Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
19.12.2013 um 19:28Hab ihn mir bestellt.
... or we say, ok, we have achieved what we wanted to achieve, now you have to pay the balance deposit for it for such a date to be there.Ein 1:9-Verhältnis (4500 EUR : 500 EUR) zwischen denen, die auf diese Forderung eingehen, und denen, die ihre Anzahlung zurückfordern, reicht aus, damit er wieder eine Weile weitermachen kann.
( im Audio @49:11)
The agency to promote adoption of scientists would like to hear your ideas.Ob er tatsächlich eine "Agency" damit beauftragt hat, ist sehr fraglich. Bisher gibt es keinerlei Indizien dafür.
Read it and raise your hands in joy!;)
(Americans for Keshe Foundation (wahrscheinlich Mark House) am 20.12.2013)
Ludmil Katzarov hat eine gofundme-Kampagne für seine Teilnahme am "Spaceship Institute" eingerichtet. Bisher hat er 20 US$ (von Rick "MrfixitRick" Crammond) eingesammelt.Hab ich schon gesehen. Dass Crammond gespendet hat könnte heissen, dass er sich nicht als "world leading scientist etablieren will.
hab ich schon geantwortet :Duatu schrieb:Read it and raise your hands in joy!
Auf dasDa ist auch schon eine Antwort zurückgekommen:Read it and raise your hands in joy!hab ich schon geantwortet :D
We are only weeks away from the distribution of the reactor's to those who paid for them.Der arme Mark. Auch diesmal wird er wieder enttäuscht werden. ;)
(Americans for Keshe Foundation (wahrscheinlich Mark House) am 20.12.2013)
Keep in mind Mehran Keshe has done numerous interviews, 7 teaching workshops, opened up a Space Ship Institute for learning, created non nuclear reactors that produce lift, propulsion, water, food, heat, electricity, and new materials never seen, as well as easy production of graphene, and solidified methane, and CO2...etc., these are no small accomplishments. To want his life is to envy a man who's talents and energetic confidence are astounding, but to ridicule, or find fault, to disparage or call such a man out for being human with the failings we all experience is in my opinion blind arrogance and ego driven, perhaps even jealousy to do so.
(Americans for Keshe Foundation (wahrscheinlich Mark House) am 20.12.2013)
I sent him the following questions:
Do you have any photos you can provide of the system?
Do you have a sales page where new customers can purchase these?
Do you have test results that we can view?
Do you have product spec sheets?
What about UL / CE certification?
He replied:
Dear sterling allan
We will release everything through our website in the early new year as keshe foundation Italy.
Yours faithfully
M T Keshe
(Free Energy Blog am 20.12.2013 (Archiv-Version vom 22.12.2013))
@47:42: ... we are still modifying, we are still working on it ...@50:18: ... we are still researching, we are still developing ...@54:50: ... we are trying ... we are trying to achieve what we said ...(Keshe am ca. 12.12.2013 (Archiv-Version vom 19.12.2013))
The full production phase will follow in the first weeks of 2014.
[The Keshe Foundation Italian team] have become the developers and the producers, and they will carry out the commercialization of power generators in Italy for the Italian nation.
We will release [detailed product information about the generators] through our website in the early new year as keshe foundation Italy.