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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.368 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Iran, Freie Energie, Weltfrieden ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.08.2015 um 18:02
US-Forscher entwerfen leistungsfähigen Fusionsreaktor
Man sind die lahm! da werkelt Keshe an dutzenden Wundermaschinen gleichzeitig und das MIT versuchts immernoch mit dem Fusionsreaktor. Ist doch schon ewigs Schnee von vorgestern! Und stinkiger Atommüll produzierts auch immernoch. tsss
Sorry dachte grad spontan an Keshe als ich das las :D Wenn doch nur alles so einfach wäre wie in Keshes Welt


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.08.2015 um 19:26
UNGLAUBLICH... das neue produkt vom Keshe. 20 bilder die man anschauen sollte (auf FB). keshe schafft es immer wieder die kurve zu kratzen... ;)



Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

14.08.2015 um 06:53
Raffinierter schachzug von Keshe... jetzt dürfen alle spinner zu rede kommen die sich einreden da würde was ganz ganz tolles passieren...

The 74th Knowledge Seekers Workshop will be held on Thursday August 13th, 2015

In this week's Workshop, Knowledge Seekers from around the world are encouraged to present testimonials of their experience with health changes, due to use of Gans and nano-materials.

Note: All presenters use must show results obtained without ingestion of gans or nanomaterials. (No gans or nano-materials to be used in, or on, the body. Using only the transferred energies and fields.)
Testimonials can be heard or presented on Zoom Live Webinar, link:


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

15.08.2015 um 17:26
Dirk Laureyssens und Marek Istvanek haben in den letzten Wochen eine Reihe von sehr interessanten Beiträgen bei Facebook gepostet, die u.a. Aufschluss über einige bisher unklare Punkte aus Keshe's Vergangenheit geben. Eine kurze Erläuterung für Neueinsteiger und Gelegenheitsleser:

Der Belgier Dirk Laureyssens gehörte ab 2005 viele Jahre lang zu Keshe's innerstem Zirkel, und war nach Aussen hin einer seiner wichtigsten Fürsprecher und Unterstützer. Er wird bereits in dem ältesten bekannten Dokument im Web erwähnt, das sich eindeutig Keshe zuordnen lässt: dieser Pressemitteilung von 2005 (Archiv-Version vom 07.11.2015). Er ist einer der 4 Gründer der Keshe Foundation. Laureyssens ist selbst kein ganz Unbekannter, er hatte u.a. einigen Erfolg als Spielzeug-Erfinder (Happy Cube). In den letzten Jahren ist er allerdings (u.a. aus gesundheitlichen Gründen) nur noch selten im Zusammenhang mit Keshe in Erscheinung getreten. Vor einiger Zeit begann Keshe mit schwerwiegenden öffentlichen Angriffen gegen ihn, die allerdings grösstenteils ganz offensichtlich keinerlei Substanz haben (u.a. die Behauptung, dass Laureyssens ein Agent der belgischen Regierung sei).

Der Tscheche Marek Istvanek war im Februar 2014 einer der 7 ursprünglichen Knowledge Seeker in Keshe's Spaceship Institute in Desenzano del Garda in der Nähe des Gardasees in der Provinz Brescia in Italien. Er verliess das Spaceship Institute im Mai 2014 aus einer Kombination von familiären und finanziellen Gründen. Eine Zusammenfassung seiner Erfahrungen in Keshe's Spaceship Institute findet sich hier: http://omln.ce-ma-s.net/organizations/spaceshipinstitute/marekssummaryofssi mit einigen Ergänzungen hier: Open Letter by former knowledge seeker Marek, May 1st, 2015 (pdf).

Zunächst eine kurze Selbstdarstellung und eine Erläuterung der Hintergründe von Dirk Laureyssens:
I am Belgian citizen, 65 years, double Pisces, Chinese metal tiger, numerological Nr. 11, Master in political and social Sciences, divorced, father of 3 children, I support the ideas of reincarnation and Karma. My faith is a combination of Buddhism and of my own holistic insights (my own holon theory - 2002). In my life I had a number of paranormal experiences. Because I knew such paranormal events were REAL, I looked for 50 years to explain such hidden interconnectivity (distant exchange of information). With my holon theory I explain that interconnectivity and the fundamental UNITY in the universe.

