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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.370 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Iran, Freie Energie, Weltfrieden ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

09.03.2014 um 00:18
@FF: Lustig ist auch, dass Keshe diesmal zwar ausnahmsweise die Kabel richtig am Multimeter angeschlossen hat, das Multimeter (Soundex DM 65) dafür aber (wie man in der Grossaufnahme um 02:35 min herum erkennen kann) auf AC statt auf DC geschaltet ist, was ziemlich wenig Sinn ergibt (mal davon abgesehen, dass die ganze Messung von vornherein ziemlich wenig Sinn ergibt). Im weiteren Verlauf des Videos werden allerdings negative Werte angezeigt, weshalb ich vermute, dass das Multimeter in den kleineren Spannungsbereichen sowieso grundsätzlich im DC-Modus arbeitet (die meisten billigen Multimeter haben nur ziemlich grobe Wechselspannungsbereiche). Dadurch kann man Keshe in diesem Fall keinen ganz so peinlichen Fehler wie bei den falsch angeschlossenen Kabeln nachweisen. Trotzdem outet er sich damit wieder mal als Amateur, dem präzise wissenschaftliche Arbeit vollkommen fremd ist.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

10.03.2014 um 12:42
Nach den Experimenten mit Rohrreiniger und Multimeter-Messungen im Drahtverhau haben die Knowledge Seeker jetzt ein neues Projekt in Angriff genommen:
March 10, 2014
Spaceship Institute Recruiting Mission on NOW
The Spaceship Institute in Northern Italy has today announced a NEW Mission directive to the citizens of planet Earth. The paradigm-busting invitation targets those physicists, plasma specialists, design and systems engineers who are ready to undergo a rigorous collective creation-to-operation of Spaceship Technology, within one month. Any government, organization, or individual is welcome to participate in the project, based upon existing plasma and Magrav technology, recently released by the Keshe Foundation within the public domain, NOW gifted FREE to humankind.
The Spaceship will measure 30-40 m in radius and will replace any existing propulsion system operational on the planet today. The fields of the Magravs system will provide the lift and positioning, bringing obsolescence to the existing petroleum-based technologies. The environment will benefit immensely as the new technology for transport, becomes available to all.
Mr MT Keshe, Founder of the Spaceship Institute, ensures an open book policy, in absolute transparency and Truth. “The entire world will be watching, literally, as we create this together with all of humanity.” This is NOT to be a secretive, covert creation in some hidden hangar in Area 51. What will take to the skies from the facility in Northern Italy will be witnessed by the whole world.
If you belong to a traditional academic institution and mindset, you will have the opportunity to be included in the directive, with the NEW understanding of the Universe. This knowledge is FREE to the entire human race and no-one will be excluded.
This is to be the first Magravs Space flight, ever, for the people and by the people’s own interactive creation.
The projected inaugural flight of the shiny new Spaceship will be scheduled by the end of this year. The flight will allow for up to 500 people on board, and your qualification will contrast with the required years of training and prep by agencies such as NASA and Space Command. This Space journey will be open to ANYONE. “All you have to do is just get on,” ensures Mr Keshe with a twinkle of a smile.
The Keshe Foundation previously gifted the design of the craft to world governments, including Japan, Russia, and the US, but was ignored, with the proposal shelved and sequestered from public knowledge or view. NOW the technology MUST be released, “We have waited long enough for a response, and the people deserve to know. So, we proceed through the coming round of Knowledge Seekers who will be bringing evolution through their Visionary roles in creation.”
The entire project is estimated at a mere 50-55 mil Euros to complete, and invites collaboration from existing governments or agencies to get on board the greatest project on earth. Ever.
The great leap upward brings with it an assurance of World Peace, through the World Peace Treaty Event scheduled later in this year. There will be no more need for war over prescribed pieces of real estate. Now, countries may have their own galaxy, guaranteed.
Who will be on board this first flight to outer space? Watch for interactive events chronicling the progress of development. Apply through contests, tutorials and interactive displays as this event unfolds in real time. You never know, you just might win a place on the first ever humanity created,
Magravs propelled Spaceship.
The world will be watching this collaborative co-creation. At Magrav’s speed we will be saying goodbye to the Flintstones… Jetsons take flight!
Committed Knowledge Seekers are encouraged to apply at Spaceshipinstitute@gmail.com
Twitter @spaceshiplaunch
FB: Spaceship Institute New Tech News - NTN https://www.facebook.com/NEWYECHnews
Further inquires by Press devapeters@gmail.com

Dazu ergänzend vom grossen Meister:
Building of the new spaceship craft in this year is our priority and the development of this craft has started and now this week goes into commercial development phase.

