Woran wird die Menschheit zu Grunde gehen?
15.11.2020 um 10:06also scheinbar war hawking auch der meinung das unser ego ein großes problem ist
Ist das "Ego" das Problem?https://theheartysoul.com/humankind-is-greedy-stupid-and-the-greatest-threat-to-earth-stephen-hawking/?utm_source=wathRV&fbclid=IwAR2lRUl3AqiK17PB65kNWHFb1sDQmTv1SHHEtGQawyjYZml89-yBnQX3BRU
Ist das "Ego" das Problem?
“Humankind is greedy, stupid and the greatest threat to Earth,” – Stephen Hawking
While there may still be a chance to save the earth, Hawking was convinced that humankind would never see reasons to take solid, united and well-targeted actions. In his words, “[…]evolution has inbuilt greed and aggression to the human genome. There is no sign of conflict lessening, and the development of militarized technology and weapons of mass destruction could make that disastrous.”