I am a collective thinker, meaning I see humanity and nature as one interwoven, interconnected unity of energy, were the spiritual energy is the source of the material world, thus the spiritual structure is the scaffolding of Matter. As such, humans need to work together in high moral ethics, where each human has a duty of honesty, compassion, sharing energy, love for the other(s).

As explained before in this facebook group I consider myself to have in THIS LIFE a number of karmatic tasks related to provide new concepts and insights about energy, water, education and health. To fore fill these karmatic task I use a large source of universal creative powers, which give me the possibility to write patents, formulate and materialize ideas in words.

In 2005 I met Mehran Tavakoli Keshe and I saw in his ideas about nuclear interactions a resemblance with my own holon theory. He speaks about magravs, I spoke already in 2002 about cosmic membranes. And when you see my holon diagrams you will see a kind of reactor design, having three interacting layers.

Because I believed I could help humanity with the Keshe concepts, I started to help Keshe in unlimited ways, for free.

In the first step I helped him to write the three international patents. In next steps I created the logo for the Keshe Foundation, started the first website(s), helped Keshe to write and illustrate his three books, took pictures and videos, assisted Keshe during lectures, meetings and negotiations, promoted his technology in USA, etc. All this happened at my own expenses.

In the mean time Keshe created the Keshe Foundation with three co-founder: so Keshe, Olivier G., Tom V. and myself.
From time to time I noticed that Keshe was not correct in a number of things, like in the unethical way he treated two other first founders of the Keshe Foundation; Olivier and Tom.

Olivier lent over two years about 50,000 Euro to Keshe, but Keshe refused to pay Olivier back.

Tom V. bought a house in Tiegem (Belgium) and rented it to Keshe. Keshe never paid the monthly rent.

Keshe hired some people (like webmaster, private secretary) and they agreed mutual on a monthly sum and extra expenses. Keshe never paid them. Keshe further "promised" during lectures a lot of things or events to the public. Like in 2011 he promised to show the flying car. For his failures or non-performances he always blames others. Thus Keshe has a large list of victims. See list further below.

Due to Keshe' non correct behavior I took distance of Keshe. Recently I decided to speak also in public when Keshe - first attacked me - blaming me on you tube with crazy things, like being a member of the Belgian secret service, trying to steal the plasma technology, being a pedophile, helping in murder attempts, even today (AUG 6, 2015)... a terrorist.

More and more followers - from which a number were convinced of Keshe seriousness BY MY work - will understand that Mehran is a compulsive liar with very doubtful ethics. Presenting KesheFoundation Certificates for plasma reactors as legally valid, is a fraud and ill talk to mislead costumers, this supported in the fraud by 'core" members like Sandor, Vince, Armen, Rick and others. All will be held personal accountable, especially if lawsuits will start in USA due to health damage claimed to be caused by unknown radiation of plasma devices.

I am not the first one that is the victim of Keshe lunatic mind. A large number of good sincere souls went through that kuku mind games process of Keshe. I should make a full list of the victims. For now, I just name some of them: Desiré, mtk's personal secretary; Eliya, MD; Bert, First cameraman, Sven, third webmaster, Luc, co-founder of the Belgian KF, John, knowledge seeker in Descenzano - murder accusation, Marek, knowledge seeker in Descenzano - theft accusation, Jorge, knowledge seeker in Descenzano - theft accusation, Mr Hui... , and recently Prof. Liuzzi and the LUM University to be members of a criminal organization, and the list is even longer. Add now me. I suggest you contact them directly to hear their stories, ask them if Keshe acts ethical, for fills his promises, and ask if Keshe speaks with an honest mind. Ask them yourself, double check what I tell you. Facebook offers us the possibility to contact directly those people! I insist: DOUBLE CHECK WHAT I TELL YOU.

Victims of Keshe in various fields - going from:
(1) promised but never returned money for NEVER delivered power generators,
(2) promised but never returned money for medical reactors,
(3) promised but never paid money for personal technical work,
(4) sexual harassment by Keshe,
(5) promised but never returned lent money,
(6) lunatic accusations by Keshe about theft by others,
(7) lunatic accusations by Keshe about murder attempts,
(8) lunatic accusations of memberships of secret services,
(9) lunatic accusations of theft of plasma technology,
(10) lunatic accusations by Keshe of being members of a criminal organization.
(11) never paid bills from a manufacture of magnets.

