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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.370 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Iran, Freie Energie, Weltfrieden ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

24.07.2014 um 23:36

Ja die Frau musste ich auch mal anschreiben und aufklären, als sie wieder mal einen richtigen Blödsinn geschrieben hatte. Leider keine Antwort.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

25.07.2014 um 12:00
Die Idee mit den Tassen hat er von seinem schärfsten Konkurrenten, Dr Cashee, geklaut. Der hat mitlerweile so viele davon verkauft, dass sein Schrank fast leer ist.

1x zitiertmelden

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

26.07.2014 um 18:39

Und wieder ist KF bei Alexa 10 000 Ranks abgestürzt. Mit der blöden Messisas Geschichte und dem "Friedensmarsch" in die nächste billige Pzzeria hat Keshe sich gezielt in's eigene Knie geschossen (Korrektur: in die eigene Zehe, um das Knie zu treffen ist er zu blöd :D )


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

26.07.2014 um 18:43
Zitat von KonfuseKonfuse schrieb:Die Idee mit den Tassen hat er von seinem schärfsten Konkurrenten, Dr Cashee, geklaut. Der hat mitlerweile so viele davon verkauft, dass sein Schrank fast leer ist.
Und da Dr. Cashee bereits alle Gehirntoten auf der Welt vereinnahmt hat, bleibt für Keshe natürlich kaum noch was übrig. Darum gibt er seine " frei für alle" Glaubenschaft auch nur mehr gegen Spenden heraus.

Wie heisst es sos chön auf English: "hypcritical asshole" :D


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

27.07.2014 um 08:13
Ups, jetzt wird es richtig eng mr. keshe (habe den text sicherheitshalbe kopiert falls er gelöscht werden sollte)

Lourdes Guerrero
29 Min
Hello MT Keshe,
We, of the Spanish speaking group have listened to workshop no. 18 of the SSI, especially the part where you were referring to Jorge and his stay at the SSI.
We all were totally surprised by your statements, as our experience and our vision regarding this question has been completely different, which we will outline as follows.
We understand that Jorge went to the SSI to study with you and his mission was to learn and transmit to the Spanish speaking world what you would teach him. Jorge has indeed transmitted to us all that he learned from you from the very first moment, supporting with this knowledge all the scientists who started experimenting in the various Spanish-speaking countries. He taught six workshops in Spanish, all of which were listened to by thousands of people. In particular, the second workshop has received 26.032 visits.
These are the links:
Workshop 1 6.468 visits dated 12 March 2014 Youtube: 1er Taller con KS español del SSI de la Fundación Keshe
1er Taller con KS español del SSI de la Fundación Keshe
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Workshop 2 26.032 visits dated 18 March 2014 Youtube: 2º Taller con el KS español del SSI de la Fundación Keshe
2º Taller con el KS español del SSI de la Fundación Keshe
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Workshop 3 2.892 visits dated 8 April 2014 Youtube: 3er Taller con KS español en el SSI
3er Taller con KS español en el SSI
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Workshop 4 2.655 visits dated 22 April 2014 Youtube: 4°Taller con KS en Español en el SSI
4°Taller con KS en Español en el SSI
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Workshop 5 2.346 visits dated 15 May 2014 Youtube: 5° taller con KS español en el SSI
5° taller con KS español en el SSI
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First questions and answers workshop 2.775 visits. dated 26 March 2014. Youtube: 1er Taller Preguntas y Respuestas a KS español del SSI
1er Taller Preguntas y Respuestas a KS español del SSI
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Our Youtube channel with the translated videos called InfoKesheEspanol has 1.372 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfvILgpK86QBHGxifH7r_tA
You will certainly appreciate, as someone who knows about energy, that during these workshops not only the technology is transmitted, but also the spirit which has united all of us beyond the technology: the spirit of kindness, understanding, collaboration, fraternity, a critical, analytical and profound spirit.
Thanks to the constant communication of Jorge with a large part of the Spanish group, we were able to be up to date with respect to the process which was happening at the SSI, to transmit and promote any event or communication which the Foundation has produced.
Our work together has resulted in increasing the number of participants of our Facebook group and the visits of our youtube videos by thousands. We were functioning as a fantastic group, with Jorge in the forefront.
This is our main group on Facebook, with 8.607 followers.
FundaciónKeshe: Información en Español- https://www.facebook.com/KesheFoundationSpanish?ref_type=bookmark
This is why we do not understand why you said that Jorge did not contribute anything. There is nobody in the Spanish speaking world who would be of this opinion.
We do not know if you are aware of the great expansion which the foundation has achieved by him in the Hispanic world, you only have to check the above given data.
The other aspect of which you were speaking is the economic aspect, you were saying that Jorge left the SSi because he was unable to keep paying.
We have been in contact with Jorge since before the time he joined the SSI, because we knew that he was translating Book 1 to Spanish. Before he went to Italy, he explained to us that he had talked to you and had expressed his possible difficulty to pay from the second trimester. He also informed us that you encouraged him to go even so, knowing his economic situation, and that you told him not to worry about the next payments because you would search try to find sponsors, not only to Jorge but to other knowledge seekers who may also have financial difficulties.
Jorge also offered you to do an exchange for the translation work he had done. The Spanish translation of the book is practically completed, and he translated it voluntarily, without any economic compensation, even knowing that the book sales will all go to the foundation.
So, we do not understand your change of opinion.
We remember too, that when the institute was starting off and it was announced to knowledge seekers, you explained us that you have received many applications from people who were scientifically very prepared, people who were sponsor by big companies, but you have chosen these eight people for their quality, because it is not possible to buy them.
Now, if our understanding is correct, your opinion is changed and you say that those who can pay the fee for the SSI can join the SSI, and those who cannot pay, cannot join.
We are confused about the actual criteria to be a knowledge seeker at the SSI.
Because of all this, we, the Spanish group, feel confused and discouraged to keep supporting you, because we do not see with clarity when things are said which do not correspond to the truth.
We have dedicated for years our free time and work, to translate, spread the technology of the foundation, and did coordination, and we supported you in all possible ways (coordinating letters to embassies, to the International Criminal Court, to the media, etc.). We all did it completely for free, out of love to humanity and because we believed that this same spirit of love was guiding the Foundation.
Today, after all the above, from that in which we believed, nothing remains but words.
We know that we all can learn from our errors and we can evolve together, maintaining the correct spirit and creating the power necessary to transform what needs to be transformed.
But we must be sure that we are aligned completely with truth, because if we are not, there is no technology which is worth pursuing.
Now a question regarding your workshop no. 19: We were surprised to hear at the end of the workshop that you have not yet revealed the key of the technology and that you would do it in the future. Does this mean that all the information which was provided on the USB sticks and all the information which was transmitted during all your workshops in fact are worthless until you are kind enough to share the key to the technology?
Yours sincerely,
The Spanish speaking group
Mirelle Zavala, Lourdes Guerrero, Claudia Pierri, Hugo Donatello, Neo Orbando, Gillermo García, Adriana Silvia Perez.
Gefällt mir nicht mehrGefällt mir nicht mehr · · Teilen
Dir und Deo Sanatur gefällt das.

