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Postmortem Fotografie

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 11:04
Irgendwie merkwürdig sich diese Bilder anzusehen, ich weiß noch nicht so recht was ich davon halten soll. Irgendwie eher traurig die ganze Angelegenheit

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 11:51
/dateien/70987,1309168292,26967Bilder aus Schweden

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 11:54
/dateien/70987,1309168496,27353Unbekanntes Kind in Kista.

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 11:56
/dateien/70987,1309168576,16494Das selbe Kind lebend


Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 11:57
Kista ist das schwedische Wort für Sarg

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:00
OHH... Peinlich... Entschuldige, dachte dass das eine Stadt wäre...

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:03
/dateien/70987,1309168997,40492Stad (ort): Göteborg (Göteborg)

Fotograf: A. & P. Jonason, Drottninggatan 58
År: Okänt år
Ägare: Thomas Dahl, Mariestad
Baksida: Nästintill Bloms Hotell.

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:04
/dateien/70987,1309169057,43175Stad (ort): Varberg (Halland)

Fotograf: Edvard Mathsson
År: Okänt år
Ägare: Peter Pellbring, Stockholm
Baksida: Varberg, Societetsparken

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:06
/dateien/70987,1309169217,79484Stad (ort): Malmö (Skåne)

Fotograf: Otto Ohm, Rundelsgatan 20
År: Okänt år
Ägare: Monica Carlsson, Simrishamn

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:09
/dateien/70987,1309169399,UM10895Professor of medicine, Israel Hwasser, born 1790, deceased 1860


Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:10
/dateien/70987,1309169435,S14UM UMFA54429 0723@Luma30

oder sie schreiben Likkista;
zusammengesetzt aus Kista (Sarg) und Lik (Leiche).

Die Toten wurden damalsin Schweden übrigens (fast) ausschließlich in weißen Totenhemden bestattet. Unabhängig vom Geschlecht. Eigene Kleidung war nicht üblich.

Wird in vielen Regionen Skandinaviens auch heute noch praktiziert.

Danke übrigens für die letzten Bilder,
ich habe auch eineige PM-S aus Schweden, aber diese kannte ich noch nicht.

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:15
1. ... esult=1636
Professor of medicine, Israel Hwasser, born 1790, deceased 1860.

2. ... toId=55380
John Sjögren, drowned in the creek Fyrån, May 25 1930.

3. ... toId=55382
Anna-Britt Karlsson, February 15 1933, daughter of Karl Karlsson.

4. ... toId=41289
Paul-Anton Wikén, Raftälven, drowned outside the school of Raftälven, when he decided to go ice skating on the thin autumn ice. Ca 1930.

5. ... toId=64704
Ruth Kristina Andersson, born in Björnsgården, Långå, in the year of 1917, deceased at approx. 1 year old. Daughter o Sven Andersson.

6. ... toId=42035
Elsa Maria Andersson, 13 years old. Died of pneumonia, April 3 1918.

7. ... toId=42904
Hemming Olssons deceased little son, Laxviken February 22 1916.

8. ... toId=26402
Anna and Martin Jonssons little child, Laxviken, August 20 1925.

9. ... toId=26502
Elisabet Olsson (92 years old), Ålåsen, Laxsjö parish, March 8 1929.

10. ... toId=26528
Stina, daughter of Johan Danielsson, Laxviken, April 24 1920.

11. ... toId=42601
Olaus Svenssons daughter, Laxsjö, November 19 1917.

12. ... toId=42905
Vendla Johansson, July 11 1918.
It looks like she was plagued by some diseased, when you look at her face.

13. ... toId=54898
Kristina Persson on lit de parade. On the left: the son Per and husband Olof Persson, on the right the daughters Sofia and Kerstin. Ca 1920.
I find this photograph very sad, it is hard to imagine what the family members must had felt when the photo was taken.

14. ... toId=55236
Funeral, in Älvros, ca 1915-1920.

15. ... toId=55237
Funeral, in Älvros, ca 1918-1920.
A widow? It is quite strange that she stands there alone, without the father.

16. ... otoId=4859
Funeral, in Klövsjö, ca 1925.

17. ... toId=61408
Brita Johansson, maiden name Eliasson, died at child birth in the spring of 1927.
It is quite obvious that the photo is taken in a woodshed, a common place to store the recently deceased before the funeral.

18. ... toId=61409
Jöns, son of Henny and Leonard Karlsson, Fullsjön, deceased August 26 1922. The text on the photograph is some sort of poem, and roughly translates:
"An angel came with words (from God),
took little Jöns with him, home to God."
August 26 1922, 19 days old.