There is one more VERY serious concern that i have, it is about the mental state of Keshe. Keshe has disclosed in Descenzano to two very close Core members (one of them was Armen) that the human race should be PUNISHED, and that a large part of humanity should be extinguished! During two days these two members defended the human race, telling that many people LOVED Keshe. Thus I consider Keshe to be completely MAD.

If humanity wants the transcendent into a "new consciousness", the first step is to understand in full it's own spiritual powers, and also the duty to live following the universal Laws of correctness, truth and mutual respect, exchange and share of energy (participation, mutual concern) and knowledge sharing. Don't steal is important, don't lie, and don't cheat, but also keep your promises (engagement, commitment). There must be harmonic attraction in our souls, no attraction to disharmony.

(Dirk Laureyssens am 07.08.2015)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

15.08.2015 um 17:45
Ich habe in der Vergangenheit mehrfach sehr umfangreiche Webrecherchen zu Keshe durchgeführt, wobei ich zu meinem Erstaunen nichts vor 2005 finden konnte, was sich mit einiger Wahrscheinlichkeit "unserem" Keshe zuordnen lässt. Eine mögliche Erklärung dafür könnte sich in folgender Ankündigung von Dirk Laureyssens abzeichnen:
I think that soon we might reveal old criminal files and facts about Mehran Tavakoli Keshe. That is the reason why Keshe always refused to go back to UK. [...] He probably is still on the wanted list!!! Yes, your Messiah, is not that Holy!

(Dirk Laureyssens am 08.08.2015)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

15.08.2015 um 17:55

Dirk Laureyssens ist tatsächlich ordentlich sauer (wie denn auch nicht). Mal sehen ob ich das ausnützen kann. Yukako Saito will ich auch noch zu erreichen versuchen - aber zuerst brauche ich FB.

Laureyssens Text werd ich mal bei den diversen Kashe - Videos publik machen


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

15.08.2015 um 18:27
Eine von Keshe's Lieblings-Lügengeschichten ist das "fliegende Auto", das er für die "Elektor Live"-Präsentation in Eindhoven im November 2011 angekündigt hatte, das jedoch angeblich leider am Vortag von der belgischen Polizei konfisziert wurde:
The flying carpet is a reality. We were going to show the first flying car on the 26th of November in Eindhoven 2 or 3 years ago, but we were blocked by the same people, Mr. Hans Bracquené.They came to my house. They came to my lab in Belgium. When I showed them I said, "I have a problem. I am going to show this car tomorrow in Eindhoven, flying." And he said, "Do you have a flying license? If not, you can’t do so." They confiscated the material in my lab.

(Keshe am 16.03.2014 (Archiv-Version vom 17.07.2015))
Dazu Dirk Laureyssens:
Gerald Westhoff: Dirk what is this story about the (f)lying car? can you please tell us if there ever was a flying car confiscated by Belgian authority? Or is he lying

Dirk Laureyssens: It's just a lie Gerald Westhoff. Keshe demolished his old mercedes car to an empty casco, told me that he would install the flying reactor into it, which would be demonstrated during the Evoluon presentation. But Belgian police NEVER confiscated that empty car. At that time Keshe claimed to have being "informed" that the flying car would be confiscated when passing the Belgium-Holland boarder. I hope I can find back the video MTK took about that empty car, it was so childish, that i refused to put it on You tube.

(KesheThoughtsgroupWorldwide am 31.07.2015)
Ergänzend dazu (auch wenn's hier schon einige Male vorkam): Das Bild des "fliegenden Autos", das Keshe u.a. seit Jahren als Titelbild seiner Facebook-Seite verwendet, ist ein gephotoshopptes Original-Opel-Bild eines Opel Ampera:


(Opel Media (Archiv-Version vom 21.09.2013) - © GM Company)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

15.08.2015 um 18:47
Eine Kurzfassung von Marek Istvanek's Erfahrungen als Knowledge Seeker an Keshe's Spaceship Insititute in Italien von Februar bis Mai 2014:
Without any sarcasm or irony: My stay in Desenzano SSI was first joy with new friends, than wonder and patience to see what will come together with practical experiments, then disapointment of the way MTK acts on us to divorce the group which we was trying to stabilize. It was tough and sad. Was it worth my almost 8000 Euro, lost job and lost time without my family? As a life experience it was worth, otherwise I would be crying all the time...