Deo Sanatur A Fundação Keshe: Informações em Português, apoia esta carta.
The Keshe Foundation: Information in Portuguese, supports this message.
18 Min · Bearbeitet · Gefällt mir

Amadeus Sprenger ,,,because we do not see with clarity when things are said which do not correspond to the truth. (This is the point)...
Gerade eben · Gefällt mir


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

27.07.2014 um 08:37
quelle: https://www.facebook.com/groups/122488954617722/permalink/173717076161576/


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

27.07.2014 um 10:52

Ich hab die Dame vor einiger Zeit auch schon angeschrieben und gewarnt. Heute habe ich ihr auch noch einen Kommentar zu ihrer Nachricht an Keshe geschickt, vielleicht bewirkt das auch noch etwas in den spanisch sprechenden Gruppen, die ja ganz schön sauer sein dürften.

KF stürzt auf Alexa weiterhin ab: 324,709 , das ist 203,411 Ranks in den letzten 3 Monaten. Die Site hat nicht einmal mehr ein Diagramm :D


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

27.07.2014 um 20:52

Solltest Du eine antwort kriegen, teile sie mir bitte mit.

LG an alle :)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

27.07.2014 um 21:45

Gerne :)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

28.07.2014 um 04:39

Und wieder 11 000 Alexa - Ranks nach unten: 335 241, in weniger als 3 Monaten um 213 547 Plätze abgestürzt.

Langsam wird's unheimlich.

1x zitiertmelden

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

28.07.2014 um 15:10
Zitat von ShortVisitShortVisit schrieb:Langsam wird's unheimlich.
Ich denke eher: alles hat mal ein Ende! :)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

28.07.2014 um 18:14
Beim letzten (20.) http://www.livestream.com/kesheworkshop/video?clipId=pla_b262dc95-6df3-4f0c-8875-0050e83209f3 vom vergangenen Donnerstag scheint es zu einem Eklat gekommen zu sein. Anscheinend war ein im englischsprachigen Raum bekannter Experimentator "Shazziz" eingeladen, und ein weiterer Experimentator namens Kultus Nagrand beim schriftlichen Chat dabei.
Well now I sit and wait for the Keshe foundation to sue me for defamation of character .... I out right called him a fraud in front of 100 people today and offered my personal details for him to sue me if he could prove I was at fault .... who wants to make the bet I never hear from them again ....

