Oscar Pistorius, das Model, der Valentinstag und das war dann Notwehr
18.03.2014 um 09:11*high five*Interested schrieb:Ich dachte, ich könnte wenigstens die erste Std. sehen :(
Das ist ja fein...auch noch blanko:))))
*high five*Interested schrieb:Ich dachte, ich könnte wenigstens die erste Std. sehen :(
Wahrscheinlich zuviele Bilder.Interested schrieb:Ach menno...los anfangen...jetzt!
UPDATED: Van Staden's timeline according to photo metadata and testimony.Vielleicht können wir ja damit etwas anfangen?!
Entries marked with ** are times after which crime scene had been disturbed and evidence moved about.
04:50 a.m. - Straden arrived, Botha told him what happened and took him through the scene (first time)
* Straden then asked Both to clear scene
* Straden then went to garage
* Straden conducts PR test on OP's arms
5:12 a.m. Straden takes 4 photos of OP in garage (Photos #155-158)
5:15 a.m. - Went to front and photographed entrance (photo #2)
5:16 a.m. - 5:43 a.m. -takes photographs of scene inside, including downstairs and Reeva's injuries, (photos #3 -13; #132 - 155)
5:45 a.m - 5:50 a.m - Staden photographs crime scene going up he stairs (photos #14 - #27)
5:51 a.m. - 5:55 a.m. - Staden photographs upstairs hallway and area outside OP bedroom (photos #27 - #39)
5:55 a.m.- 5:56 a.m. - pictures of the contents of display case and wide angle view of display case (photos #51m #53, #54)
5:58 a.m. - Staden starts taking photographs in bedroom (photo #55)
* Photo # 56 -fan, duvet, ipad, grey t shirt 5:58
* Photo # 68 - duvet, jeans, black fan unplugged
* Photos #72,#73 - bedroom, sandal is seen, overnight bag on couch
* Photo #76 -spots on wall- above left headboard
5:59 a.m. - Photo of bedroom looking toward bathroom (photo #60, #77)
6:00 a.m - Staden photographs the overnight bag on the couch (photo #78) and the thermometer switched off (photo #79)
6:01 a.m. - photograph of watches in case with blood smear (photo #67)
6:01 a.m. - 6:06 a.m. - photos hallway to bathroom, cartridge case, view into bathroom from hallway, close up of cartridge case, blood drops (photos #80-87)
6:06 a.m. - 6:10 a.m. - Bathroom pics, panels, cricket bat right side up, cartridges, towels, splinters (photos #88,89, 90, 91, 92,, 97 -103, 110-112,119-121 )
6:10 am - 6:13 am - Photos of toilet cubicle (photos #122-128)
6:14 a.m. - towel, gun, phone (photo #104)
6:16 a.m. door with panels out (photo #113)
**6:17 a.m. - close up of gun (photo #105)
**6:18 a.m. - close up, front and back of black cell phone (photos #106, 107)
**6:19 a.m. - white cell phone (towels have been moved at this point- VS put them in the bathtub) Botha took the cell phones (photos #108, 109)
**6:21 a.m. - bedside table with a print magazine, possibly another phone, and holster on the table pushed against the back wall (photos #74, #75)
** 6:21 a.m. - cones and evidence markers in hallway where first cartridge found (photo #174)
**6:23 a.m. - evidence markers and tape measures held next to cartridges (photos #175-178)
**6:24 a.m. - bathroom, showing cone evidence marker and bat, towels have been moved, crime scene has been moved around (photo #179)
*photo #180 - bathroom with cones, cricket bat changed, no cell phone (no time)
*photo #181 - toilet cubicle - moved items to access evidence, magazine rack (no time)
*photo #186 - toilet, no magazine rack (no time), 3 fragments (b4)
6:27 a.m. - 6:32 a.m. - photographs of the outside of OP house (photos #164-171)
**6:45 am - 6:50 am - photos of panels, door and damage in bathroom (photos # 94-96, 118)
**7:01 a.m - 7:02 a.m. - photos of door panels, door, broken tiles in bathroom and toilet cubicle (photos #93, 114-117)
**7:04 am - 7:05 am - other side of cricket bat with signatures and close up (photos #198, 199)
**7:19 a.m. - close up of gun, slide pulled back (by fingerprints expert) and bullet from chamber of gun (photos #193, 195)
**7:34 a.m. - 7:36 a.m. -duvet spread out by VS (photos #69 -71)
7:39 - 7:40 a.m. - Staden takes 5 photos OP's prostheses (photos #159 - 163)
**7:43 a.m. - another view of sunglasses display case (photo #52)
**7:50 a.m. - 2 photos of "fragments" in the bathroom (after evidence has been moved about) (photos #129, 130)
**7:59 a.m. - stereo in OP bedroom (photo #62)
**7:59 a.m. -8:00 a.m. - various photos of OP's effects (medicine maybe?) (photos #63 -66)
**8:02 a.m. - photo magazine and ammo pouch, found by Van Staden in the drawer on the right hand bedside table (photos #57 -#59)
**12:06 pm -12:07 pm – Photos of damage to OP’s bedroom door (photos #41, #49, #50)
**15:31 – 15:32 (3:31 pm – 3:32 pm) – photos of bedroom door with holes and damage (photos #40, #42 - #48)
** blood spatter and measurements (marked as taken on 2/15) (photos #364, 366, 371, 373, 379, 391)
Recap from yesterday: Barry Roux has asked warrant officer Barend van Staden to bring to the the original flash disk with the crime scene pics as well as the PR kit usedDas hält wohl alles auf.
So, here are the issues I have with the timing of the photographs. From 5:15 a.m. -6:16 a.m., one can assume that Van Staden was alone while he was photographing and documenting the crime scene. But as early as 6:17 a.m. we have other people in the scene with him, so any of the photos after 6:17 a.m. are not as reliable as to the location of the items photographed.
Also, it seems odd that he would go from photographing the upstairs crimescene until 7:36 a.m. (picture of the duvet spread out) and then 3 minutes (7:39- 7:40) -later he is back in the garage photographing Oscar's legs and then he's back upstairs at 7:43 photographing the upstairs again.
And in the middle of photographing the crime scene upstairs, he leaves and goes outside to take pictures from (6:27 am - 6:32 am)
The Oscar Pistorius murder trial Day 12