We are planing for the Launch and flight of the First spaceship before the end of this year.


We have no weightlessness condition on board of these crafts, so flights is planed from northern Italy and on direct applications of systems and no training will be needed to take these excursions as flights will be as of the present jetliners internal condition, with the difference that gravity will be created naturally by the reactors of the crafts.


We have sent an invitation to NASA and Boeing though our contacts last week for them to come or sent scientists to the institute and hopefully to collaborate in developing the first spaceship.

(Keshe am 10.03.2014 (Archiv-Version vom 13.03.2014))


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

10.03.2014 um 12:58

Naja, damit hat er sich hoffentlich sein Grab geschaufelt :D

OMG, der Mann gehört wirklich in eine geschlossene Anstalt...


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

12.03.2014 um 04:30
www.keshefoundation.org ist suspended.

Bin neugierig, wie's weitergeht.

1x zitiertmelden

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

12.03.2014 um 06:54

Zitat von ShortVisitShortVisit schrieb:Bin neugierig, wie's weitergeht.
Zumindest hier in Germanien wurde ein ähnliches Projekt "abgeschaltet":
aus http://www.schwaebische.de/region/biberach-ulm/laichingen/rund-um-laichingen_artikel,-Germaniten-Aussenminister-muss-in-Knast-_arid,5600337.html
Im Jahr 2010 pries die GFE „Blockheizkraftwerke in Containerbauweise“ an. Die Maschinen sollten mit viel Wasser und wenig Pflanzenöl hochwirksam Strom erzeugen. Die angeblichen Wundermotoren sollten 20 Jahre lang 30-prozentige Jahresrenditen erwirtschaften. Tatsächlich aufgestellt wurden aber nur ein paar Container. Sie produzierten zwar Strom, aber nicht 24 Stunden und sieben Tage die Woche, wie im Prospekt versprochen.
Wahrscheinlich dürfen die Angeklagten demnächst den Knast Salat mit Öl anreichern :D So kann's gehen.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 14:06
neues Video von Spaceship Institute First Knowledge Seekers Workshop

Youtube: 1st Knowledge Seekers Workshop March 6 2014
1st Knowledge Seekers Workshop March 6 2014
Externer Inhalt
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livestream: http://www.livestream.com/kesheworkshop (Archiv-Version vom 04.02.2014)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 15:52

Gütiger Himmel, wer hält schon fast drei Stunden Idiotie aus?

Und für den Quatsch zahlen Gehirnamputierte 20000 Euro pro Jahr.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 15:58
so jetzt gibs auch die Pläne für die Kesheuntertasse - fünfstöckig! LOL...



Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 16:06
Dann warten wir alle noch auf den Keshe Todesstern

Darth Keshe

1x zitiertmelden

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 16:40

Bitte nächstes Mal Kaffee und Bier - Warnung nicht vergessen !einselfII


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 16:48

Wird wohl nicht lange ungelöscht bleiben, daher:
(Bier und Kaffee - Warnung !)

( https://www.facebook.com/AmericansForKesheFoundation?ref=ts&fref=ts )
Keshe has published a "conceptuaö drawing" of hs planned spaceship.

First of all he shows again that he does not know the difference between radius and diameter. In his announcement he speaks about a RADIUS of about fourty meters, the drawung shows a DIAMETER of about forty meters. That he does not know the difference he has shown in the forum of his server 1 1/2 years ago.

Next: alone the material for the whole thing will weight several hundres tons of expensive hitech material and we are curious where he will get the money to pay not only the material, but the much more expensive manufactoring of the necessary hi precision parts, which will be in an orde of several million pieces. Zhis is not a projecht one can print out on a 3D printer, you know. The cost will be in an order of hundreds of million Euros.