I'll post it publicly here too in front of another 150+ people instantly and to who ever publically views this, Keshe Foundation "dr" Keshe you are a fraud and nothing less, care to take on real researchers ?

We are the Alternative energy movement, and we do not like frauds who steal money from people willing to help.... You are scum ... feel free to try and sue me ... I BLOODY DARE YOU .... and I guarantee you wont because you would have to prove your work to be real ... which you cannot ....

I can prove concept on my devices like the Atmo motor .... that uses static energy from the sky ... You speak shit about needing to be in some alternate reality to obtain free energy ... your an idiot and a FRAUD!!!


Youtubes, one and only Free Energy Fraudster Assassin ...

Hell your guys invited us ... this is what you get .... damn con artists!



Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

28.07.2014 um 19:08


Muss Valeri gleich in diversen YouTube KF - Videos verbreiten :D Danke!


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

28.07.2014 um 23:33
Interessanterweise gibt es bei der https://www.facebook.com/AmericansForKesheFoundation, hinter der soweit bekannt Mark House steht, seit dem 10. Juli kein Update mehr. Das ist ungefähr der Zeitpunkt, als die Geschichte mit seiner verlorenen Wette aktuell war. Das spricht dafür, dass ihm die Sache -- auch wenn er seine Niederlage nicht offen anerkennen will -- doch zu denken gegeben hat.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

02.08.2014 um 15:51
Eine bekannte langjährige Keshe-Anhängerin ist enttäuscht (auch wenn sie die Hoffnung noch nicht ganz aufgegeben hat):
How about the many weeks of translation work that I already did years ago via De lezing to support you. I did not even get a thanks or an invitation to the opening of your centrum in Belgium. What about all the people that have spent thousand of hours work for you? Have you forgotten them or have you replaced them with other gullible new volunteers? I still have the whole Dutch translation of your website saved. Nothing has been done with it and I had arthritis in my wrists and went through allot of pain to do the work. Now you are asking for it to be done all over again and again? Good luck in finding new people that also believe in your work and repeat history. I warn them to inform beforehand at 'de lezing de lezing'. they speak English and have done many years of work and promotion. Still have a silent hope that your work is genius. But in the meantime young Russian scientists are far ahead with a Tesla tower for energy plan. The rest of the world is still hoping that your plans will become visible and see able, beyond the coke bottle. Still a hoping believer, X

(Marion Geyer am 01.08.2014)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

03.08.2014 um 13:43

Sehr interessant, dass sie da noch mal die Cola Flasche erwähnt, fast schon wie eine Reliquie, ein Zeichen seiner Divinität, erinnert mich an den "linken Schuh" in Life of Brian :D



Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

03.08.2014 um 15:44
@allmyboy: Dazu passt auch sehr gut: Die Götter müssen verrückt sein. ;)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

03.08.2014 um 16:10
Da Keshe's ganze Story im Endeffekt eine grosse Münchhausiade ist -- die in ihrem Aussmass wirklich ihresgleichen sucht -- sollte man ihn vielleicht mal in der klassischen Hans-Albers-Pose auf einer Colaflasche reitend darstellen ... :D

3x verlinktmelden

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

04.08.2014 um 18:41
Mods, bitte den vorigen Beitrag löschen, da ist was gewaltig schiefgegangen

Von den Spaniern kriegt Keshe jetzt aber ordentlich kalt - warm: :D
Vorsicht, ein langer Beitrag ist dabei :)
Claudia Pierri‎Carolina De Roose
2. August um 02:21 ·
We are waiting your response:
Hello MT Keshe,
We, of the Spanish speaking group have listened to workshop no. 18 of the SSI, especially the part where you were referring to Jorge and his stay at the SSI.
We all were totally surprised by your statements, as our experience and our vision regarding this question has been completely different, which we will outline as follows.
We understand that Jorge went to the SSI to study with you and his mission was to learn and transmit to the Spanish speaking world what you would teach him. Jorge has indeed transmitted to us all that he learned from you from the very first moment, supporting with this knowledge all the scientists who started experimenting in the various Spanish-speaking countries. He taught six workshops in Spanish, all of which were listened to by thousands of people. In particular, the second workshop has received 26.032 visits.
These are the links:
Workshop 1 6.468 visits dated 12 March 2014 Youtube: 1er Taller con KS español del SSI de la Fundación Keshe
1er Taller con KS español del SSI de la Fundación Keshe
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Workshop 2 26.032 visits dated 18 March 2014 Youtube: 2º Taller con el KS español del SSI de la Fundación Keshe
2º Taller con el KS español del SSI de la Fundación Keshe
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Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.

