent outreach to the public for more information on a suspect that already has been investigated by the PJ lead me to believe he is simply playing a part in the drama to which he has been assigned and, being a bit of a ham, he is actually enjoying the role.

It is my belief that Scotland Yard was set out on a mission, not one to find out what happened to Madeleine McCann but to rewrite the history of the case in such a way that the majority of the public simply forgets the past. We can see quite clearly that this plan is working for the media has overwhelmingly presented all the new theories and "developments' with enthusiasm. I have been around long enough to see this kind of game played out before, albeit in a bit milder form, and it works. Eventually, the truth gets buried and those that fight to keep it alive are labeled conspiracy theorists and nuts.

My only hope is that at least Gonçalo Amaral will win his day in court, that Portugal will somehow stand by the law and keep this avalanche of revisionist history from crushing truth and justice. I feel less then confident that the outcome will be what I wish and this whole episode will simply be sealed and delivered into history as the victors desire, but I still keep my fingers crossed for the smallest chance of a miracle.

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown

March 25, 2014


Der Fall Maddie McCann - Tragen die Eltern eine (Mit)Schuld?

26.03.2014 um 12:59
Pat Brown said...

Anonymous 1:48, it has nothing to due with any restrictions. I have worked enough cases to see that the media will overwhelmingly jump on investigative stories GENERATED (and this is the point) BY the police department. Why? For one, because this means there will be ongoing news stories and, two, because they rarely like to question police departments and kill the golden goose. Finally, the public wants closure and to trust their law enforcement so only on rare occasions does the press question what the law enforcement says unless it becomes a racial issue and the group doing the questioning has a lot of power. I have seen many cases closed with fall guys and although evidence is strong that the case closure is a sham, reporters don't want to touch it and the whole issue just is swept away.

Worldwide, people tend to believe the McCanns are innocent and now that Scotland Yard has perpetuated this farce, no media outlet is going to question them. Amaral is now the fall guy, whether he wins or not. I just wish Portugal would stand up for him and against this mockery, but since politics already brought this case down, my guess is politics will triumph in the end and, forever. I believe we will get an official "determination" as to who did it and that Maddie is undoubtedly dead, the McCanns will be sad and thank the authorities, Scotland Yard - not the PJ, for bringing closure to them. No arrest, no body, but a "comfortable" sad conclusion the public can accept and one that will exonerate the McCanns enough to allow them to carry on without further penalty.

March 25, 2014 at 2:15 PM

