Der Somerton-Mann
08.09.2015 um 22:50Kid-Eule schrieb:*Buchstabe S taucht hinter Q möglicherweise nochmals aufUm mich selbst zu berichtigen, könnte doch eher ein C sein
C= can, could, come
Kid-Eule schrieb:*Buchstabe S taucht hinter Q möglicherweise nochmals aufUm mich selbst zu berichtigen, könnte doch eher ein C sein
Kid-Eule schrieb am 12.09.2015:Warum steht ein reales Geschehen und möglicher Kriminalfall wie dem des Somerton-Mannes im Mystery-Bereich?Oh sehe gerade du bist gesperrt. Trotzdem eine Erklärung hierfür: Weil es ein mysteriöser Kriminalfall ist ;-)
magu80 schrieb am 21.09.2015:IWAMIFGDa hast du recht. Zuminest der Otto-Normal-Mensch würde das so tun.
sondern so :
aufschreiben !
Facts not commonly known:Interessant finde ich hier vor allem der Hinweis darauf, dass der SM im einen Moment noch fit genug war, sich eine Zigarette anzuzünden und die Schachtel wieder sorgsam in die Tasche seines Jackets zu stecken - er im nächsten Moment tot war. (3)
1) That Jestyn's son's middle name was McMahon, and this is possibly significant.
2) That the Somerton Man's shoes had "204 B" stamped inside them.
3) That constable Moss, when he found the body didn't spot the box of matches. That was found in the man's pockets at the autopsy. (The implication is that the man was alive enough one minute to light his cigarette and put away the box of matches deep into a pocket that Moss missed, and yet the next minute he was dead. That sudden transition does suggest the positional asphyxia theory might be right).
4) That the man was found dead literally 5 mins walk from Jestyn's place.
5) That the razor strop in the Somerton Man's suitcase had "Kent St, Sydney" stamped on it.
7) That the "Tamam Shud" paper was tightly rolled up and jammed into the crease of the man's fob pocket. Cleland needed to use tweezers to pull it out. (This suggests there was something else in the fob pocket that pushed the rolled paper down into the pocket. Was that item removed after death?)
11) That when the police found the Somerton Man's suitcase, it was unlocked.
13) There was more than one phone number in the poetry book. While there is some dispute as to exactly how many phone numbers, it appears at least one was Jestyn's and one was that of a local bank.
14) About 3-4 days after the Somerton Man died, Jestyn reported a missing gold Rolex watch. However it wasn't indicated if it was a man's or ladies' watch. Did this belong to her or her "husband" or the Somerton man?
15) The Somerton man had some items of US origin. He had a US aluminum comb and the jacket he wore was made in the USA. Also the tie he wore had stripes that slanted the US rather than the British way. Could he have had lived or traveled through the USA at some stage, or were these secondhand items from US military personnel stationed in Australia? We don't know. But the potential US connection, makes it worthwhile for US researchers to look at ships passenger logs leaving the USA with any names like McMahon or MacMahon or Mahon or similar.
16) That Jestyn's favourite novel was E. M. Forster's Howards End. I asked those who knew Jestyn about why this was her faourite book and they were not sure but suggested a possibility. She liked nice houses, and Howards End was the name of a nice house in the story. Seemed reasonable. However, when I then checked the book to remind myself what the story was about, I fell off my chair. In the story, a girl has a son out of wedlock. Her family didn't mean to kill her lover; they just wanted to scare him off. But he had a preexisting weak heart condition, and the altercation caused him to die accidentally. That's the two sentence summary of the whole plot! Is Jestyn trying to tell us something? Is Jestyn saying that SM's death was an accident? Or was this escapism and her wishing SM's death was an accident like in Howards End? Who knows? What we do know is that SM possibly did have a son out of wedlock and that he did have a preexisting medical condition that put him in a weakened state. Perhaps Jestyn gave him some medication that accidentally made him worse rather than better?
MissMietzie schrieb:1) That Jestyn's son's middle name was McMahonDurchaus ungewöhnlich für einen Vornamen, oder?
MissMietzie schrieb:The implication is that the man was alive enough one minute to light his cigarette and put away the box of matches deep into a pocket that Moss missed, and yet the next minute he was dead.Ich kann mich nicht mehr richtig erinnern: Woher weiß man, dass er gleich darauf starb? Hatte er die Zigarette noch im Mund?
MissMietzie schrieb:7) That the "Tamam Shud" paper was tightly rolled up and jammed into the crease of the man's fob pocket. Cleland needed to use tweezers to pull it out. (This suggests there was something else in the fob pocketKann so sein, muss aber nicht. Halte ich eher für eine Verschwörungstheorie. Aber wer weiß?
MissMietzie schrieb:11) That when the police found the Somerton Man's suitcase, it was unlocked.Na und, dafür war ja das Schließfach selbst verschlossen.
MissMietzie schrieb:13) There was more than one phone number in the poetry book. While there is some dispute as to exactly how many phone numbers, it appears at least one was Jestyn's and one was that of a local bank.DAS finde ich äußerst bemerkenswert! Der Mann hatte also mehrere Bezüge zu dem Ort.
MissMietzie schrieb:14) About 3-4 days after the Somerton Man died, Jestyn reported a missing gold Rolex watch.Schon ein merkwürdiger Zusammenhang. Aber was die Uhr mit dem Somerton-Mann zu tun haben könnte, dazu habe ich momentan keine Idee.
MissMietzie schrieb:16) That Jestyn's favourite novel was E. M. Forster's Howards End.Ich kenne den Roman nicht, aber der Inhalt scheint mehr Facetten zu haben als Abbott behauptet. Es kann natürlich sein, dass Jestyn das Buch wegen der Geschichte mit dem unehelichen Kind so geliebt hat, aber es muss auch nicht so sein.
Vor 68 Jahren wurde eine Leiche am Strand von Australien entdeckt – ein kleines Stück Papier könnte jetzt das Rätsel lösen
Hatte der Somerton-Mann eine Affäre mit einer Australierin?
Abbott befragte ihre Familie über den Fall. Er erfuhr, dass Jo Thomson 1946 – also zwei Jahre vor der Entdeckung des toten Mannes – einen Sohn, Robin, zur Welt brachte. Auf Bildern entdeckte Abbott eine starke äußerliche Ähnlichkeit des Sohnes mit dem Mann von Somerton. Beide hatten ein seltsam geformtes Ohr und zwei fehlende Schneidezähne.
Es wird auch angesprochen, dass die Krankenschwester ja noch einen weiteren Sohn hatte - Robin. Angeblich von SM und Jessica Thomson.