Workshop 3 2.892 visits dated 8 April 2014 Youtube: 3er Taller con KS español en el SSI
3er Taller con KS español en el SSI
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Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.

Workshop 4 2.655 visits dated 22 April 2014 Youtube: 4°Taller con KS en Español en el SSI
4°Taller con KS en Español en el SSI
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Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.

Workshop 5 2.346 visits dated 15 May 2014 Youtube: 5° taller con KS español en el SSI
5° taller con KS español en el SSI
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First questions and answers workshop 2.775 visits. dated 26 March 2014. Youtube: 1er Taller Preguntas y Respuestas a KS español del SSI
1er Taller Preguntas y Respuestas a KS español del SSI
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Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.

Our Youtube channel with the translated videos called InfoKesheEspanol has 1.372 subscribers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfvILgpK86QBHGxifH7r_tA
You will certainly appreciate, as someone who knows about energy, that during these workshops not only the technology is transmitted, but also the spirit which has united all of us beyond the technology: the spirit of kindness, understanding, collaboration, fraternity, a critical, analytical and profound spirit.
Thanks to the constant communication of Jorge with a large part of the Spanish group, we were able to be up to date with respect to the process which was happening at the SSI, to transmit and promote any event or communication which the Foundation has produced.
Our work together has resulted in increasing the number of participants of our Facebook group and the visits of our youtube videos by thousands. We were functioning as a fantastic group, with Jorge in the forefront.
This is our main group on Facebook, with 8.607 followers.
FundaciónKeshe: Información en Español- https://www.facebook.com/KesheFoundationSpanish?ref_type=bookmark
This is why we do not understand why you said that Jorge did not contribute anything. There is nobody in the Spanish speaking world who would be of this opinion.
We do not know if you are aware of the great expansion which the foundation has achieved by him in the Hispanic world, you only have to check the above given data.
The other aspect of which you were speaking is the economic aspect, you were saying that Jorge left the SSi because he was unable to keep paying.
We have been in contact with Jorge since before the time he joined the SSI, because we knew that he was translating Book 1 to Spanish. Before he went to Italy, he explained to us that he had talked to you and had expressed his possible difficulty to pay from the second trimester. He also informed us that you encouraged him to go even so, knowing his economic situation, and that you told him not to worry about the next payments because you would search try to find sponsors, not only to Jorge but to other knowledge seekers who may also have financial difficulties.
Jorge also offered you to do an exchange for the translation work he had done. The Spanish translation of the book is practically completed, and he translated it voluntarily, without any economic compensation, even knowing that the book sales will all go to the foundation.
So, we do not understand your change of opinion.
We remember too, that when the institute was starting off and it was announced to knowledge seekers, you explained us that you have received many applications from people who were scientifically very prepared, people who were sponsor by big companies, but you have chosen these eight people for their quality, because it is not possible to buy them.
Now, if our understanding is correct, your opinion is changed and you say that those who can pay the fee for the SSI can join the SSI, and those who cannot pay, cannot join.
We are confused about the actual criteria to be a knowledge seeker at the SSI.
Because of all this, we, the Spanish group, feel confused and discouraged to keep supporting you, because we do not see with clarity when things are said which do not correspond to the truth.
We have dedicated for years our free time and work, to translate, spread the technology of the foundation, and did coordination, and we supported you in all possible ways (coordinating letters to embassies, to the International Criminal Court, to the media, etc.). We all did it completely for free, out of love to humanity and because we believed that this same spirit of love was guiding the Foundation.
Today, after all the above, from that in which we believed, nothing remains but words.
We know that we all can learn from our errors and we can evolve together, maintaining the correct spirit and creating the power necessary to transform what needs to be transformed.
But we must be sure that we are aligned completely with truth, because if we are not, there is no technology which is worth pursuing.
Now a question regarding your workshop no. 19: We were surprised to hear at the end of the workshop that you have not yet revealed the key of the technology and that you would do it in the future. Does this mean that all the information which was provided on the USB sticks and all the information which was transmitted during all your workshops in fact are worthless until you are kind enough to share the key to the technology?
Yours sincerely,
The Spanish speaking group
Mirelle Zavala, Lourdes Guerrero, Claudia Pierri, Hugo Donatello, Neo Orbando, Gillermo García, Adriana Silvia Perez.

21st Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 31 2014...Mehr anzeigen
2. August um 09:49 · Gefällt mir

What is the problem?
2. August um 16:42 · Gefällt mir

Carolina De Roose IT is not my place to respond !..
3 Std. · Gefällt mir

Zoe Estelar So what's your tasks on the fundation?
3 Std. · Gefällt mir
Valeri Kravinik
(die spanische Version hab ich herausgeschnitten)

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