19. ... toId=90057
Hedvig Palmqvist, (sister of the photographer Sven Palmqvist), deceased at 16 years of age, in the year of 1920.
This black half-circle behind the coffin, it looks like it has been painted into the picture afterwards by the photographer. I would rather have preferred it to be all white instead.

20. ... toId=56121
Edvin Svensson, born in 1905, died of the Spanish flu, in October 1918. Son of Paulus and Gunilla Svensson (maiden name Henriksson). Edvins father Paulus drowned December 23 1906.

21. ... toId=56780
Lars Gustav, son of Anna and Lars Persson, Hotagen. Photographed in Skyttmon 1917.

22. ... toId=37897
Ingeborg, born April 17 1898, deceased February 10 1912, daughter of Kristina and Jon Jonsson, Lycktorpet, Ede kronopark, Hammerdal. The text on two of the funeral decorations translates: "A last farewell!"

23. ... toId=53422
Elisabet Thomasson with the son Edmund, 1914.

24. ... toId=29585
Middle aged woman on lit de parade.

25. ... toId=29576
Small girl on lit de parade.
This "tent" covered with spruce/spruce spray looks quite strange, standing in the middle of the farm, but I guess it was some sort of local custom there. As you see, spruce and spruce spray (I'm not really sure that this is what you call it, but my online dictionary says so), seems to have played a major part in the decorations for a funeral. One explonation would be that our woods largely consists of spruce, and are then readily available everyvere. But if I don't recall wrong there are some symbolics involved to. Another thing to look up at the library.;)

26. ... toId=29575
"Small child that didn't survive the autumn."
It looks like the ground have been flooded, all muddy.

27. ... toId=23083
The text says that "the bodies of children were allowed to be photographed but not grown ups." That would explain the large number of photographs depicting deceased children, but photos of adults do appear as well. Perhaps it was more acceptable to keep a photograph of a dead child? I haven't heard of the practice to not photograph deacesed adults before, so I am a little bit confused. I'm going to the library tomorrow, so maybe I could find out more about it.
Anyway, the girl on this photograph, 1 1/2 year old Märta Linnea Fjällberg, drowned in a "vattenså" (a large container to store water in). Photographed in Kolåsens chapel in 1928. The coffin was decorated with a simple funeral wreath, made of spruce spray, and meadow flowers.
A personal oppinion; she looks to be sami (the indigenous people of northern Sweden and neighbouring countries).

28. ... toId=39203
A family (names unknown) in Ollebaken, Hammerdal, ca 1905. The mother died at child birth.
Another heartbreaking image.

29. ... toId=32119
The deceased Stig Eriksson, Brunflo. He disappeared från Grytan June 21 1917 and was recovered dead at Storflon, Kålåsen four days later.
I wonder what actually happened there. I'll try and found out more about it.

30. ... toId=44139
Elias Anton Andersson, born in Björksjönäs 1844. He emigrated 1892 to Minnesota, USA, after that he had sold his land in Sweden to his brother Erik Johan. He lived only a couple of months in the new country, before he got seriously ill during the harvest, and died.

31. ... toId=45238
In the late winter/early spring of 1946, did three brothers drown, unaware of each others destiny, in the lake Greningen on their way home from their work as timber workers. They didn't drown at the same location, but they all drowned the same day. When the photographer Arvid Halling came to the village, he found all the three brother on lit de parade, surrounded by family and friends.
What an extremely unlikely and tragic accident. Not only that all three of them died, but also that they didn't notice each others demise. Almost that you wouldn't believe it.

32. ... toId=80566
and ... toId=80567
Lars-Olov, born December 14 1932, died of leukaemia at Östersunds hospital April 6 1943. The photograph was taken in the familys home in Sjugan. From the left: the boys mother Julia, his grandmother, the widow Märta Ohlin (maiden name Larsson) and his father Lars-Olov Ohlin.
The first of the two images must be the one I think is the best among all images in this collection. It is so sad, that you almost can touch the sorrow. There is something in the composition and light in the picture that makes it wonderful in a very sad way.

All of the above images from (Archiv-Version vom 06.08.2011) originates from the province of Jämtland, which is located in the northwest of Sweden ( Wikipedia: Fil:Sverig ... mtland.svg )

33. ... B145122:46
Probably Rudolf and Emma Walters son Ragnar, born February 15 1882, deceased January 21 1883.

34. ... 5023:2176A
Nordhalla, Saleby parish, 1890.
What kind of cross is this?

