Canneto di Caronia - Eine Stadt im Ausnahmezustand
08.08.2011 um 16:34Ich denke quasioptisch soll meinen das sich die Radarwellen geradlinig ausbreiten,etwa wie Radiowellen.Und Radio kannst du ja auch im Haus hören,oder nicht?.
und mit 39 Einwohnern war alles für jeden überschaubar.
An diesem Abend fingen in 29 Häusern verschiedenste Elektrogeräte feuer.wohnen die da alle alleine oder wie? :D
Zitat: @tom.1st...auch diese Möglichkeit sollte man durchaus in Betracht ziehen...
....einfach Werbung für den Ort. Beim Googlen findet sich auch einiges in der Vergangenheit ala LochNess usw...........
Il processo è stato poi aggiornato al prossimo dicembre.Der Prozess wurde auf Dezember vertagt.
„Gli inquirenti decisero di perimetrare l’area con una serie di telecamere occultate in grado di fornire spunti per individuare come si sviluppassero i fenomeni. I servizi di osservazione, integrati da altre indagini tecniche e tradizionali, garantirono l’osservazione sulle cinque abitazioni , oggetto dei roghi, che dal 14 luglio fino all’8 ottobre 2014, si svilupparono in abitazioni a schiera in via Del Mare."Die Ermittler beschlossen, das Gebiet mit einer Reihe von versteckten Kameras zu versehen, die Hinweise darauf geben könnten, wie die Phänomene entstehen. Die Behörden, ergänzt durch weitere technische und traditionelle Untersuchungen, konnten so die fünf Häuser überwachen, die in der Zeit vom 14. Juli bis 8. Oktober 2014 zu Opfer der Brände welche sich weiter in die Via Del Mare ausbreiteten .
“I fuochi di Caronia, a processo Giuseppe Pezzino non si fa carico di tutti gli episodi
„A immortalare Pezzino alcuni video che avrebbero provato i sospetti degli investigatori e che avrebbe agito con la complicità del padre. “
All told, the police documented about 40 incidents in which Giuseppe, and in some cases his father, Nino, were implicated. They accused Pezzino of “sounding alarm” about certain fires and claimed that he had “criminal designs” and was working with his son. The police told me that from the outset they thought Giuseppe was acting suspiciously, trying to draw attention to the fires. He always seemed to be close by when they started. Flames would erupt in an area he had recently been in, and then he would make a fuss about it, alerting the press to come and see. And weren’t both men, Giuseppe and his father, showing the fires to the media like it was a tour of a haunted house?aus: When the Devil Enters
According to a press release from the carabinieri, Giuseppe set the fires in order “to raise the level of media attention and institutional attention.” They think that Nino concocted a scheme in which more and more fires would bring fame and money for the “Phenomena of Caronia.”