@habiba Er versucht den BS ja nicht nur bei Hinz und Kunz.
Sir Richard Branson, der Milliardär, Financier und Mitgestalter des Space Ship 2 hat einen Preis von 20.000.000 Dollar für ein wirksames Verfahren zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgase ausgeschrieben und natürlich wollte die KF den Preis beanspruchen. Da Branson aber nicht, wie die Keshe - Crew, bloß über die Intelligenz eines kalten Brathuhns verfügt sondern wahrscheinlich jenseits der 150 ist, hat er das Angebot freundlich aber bestimmt abgelehnt.
Was soll ich weiter erzählen - lest selbst:
Summary: Für Keshe sind nicht bloß die belgischen Behörden pädophil, Sir Branson ist auch ein Lügner ("pädophil" zu schreiben haben sie wohl nicht gewagt
:D ) Ich bin echt gespannt in welches Knie er sich als nächstes schießen wird.
Der Dirk kriecht auch dauernd auf dem Leim herum, weil er selber nach ein paar Tagen nicht mehr weiß, was er geschrieben hat. Da behauptet er, die Untersuchungen der Cola -Elektroden habe ein nano - Institut durchgeführt und weigert sich, den Namen zu nennen, hat aber, oh wie peinlich, den Namen drei Wochen vorher selbst bekannt gegeben. Da konnte er natürlich noch nicht wissen, dass ihn ein böser Teilnehmer auffordern würde, das Institut zu nennen, das seine Fake Raman - Spektroskopie durchgeführt hat.
:DDirk Laureyssens
Please follow this l
ink. I next post I will explain something about the Virgin Earth Challenge. http://www.virgin.com/subsites/virginearth/
Gefällt mir · · Teilen · Mittwoch um 15:11
2 Personen gefällt das.
Kevin Lembauer And Mr Keshe has forwarded an application?
Mittwoch um 20:17 · Gefällt mir
Josko de Boer They won't accept it anyway,so that is rather empty if he did.
Mittwoch um 20:58 · Gefällt mir
Dirk Laureyssens Sure, with all details, the graphs and proposition to deliver samples for independent testing. But ... Richard Branson stated hypocritically: "No one's come forward yet". http://www.forbes.com/2010/04/22/branson-green-technologies-carbon-war-virgin_2.html
Branson's Call To Green Entrepreneurs - Forbes.com
Richard Branson hopes to start a new movement--but this one embraces the bottom line.
Mittwoch um 21:02 · Gefällt mir
Dirk Laureyssens After this, next email was sent to the VEC by someone of KF
From: ---
Sent: 30 November 2010 11:13
To: Earth Challenge
Subject: Open letter of Virgin Earth Challenge
Dear Mrs. K-----,
Please forward this to Sir Richard Branson.
Sir Branson, I am very surprised to read: At a recent conference, Branson stated "No one's come forward yet" in reference to the Virgin Earth Challenge.
Full article here: <http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20100423/green-tech-100424/20100424?hub=SciTech>
That statement of you, Sir Branson, is not correct at all. In fact it's a lie. Instead we came forward with a working system that captures CO2 and CH4 directly from the surrounding air, which was the real aim of the Virgin Earth Challenge.
I refer to the the Virgin Earth Challenge Checklist, completed and signed by Ir. Mehran Tavakoli KESHE (Stichting The Keshe Foundation), sent to you on 28 December 2009 21:58. On 10 Feb 2010 12:08:22 GMT+01:00 additional material was send. Email text: "Please find in annex a pdf paper as supporting material relative to the application of Ir. Mehran Keshe, filed on 28 of December 2009. Additionally we are ready to deliver vials with liquid and solid CO2 for independent testing and spectroscopy.
Never we were invited to deliver said VIALS with liquid and solid CO2. These vials contain the materials (CO2 and CH4) we directly captured from the surrounding air.
Finally we received on Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 6:04 PM an email of RB of Virgin Earth Challenge stating: " Thank you for your interest into the Virgin Earth Challenge. We appreciate all the hard work, time and thought that went into producing your entry. I regret however to inform you that your design has not been short listed as a potential winner. We hope that this does not prevent you from continuing to work towards a solution to climate change and we wish you the best of luck for the future."
Thus Sir Branson, I can call you a liar and hypocrite. Your Virgin Earth Challenge was organized just for marketing and promotional reasons, and not as an honest contest to find a real solution for global warming. Shame on you.
I reserve the right to make this letter public and post it on forums, YouTube and Internet.
Billionaire Branson's call to green entrepreneurs
Billionaire Richard Branson hopes to start a new movement in green technology.
Mittwoch um 21:28 · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir
Dirk Laureyssens As a reaction VEC responded on 30 Nov 2010, at 12:35, Earth Challenge wrote:
Dear ----,
Thank you for your email. I am sorry that you were not happy with the previous correspondence. Unfortunately our technical review panel felt that the claims made in the proposal were not adequately substantiated, in particular they noted the absence of a full and transparent life cycle assessment of the carbon balance of the technology.
I can also remind you that, in entering the Earth Challenge, Mr. Keshe and the Keshe Foundation agreed to our Terms and Conditions (http://www.virgin.com/subsites/virginearth/Virgin-Earth-Challenge-TC-Sep-2009.pdf (Archiv-Version vom 15.02.2010)) which state the following:
9.3 Entrants shall not take part (or agree to take part) in any media coverage, or make any press releases or other public announcements, regarding participation in the VEC without the prior written agreement of Virgin.
9.4 Entrants shall not refer to the VEC, or permit the VEC to be referred to by any third party, for the purposes of promoting or publicising any company or business other than those businesses within the Virgin Group without Virgin’s prior written consent.
I regret to inform you that we cannot give you written permission to make any such announcements.
I am again sorry to hear your negative reaction to the Earth Challenge and wish you and The Keshe Foundation the very best for the future.
Kind regards,
Mittwoch um 21:20 · Gefällt mir
Dirk Laureyssens This was the KF reaction on that email from VEC
Date: 30 Nov 2010 14:25:15 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: Open letter of Virgin Earth Challenge
Dear ------,
We don't need your prior written agreement to make such announcements.
The agreement Terms and Conditions is no longer in force since Sir Richard Branson announced "No one's come forward yet" in reference to the Virgin Earth Challenge, were the round of the VEC has been closed since January 8, 2010, avoiding new participants to enter.
Thus Sir Richard Branson's announcement implies the end of the VEC.
"No one's come forward yet" means that no prize will be given to any of the participants.
So, the VEC ends.
Where clause 4.5 states: "Once signed, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until the end of the VEC, unless earlier terminated as otherwise provided herein (subject always to clause 11.1).
My point stays that Sir Richard Branson lied about "No one's come forward yet".
Branson: "It was almost 3 years ago when my wife, Joan asked me why no one had invented a machine to remove carbon from the air."
Sir Richard Branson can tell Joan that such a machine has been build by Keshe, but that the VEC technical review panel refused to do some real due diligence. Why didn't they ask to send the vials (tubes)?
David, your remark "in particular they noted the absence of a full and transparent life cycle assessment of the carbon balance of the technology." is very weak. When you take out CO2 and CH4 directly from the air, it's taken out. With the Keshe approach the CO2 and CH4 is in a nano-state (so the CO2 doesn't transforms back into the gas-state), which means that is very simple to store in a warehouse _ in simple plastic boxes _ or use it as a basic material for i.e. the making of plastics. With the Keshe approach it is possible to milk the sky for basic materials on any spot of the world! The atmosphere contains 720 billion tons of CO2, free material! In my opinion a nice business model.
Your email reaction of today will not stop me to make the said announcements.
Kind regards,