35. ... 45023:2491
Photographed in 1880.

36. ... 45023:2493
Photographed in Attorp, 1880.

37. ... 145023:899
Photographed in 1890.

38. ... 145037:288
Photographed in 1915.

39. ... 45037:467B
Also from 1915.
The eyes doesn't looke to nice... All black, as it seems. But maybe it is the bad quality of the scan that have enhanced it?

40. ... M16.A59580
Photographed in 1939.
This photo photo realy creeps me out! Why are the two boys (?) placed facing each other, and why is that boy cycling by in the background, smiling? Many questions, no answers I guess...

41. ... 16.A100006
Photographed in 1900.

42. ... =1M16.F182

43. ... 145156:283
Probably the child of Karl and Berta Johansson, Deragården. 1921.

44. ... 145228:413
Photographed in 1920.

Picture 33-44 all originates from the province of Västergötland, in the south west of Sweden ( (Archiv-Version vom 03.10.2008) ... nd.svg.png)

45. ... 0&Recnr=22
Photographed in 1937 in the city of Karlstad.

46. ... 0&Recnr=23
Same as above.

These two photographs (45 and 46) comes from the province of Värmland in the middle-west of Sweden ( Wikipedia: Fil:Sverig ... rmland.svg )

47. ... 88&Imgnr=1
Photographed in 1932 in the city of Vilhelmina. Ragnar Danielsson, son of Jonas and Ida Danielsson. Drowned July 31 1932.
I wonder why his face looks so strange?

48. ... 40&Imgnr=1

49. ... 44&Imgnr=1
What is up with her eyes? It looks like a thick, black line under one of it.

50. ... 33&Imgnr=1
Is this a case of painted on eyes?

51. ... 39&Imgnr=1
Maria Zingmark, Grundford, May 1926.
This photo made me think of the Black Death, with the cross painted upon her dress.

52. ... 58&Imgnr=1
The log-driver Augustin Lundholm, Avan, beside his deceased grandchild Anna. He blamed the doctor for her death and said: "The have slain my granddaughter". Later his house burnt to the ground in an accident after that his wife (who were ill) had spilled kerosene onto herself when making up a fire. During the fire one of the grandchildren ran out on the way outside the house and shouted "Grandma is burning up!". She was later found on the threshold by Nils Landstedt, who collected her remains in a box.
A gruesome story, but how much of it that is true I don't know...

53. ... 60&Imgnr=1
Agnes Sällström, Svarttjärn, ca 1920-21.

Pictures 47-53 comes from the province of Västerbotten in the north of Sweden ( (Archiv-Version vom 03.10.2008) ... en.svg.png )

And finally, two photographs from my home county, Kalmar county:
54. ... .37372-111
Rut Kullzén, born October 30 1898, deceased February 1 1942 in the city of Kalmar.

55. ... LM.KWO9065
Photographed 1936 in Källstorp, Ljungby parish.
I wonder why she is wearing a bandage around his head? Maybe to hide some sort of injury?

1x zitiertmelden

Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:17
irgendwie funktionieren die meisten der letzten Links nicht ;(


Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:18
yo..hab auch das Problem...ich seh nix....naja....vlllt. schon "zersetzt" :}


Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:20
Zitat von Luma30Luma30 schrieb:Lars-Olov, born December 14 1932, died of leukaemia at Östersunds hospital April 6 1943. The photograph was taken in the familys home in Sjugan. From the left: the boys mother Julia, his grandmother, the widow Märta Ohlin (maiden name Larsson) and his father Lars-Olov Ohlin.
The first of the two images must be the one I think is the best among all images in this collection. It is so sad, that you almost can touch the sorrow. There is something in the composition and light in the picture that makes it wonderful in a very sad way.
das Bild kenn ich.

Es müsste einen kleinen blonden Jungen im Sarg zeigen, in einem weißen Totenhemd und einer Blume oder Zweig in der rechten Hand - oder ?

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:25

Das Posting von Pazuzu vom 28 Juli 2009 um 07:00 Uhr

Vielleicht gehts da besser :-)

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:27
Entschuldigt es ist dieses Datum July 29th, 2009, 4:18 am

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 12:51
/dateien/70987,1309171903,kistaModerneres PM Foto


Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 13:00
da habt ihr aber viel zusammengetragen- viel Mühe*
Das "moderne" finde ich nicht so schön gemacht... @Luma30
wie lange befasst du dich schon damit?

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Postmortem Fotografie

27.06.2011 um 13:01
/dateien/70987,1309172503,1908Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)noch ein paar PM Fotos aus Schweden

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