(Marek Istvanek am 05.08.2015)
Das folgende war eigentlich sowieso klar, aber auch nochmal ausdrücklich:
[T]here were no working flight or energy reactor in Desenzano SSI.

(Marek Istvanek am 05.08.2015)
Zu den angeblich ganz speziellen, massgefertigten Laborgeräten, die Keshe einsetzt:
Soon after we have started our work in Desenzano SSI, I was asking Mehran Keshe about the field detection he spoke about earlier. He said he has very expensive field detector specially built for him to measure magnetical and gravitational fields. Later I have been working with it and I have realized that the special detector was normal hall effect magnetic field detector from Metrolab which they sell regularly as You can see here: http://www.metrolab.com/index.php?id=23 (Archiv-Version vom 30.01.2014) The one used at SSI was Duo Kit with mobile PC and THM1176-LF and THM1176-HF detectors.

(Marek Istvanek am 07.08.2015)
Similar thing as with the mysterious Keshe field detector was with his vacuum pump. He told us it is bult especialy for him etc., but in reality it was regularly sold turbomolecular vacuum pump [...].

(Marek Istvanek am 07.08.2015)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

15.08.2015 um 18:54
Auch Dirk Laureyssens hat nie einen fliegenden Reaktor gesehen. Er war sogar -- entgegen meinen bisherigen Vermutungen -- noch nicht mal dabei, als die bekannten lausigen "Weight Loss"-Videos von 2009 aufgenommen wurden:
Nor did I ever saw a flying reactor. Keshe claims too, that he proved to be able to reduce weight of reactors, or add weight. So that he gave me a couple of bad quality videos with were made in a test location in Bruges in an facility that had vacuum equipment. These shaky videos showed a digital bathroom weight scale some changing numbers, like going from 7 kilo to 6.2 kilo. But these videos were taken by himself, so i could not verify if they were taken with the possible help of a pulley with nylon wires. Based on these shaky videos Keshe asked me to assemble a video for NASA, but imo there was absolutely nothing convincing about the whole.

(Dirk Laureyssens am 08.08.2015)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

15.08.2015 um 19:40
Eine der Anschuldigungen, die Keshe gegenüber Dirk Laureyssens erhebt, ist, dass er für die (oben erwähnte) angebliche Konfiszierung von Keshe's "fliegendem Auto" verantwortlich sei, weil er neben Keshe und seiner Frau als einziger von der geplanten Vorführung auf der "Elektor Live"-Präsentation in Eindhoven im November 2011 gewusst habe. Dirk Laureyssens hat dazu einige interessante Emails veröffentlicht (Dirk Laureyssens gehörte 2011 wohlgemerkt noch zu Keshe's innerstem Zirkel):
From: Margriet Debeij <...@elektor.com>
Date: 10 Nov 2011 15:24:50 GMT+01:00
To: "...@Gmail. Com (...@gmail.com)" <...@gmail.com>
Cc: Wisse Hettinga <...@elektor.com>
Subject: RE: Presentation Live - further to our Phonecall

Dear Mr. Keshe
Regarding your presentation during Elektor Live:
I understood that you will also demonstrate a floating car.
Could you please send me the weight and measurements of the car?
We can get it into the Philips Hall, but this depends on the measurements/weight.

Hope to hear from you soon
Kind regards

M. Debeij - Lacroix
Event Manager

(Dirk Laureyssens am 28.07.2015)
From: Margriet Debeij <...@elektor.com>
Date: 19 Dec 2011 09:51:07 GMT+01:00
To: Keshe Foundation <...@gmail.com>, "...@gmail.com" <...@gmail.com>
Cc: Wisse Hettinga <...@elektor.com>
Subject: Presentation Elektor Live

Dear Mr. Keshe

since the 26th of November we already received at least 25 complaints from participants about your presentation at Elektor Live.
They all visited your presentation in Schipluiden were you informed the people that you would show during Elektor Live:
1) the flying car
2) the working generator

Participants asked for a refund as they felt cheated.
Elektor never communicated that working equipment should be demonstrated during Elektor Live.

