Oscar Pistorius, das Model, der Valentinstag und das war dann Notwehr
16.05.2014 um 12:25Cape Town Crim.
Das mag auch mit einer ( unbewussten Eifersucht ) auf so eine schöne Frau wie Reeva zu tun haben.
One of our news channels interviewed the ABC African correspondent. (A South African woman).Tja, die meisten Frauen verachten doch jemanden, der getötet hat, anscheinend gibt es aber Ausnahmen, bei denen dann etwas durchbrennt.
She was at pains to relay how 'vulnerable and tragic' Oscar looked whilst giving his evidence in chief. She stated that she 'wished' he had agreed to being televised throughout this, as she believes MANY would have then seen his pain, his anguish, his raw grief........
I chucked a magazine at the telly in anger. Felt physically ill listening to this drivel.
There is a real problem with the need to nurture and 'fix' amongst many of the women following this case. (I am female, so I mean so disrespect at all).
It comes from some deep instinct to mother and protect quite possibly. This made even worse when the object of their affection is so obviously 'damaged'.
I feel the same at times - but only when it comes to abused animals, NOT killer humans.
(If Oscar were a crippled Rottweiler crying at the side of the road, I would probably be as bad as Kelly Phelps in terms of my rabid desire to protect, nurture and heal )
Das mag auch mit einer ( unbewussten Eifersucht ) auf so eine schöne Frau wie Reeva zu tun haben.