Oscar Pistorius, das Model, der Valentinstag und das war dann Notwehr
15.04.2014 um 22:12OP hat ja selbst bezeugt, dass er sich verwundbar und durch seine Behinderung verletzlich fühlt, dies soll ja zu einer milderen Strafe führen. Wir werden bestimmt Psychologen hören, die darüber referieren werden.
Jedoch nehmen wir mal OP's Aussage, seine eigenen Worte vor Gericht:
Nel wants to know why they didn’t just leave through the bedroom door. Oscar says he has very limited mobility on his stumps especially on surfaces like tile. Oscar says it’s easy to look back and see other options but at the time this is what he did. Nel tells him the bedroom door was the closest escape possible. Oscar says he doesn’t know why he didn’t do that.
Oscar asks the Judge to consider Samantha Taylor’s evidence, where she explained that Oscar in the past has gone to investigate noises. Oscar says that’s his personality. He doesn’t cower or run away. In that split moment he wanted to put himself between the perceived danger and Reeva.
The problem with this then is he can’t really claim to be vulnerable, in my opinion. If you are the kind of person who is bold enough to confront situations, you can’t call yourself vulnerable. They are somewhat of a contradiction.
Er sagt auf der einen Seite er fühle sich verwundbar, auf der anderen geht er der Gefahr unnötigerweise entgegen (denn es gab andere Möglichkeiten). Nel wird bei den Kreuzverhören immer wieder Gelegenheit bekommen auf die Widersprüchlichkeit in OP's Aussagen hinzuweisen, genügend gab es ja.
Jedoch nehmen wir mal OP's Aussage, seine eigenen Worte vor Gericht:
Nel wants to know why they didn’t just leave through the bedroom door. Oscar says he has very limited mobility on his stumps especially on surfaces like tile. Oscar says it’s easy to look back and see other options but at the time this is what he did. Nel tells him the bedroom door was the closest escape possible. Oscar says he doesn’t know why he didn’t do that.
Oscar asks the Judge to consider Samantha Taylor’s evidence, where she explained that Oscar in the past has gone to investigate noises. Oscar says that’s his personality. He doesn’t cower or run away. In that split moment he wanted to put himself between the perceived danger and Reeva.
The problem with this then is he can’t really claim to be vulnerable, in my opinion. If you are the kind of person who is bold enough to confront situations, you can’t call yourself vulnerable. They are somewhat of a contradiction.
Er sagt auf der einen Seite er fühle sich verwundbar, auf der anderen geht er der Gefahr unnötigerweise entgegen (denn es gab andere Möglichkeiten). Nel wird bei den Kreuzverhören immer wieder Gelegenheit bekommen auf die Widersprüchlichkeit in OP's Aussagen hinzuweisen, genügend gab es ja.