Add the cost of a mounting Hall, the cost of the hundreds of workers necessary, the official permissions and so on - not even Sir Branson could possibly pay that easily

Next: Keshe seemingly has no idea what a construction drawing really is. That thing is just a sketchy drawing which many interested 13 year old geeks produce in just a couple of hours. Real construction drawings (blueprints) for such a project will be hundreds, if not thousands of pages. And he will have the whole thing ready by the end of this year?

C'mon, to believe that one must really have the IQ of a fried turkey.

We are already makeing bets which excuse he will bring out end of 2014

But don't worry, we will publish that concept. Most people need a good lough
Gefällt mir · · vor 9 Minuten
Malcolm Dontaskmore

Malcolm Dontaskmore Gerd, your keyboard is defective

Nice drawing, but there is one important part missing:

Where is the giant lever necessary to lift that whole thing up? (I assume he uses the same lifting technique as in his weight reduction video)

Any idea?
Gefällt mir · Antworten ·


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 16:51
Zitat von SCHMANDYSCHMANDY schrieb:Dann warten wir alle noch auf den Keshe Todesstern
Der kommt bestimmt, wenn seine nächsten Termine fällig werden :D


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 18:03
(Und jetzt noch eins drauf:

Hey - He has never claimed to be an engineer? are you kidding?

Look at cis CV. Btw, we have contacted QMUL and they told us, that really a certain Mehran Tavakoli Keshe has graduated as BSc in nuclear engineering in 1980.

Well, BSc is just the lowest academic grade, it is just a three years "crash course". However, a man who finished such a course MUST have at least some basic knowledge about physics, measuring teechniques, math and severeal more disciplines. He need not know anything about health care, but the he must keep his bloody mouth shut in that discipline.

But there is more to it.

"He would speak in his native language" and you take that as an excuse? Keshe is living in Europe since 1980 or earlier and was not able to learn a halfways correct English? Is that one of his silly excuses? There are graduated translators, you know. And if he cannot afford a professional translator for a few Euros per hour he'd better not plan a spaceship fro several hundred million Euros.

Asking for help is a humble approach? Are you kidding in this case? Since eight years he claims to be in posessio of his advanced "technologie, and now, as the hat is completely on fire he dare to ask fot help? A man who accused the Belgian government to have blocked him from taking a 10000 workers plant over dares to ask for help?

What help does he need? He shall deliver the reactors he promised and for which he has already accepted cash advance, he shall produce the precious metals which he can allegedly since years and so on.

Or he can admit that he failed and stop all his activities. We are sure, that the community in this cas will forgive and wait indefinite time. Most of the reactor buyers will most likely even renounce of the payback of the reservation fees.

If he does none of the both he will crash miserably. Because we will take care of that.
Mal sehen, wie die Reaktion ist :D


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 18:12

das Poste ich nur so wer interessiert. wenn ich hätte perfekt Englische Sprache verstehen, würde ich das Video komplett hören, was er sagt.
wo ist die Kommentar bei Facebook gepostet?

1x zitiertmelden

Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 19:07

Erspar es Dir, es ist bloss der übliche Nonsense und ausserdem ur-langweilig


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 19:59

was ist den Ur-langweilig?


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

13.03.2014 um 20:39
@ShortVisit: Ich denke, "13 year old" ist noch deutlich zu hoch gegriffen. Das hätten auch eine Menge Unter-10-Jährige hinbekommen. Der Entwurf entspricht ziemlich genau dem, wie sich Klein-Fritzchen eine (grössere) fliegende Untertasse vorstellt. Bei Perry Rhodan ist man da erheblich weiter: Großkampfschiff der Blues. ;)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

14.03.2014 um 00:34
Zitat von RevoluttionRevoluttion schrieb:wo ist die Kommentar bei Facebook gepostet?

Gleich der erste Thread. Thread Starter Gerd Hamer.
Einige Beiträge sind lang und einige Antworten nicht gleich sichtbar, Du musst "weitere Kommentare anzeigen" und "weitere Antworten" anklicken um alles zu sehen


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

14.03.2014 um 09:12
ok danke habe ich gefunden, war Malcolm Dontaskmore kommentiert.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

14.03.2014 um 11:01
Hier ist die E-Mail-Verkehr von Mehran Tavakoli.


wenn dir das nicht interessiert bitte einfach ignorieren.
