"She looked over at the clock radio and it said 3:02am. Typically that clock is about 3-4 minutes fast. Then she heard what sounded like 3 gunshots. She asked her husband if he had heard that and he said yes. She asked him what it was and he said gunshots. She sat up on the edge of the bed and could see the lights on at the two houses that are in view from her bedroom window.
They heard the screams of a female. The whole sequence happened very rapidly. Shots, then immediate screams. They both went out on the small balcony to see where the screams were coming from but they couldn’t tell. They could only see the two houses with their lights on.
The screaming continued for several minutes, it was constant. She described them as the terrified screams of a woman. She testified that they also heard a man screaming. She stated to her husband “there is also now a man screaming.” She could not hear what he was screaming, she could not make out words, but it was a definite male voice.
Mrs. Stipp then stated at one point, it sounded as if the screaming was coming closer.
But they didn’t see anybody. They were out on the balcony for several minutes trying to figure out what was going on and where it was coming from. Dr. Stipp stated “well there was a man moving in the house on the left hand side.” Dr. Stipp went back inside.
As she turned to go inside, she again looked at the clock radio and it said 3:17am (again, typically runs 3-4 minutes fast). At that moment, she then heard 3 more shots.
The screaming they had heard earlier continued all the way up thru the very last shot. After the second set of shots, it just became quiet. She heard no more screaming, neither male nor female."
Was mich unglaublich irritiert:
Die Stipps waren ab den 1. "Schüssen" sozusagen live dabei, hatten zum offenen Badfenster freie Sicht und sie sagten, das Licht brannte von Anfang an.
Somit kann sich doch die ganze Vorgeschichte bis kurz vor den tödlichen Schüssen nicht im Badezimmer abgespielt haben!
Sie konnten die Schreie nicht einmal genau lokalisieren, nur die Richtung. lediglich an einem Punkt meinte Mrs. Stipp, die Schreie würden näher kommen.
Beide beobachteten die Szene etliche Minuten!
Als die zweiten "Schüsse" fielen, war Mr Stipp schon drin, Mrs Stipp halb drinnen, beide hatten keinen Blick mehr auf das Badfenster.
Hat sich vielleicht die Vorgeschichte an der Schlafzimmertür abgespielt?
Reeva drinnen, OP ausgesperrt und langer Streit deswegen, Merwe hört diesen, aber eben nur die Stimme von Reeva, da sie im Schlafzimmer ist und Balkon offen?
Erste "Schüsse" also Aufbruch der Schlafzimmertür usw?