For this reason Elektor refunded to 25 people totally an amount of € 750,00.
As your invoice (entrance Elektor Live = totally € 300,00) has not been paid yet and we received an extra invoices from the Evoluon as your staff ordered
2 extra tables (€ 50,00 per table).

It cost Elektor € 1.150,00 extra more + several working hours from our staff to settle the telephone calls and refund the money to dissatisfied participants.

We therefore decided not to pay out the amount of € 1.000,00.

Kind regards

M. Debeij - Lacroix
Client Manager

(Dirk Laureyssens am 08.08.2015)
Das wird im Zusammenhang mit Keshe noch öfter passieren ;):
Participants asked for a refund as they felt cheated.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

15.08.2015 um 21:01

Die Aktion gegen Laureyssens wird Keshe noch sehr leid tun - nach meinen Erfahrungen kann Laureyssens ziemlich nachtragend sein :)

Was der Kerl in den letzten Jahren abgezogen hat, reicht unter Brüdern für 5 Jahre hinter Gittern:

Verleumdung in einer ganzen Reihe von Fällen
Fahrlässige Körperverletzung (das CO2 GANS)
Kassieren von Vorauszahlungen für die nie etwas geliefert wurde und auch nie geliefert werden konnte (Schadenssumme etwa 50000 Euro) Schwerer Betrug
Illegale medizinische Experiment
Verkauf unwirksamer Heilbehelfe
Möglicherweise Mietbetrügereien

Vielleicht können wir ein paar seiner Opfer und vor Allem Laureyssens, Kostova und die Belgier dazu bringen, dass sie ihn anzeigen

1x zitiertmelden

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

15.08.2015 um 23:51

Gratuliere DU meister-detektiv... das sind ja hochbrisante interna ;)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.08.2015 um 00:38
HMMM, die keshe ZENSURMASCHINE ist schon wieder voll im gange, so wie immer halt :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde entfernt oder konnte nicht geladen werden.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.08.2015 um 09:18
Zitat von ShortVisitShortVisit schrieb:Die Aktion gegen Laureyssens wird Keshe noch sehr leid tun
Deine Liste darf erweitert werden:

Jetzt hat Dirk auch noch die Kanadaseite der KF unter seine Kontrolle gebracht. Dat is aber auch wirklich n böser Bub.
Warning! Dirk Laureyssens has hijacked and stolen the Keshe Thoughts Canada Facebook site.

I now have to disavow the Keshe Thoughts Canada site and warn all friends of the Keshe Foundation that Dirk has taken control of this site.

I can no longer post there, and I can't be responsible for what Dirk publishes there.
(Rick Crammond)

Die sind sich wirklich für nix zu schade.

1x zitiertmelden

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.08.2015 um 09:57
Zitat von liezzyliezzy schrieb:I can no longer post there, and I can't be responsible for what Dirk publishes there.
Womöglich hat der Meister gerade eine kleine... Episode... und man will die Schuld für eventuell geposteten Schmonzes schon mal von ihm fernhalten. /VT


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.08.2015 um 13:00
Einen Bauanleitung für einen "hovering reactor" für Kids gibt es auch schon:

Youtube: How to make a skateboard hoover
How to make a skateboard hoover
Externer Inhalt
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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.08.2015 um 22:21

So ein sinnloses Video! Das Einzige, was ich mich frage: Does Keshe have a Brain?

Immerhin ist er ganz gut darin, Strichmännchen zu malen. Ob er uns diese bald als Original van Goghs unterjubeln will?

2x zitiertmelden

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

17.08.2015 um 00:00
Es wird immer besser. best comedy ever... danke MESSIAH :)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

17.08.2015 um 00:38
Zitat von GrymnirGrymnir schrieb:Immerhin ist er ganz gut darin, Strichmännchen zu malen. Ob er uns diese bald als Original van Goghs unterjubeln will?
Aber woher denn - er wird sicher aufdecken, dass Vincent ihm die Idee gestohlen hat :D


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

17.08.2015 um 18:28

Laureyssens will's wissen - neue FB - Gruppe, Kostova hat er an Bord geholt und er fängt an, Keshes Aktivitäten offen zu legen. Und er meint schon, die Keshe - Gang wäre in Panik :D


Achtet auf "Josef Görling" :)
